Sunday, August 28, 2016

A New Week

 Another week is here, and even more so, September will be here before the week is out. Hard to believe, isn't it? Back to 4 days of school this week. Today is only freshman and tomorrow everyone is back. A new school year begins-wow!
So before I go further I want to thank everyone for your well wishes with my husband's kidney transplant. I had a good visit this past Friday at the hospital in Boston. It was a long day-6 hours of doctor's visits and then some testing, but as long as all my tests come back good (which they should), I am ready to move forward as my husband's donor. And we have a tentative date! Hurrah. Right now we're looking at early November for surgery- keep your fingers crossed all continues to go well.
So I have a few more photos from my summer journal. A couple of new pages for you.
 And here's the view when I take out the brochure from the sangria festival.

So  this past Saturday we were out boating when we noticed all this thick smoke. We knew something was burning, and as we got closer we knew it was someone's house.

We had motored south out of New Hampshire and were off the coast of Plum Island in Massachusetts.
Plum Island is 8 miles long. On the upper end is lots of homes and some wonderful beaches. On the other end, although the beaches are as wonderful, is a wildlife sanctuary. It is often closed to the public because of nesting birds.
The house and 2 cars were a total loss. Luckily no one was injured. One of the owners was over on the beach when he realized the fire was his house.  I can't image what that was like. I've never seen a house burn before, and it was scary but kind of mesmerizing too. Not in a weird way, but I guess I am no different than all those people watching on the beach. We were only passing by, so I didn't gawk for too long.
We were off for a fun time at the beach but this poor family was probably in shock.

That's all for me today. Hope the start of everyone's week is great. And that nothing as terrible as this happens to you.


  1. It must have been awful for that man to see his house burning, how terrible. Your summer journal pages are lovely, you really packed a lot into your summer. Glad that all went well at the clinic, and good luck for the OP when the time comes, you are very brave to donate a kidney. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Gosh to stand and see your home burning must have been awful for that poor man. The journal pages are full of interest, you have been having a busy summer. It was good to read that you are making progress as your husbands donor. I hope it all goes along smoothly for you both.
    Yvonne xx

  3. Very best of luck with the surgeries!! I really do hope all goes well.
    That had to be so unreal for him to be on the beach and see his house go up in flames! So sad.
    Hope this is a wonderful week. :)

  4. Gosh no words for everything surrounding that fire.
    As you said at least no lives were lost but....
    Your journals must be such fun to look back on with pages jam packed with life's doings.
    Hoping for all good news for your and your husband!

  5. You like red, don't you? It sure is an eye opener, because it makes your pages stand out. That latest entry is wonderful with all that alcohol. You might need to call that the alcoholic beverage book (grin). Seriously, it is a wonderful and very colorful new journal.

    Goodness, some of those homes look like they cost a gazillion dollars, so that must have been some huge loss. So good there were no injuries or deaths. THINGS can be replaced, but life cannot.

  6. Well, first of all, I must be reading this out of order because this is the first I've heard of the transplant and I send very good wishes your way for test results that will allow all to go forward as planned.

    And Plum Island -- how very sad. I have been there before and found it a wonderful spot. I'm sad for the people whose home burned -- and for the island.

  7. Firstly - great outcome from the hospital visit Erika and so pleased everything still progressing well :)

    Thank goodness no lives lost in that fire, poor people, I can't imagine the shock and feeling of seeing that happen.

    More great pages for your summer journal, the Sangria festival
    looked intriguing but maybe not if the temps where that high.
    I think I might like ice-cream tasting instead :)
    Is your Iceland one completely finished now?

    Thanks again Erika for all your visits and lovely comments on my pages.
    Gill xx

  8. The pages are just super and I love to hear that everything went well at the doctors appointment for you!
    Finger crossed that it will happen in November !!
    Oh my gosh - must be so so sad to see your house burn! Good that nobody was injured!
    Impressive photos even though it was such an sad thing!

    oxo Susi


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