Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Double Day

Hi guys-I'm back.  I got home late last night and dropped my bags, and there they sit. My plans today include lounging, downloading my photos, doing a bit of on-line catch up and emptying my bags out. Well, I want to do at least the first 3, but we'll see about the last. I suppose a load of laundry isn't asking that much of me. :)
Anyhow I had a fantastic trip. Iceland is one amazing country.  And very beautiful too. I have lots of stories to tell you about Vikings, volcanoes, glaciers, black sand beaches, sheep, Icelandic horses, waterfalls, puffins (OK, no puffin stories except I really wanted to see one and didn't-and they are suppose to be the most common bird in Iceland), good food, not a lot of darkness, one way bridges, lots of tourists, Icelandic sweaters, geysers, good friends, getting lost, peanut M&M's, pickled herring, chocolate cake and geology. And during my week I had lots of laughs. And I missed some horrible heat at home- which was a good thing too. We had temperatures just nice and comfy cool for sightseeing in Iceland. In fact, we were very lucky and had wonderful weather.
I'll have lots to show and some stories in the next few days, once I am a bit more organized. But first of all, it is Tuesday. And Tuesday means its T Day. Stop by    Bluebeard and Elizabeth's blog         and check out all the T Day fun.
This is about my lunch the weekend before I left for Iceland. I was naughty again. We were out in the boat with the dogs, and we needed lunch. Its not possible to go to a restaurant with 2 dogs in tow, but take out works perfect. So we decided to dock and walk over to Pop's  Clam Shack for some fattening but yummy fried food. If you're part of the T gang you might remember last time I went to Pop's and ordered a clam roll. I had another clam roll, which is basically a sandwich where fried clams get put into a  roll. Once again, can you see the roll?
I've been checking out the prices of clam rolls while out and about and I have decided that although this roll was $17.95, most places are charging well over $20-I've even see $24 for a clam roil. That is highway robbery. Plus Pop's breads and fries fresh clams, nothing frozen, so it is really is a good deal for the money. (And yummy to eat!) Makes me a little less reluctant to enjoy one. Although I usually only get to Pop's once or maybe twice a summer, I have now been there 3 times, so maybe I shouldn't get too excited about clam rolls for awhile.
And it is also August second, which means it is time for Second on the Second. Today I have a scrap paper book that I made back in August of 2012.
For more Second on the Second fun, stop by Second on the Second, also on the Altered Book Lover's blog.
There's a name for these book, which I can't remember in my jet lag laziness, but they were big a few years back. You use a board book, and cover it with paper scraps. Mine is an ode to summer here in the Northeast of New Hampshire.

I included some stamped images, die cuts and ephemera in my version.
Even a little bit of cloth and ribbon too.

Ink and a little paint was a part of it too. I've got to remember that idea for pull up clouds. My Iceland journal could certainly use that.

So that's the excitement at my end. I think I might do another one of these books. I've got scraps that need using up and I really like this. I think more so looking back.
Happy T Day and enjoy this new month-Wow-August already! (Now that's a little scary how fast the year is flying by.) I am going to go unload the photos off my camera onto my computer because I am excited to see how many masterpieces (ha-ha) I ended up with.
Hope all of you have been well and looking forward to catching up.


  1. Wow! I forgot you were going to Iceland! I cannot wait to hear all your stories and see your photos! That journal book is amazing!! I hope you do do another one! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  2. Welcome Home dear Erika!
    Why vacation time seems to go so fast but oh it sounds like you made the most of it.
    Can't wait for photos!
    Cooler weather sounds really appealing to me.
    Who knew a clam roll would cost that much.
    I am sure Mr Magpie would pay any price though ;-) we would have to split one me thinks. Oh and who needs bread!
    Happy T Day and Happy August (already for real!) oxo
    P.S. is it a "glue book"? whatever it's called it looks super!

  3. Your scrap books/journals are always wonderful. Glad you enjoyed your vacation and are now safely back home, have a rest and have fun! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Welcome back. From what I did see of the trip it looked pretty darn amazing. Can't wait to hear more details! We all gotta have a clam roll bigger than our heads once in a while, although, not so much fried food for me, but we did have lobstah for son's girls birthday and I had my first sweet in a month - some birthday cake. xox

  5. Welcome Home - glad to hear you had a great time and look forward to seeing more about your trip.
    Can't think of name for that book either - but whatever it is I love what you have created!
    Gill x

  6. I've never had a clam roll, and I'm not sure they're even available around here. Yours always looks tempting, though. I'll definitely try one if I ever see one on a menu. Happy T Tuesday!

  7. How wonderful that you had such a great trip to Iceland Erika!! Am looking forward to hearing and seeing more. Can't say that I blame you for having another of those special clam rolls-as you said, you only have one a few times in summer :) Love your sweet book-it kinda reminds me of a glue book. Mary Green had an online class for making vintage glue books and I'm only sorry i never took it-I sure do have more than enough vintage imagery and papers to glue down!
    Welcome back now it's time to catch up and reminisce too. Happy T day!

  8. Great to know yo back safe and I am really looking forward to what you will show us from Iceland!
    Happy T-Day and Happy Second On The Second ... fantastic pages are this!

    Yes This year is a special fast one -- it is flying by like a rocket!

  9. Hello Erika, good to "see" you back home!
    You've given us another varied and interesting blogpost - a very quick Iceland tour, a clam roll and a fabulous artist book with all these fascinating colourful pages. I want to make one of these now!

  10. I LOVE your journal for the second look.
    Your lunch sounds fantastic, I love sea food of most any kind.

    Happy t-day and welcome home.

  11. A super post to read and wonderful art, it sounds like you had a great holiday, look forward to seeing your photos.
    Happy Tuesday.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Welcome back Erika! I'm glad you had such a good time in Iceland. I want to hear (and see) all about it! I'm also glad you had good weather. Did you buy an Iceland sweater? I bought one on a stopover at Reykjavik airport (never got to see Iceland) ten years ago and I still have it and wear it.
    I enjoyed looking at your art journal from four years ago. I like the quote: We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust our sails.
    Take it easy unpacking and doing the laundry... just relax,
    Happy Tuesday,

  13. Your clam roll certainly is a good size! I love your book - a great idea for using scraps! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. welcome back! Looks like a gorgeous summer time - the journaling is superb!

  15. Looking forward to hearing and seeing all about your Iceland trip! Sounds exciting!!
    Happy T day!

  16. There's lots of interest in this blogpost - Iceland tales, a clam roll adventure and a fascinating colourful and image-full journal which makes me want to go off and play with scraps. Hope you had a great time but are happy to be back home too.

  17. I sincerely apologize for not visiting sooner. My internet/phone problem took the wrong time to go offline again. Even the serviceman is confused. Before he could leave, thinking all was well, it went out again. Right now I'm at Sally's and I'm trying to be quick.

    Until I started visiting your blog, I had never heard of clam roll. That's the problem with living in a landlocked state. To get to us, they would definitely be frozen. So yours look good.

    At first I thought your book was a smash book, but it's too awesome for that. I love everything about it, and was impressed with each page. It's a great way to use extra leftovers, isn't it?

    You have no idea how thrilled I was to read you are back. Laughed at the herring between the candy and cake.

    Thanks so much for sharing your coke and clam roll for T Day and that adorable book you made for Second on the 2nd before I knew your blog existed. Again, sorry I'm late visiting.

  18. So glad you are back, it sounds like you had a wonderful vacation and have lots to share with us, can't wait! I've actually had a clam roll, (well maybe not as big as yours ... lol) when I visited Maine - it was yummy! Your book is amazing, so much to see! Wishing you a very happy week! J :-)


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