Friday, August 26, 2016

What Vacation?

So its been one day back at work and summer vacation feels like it was a long time ago. Although it was a good day, I fell right back into the work routine. Its like I picked up up right where I left off in June. 
And I came home a flopped on my hammock, read a little bit and took a nap. Then I moved to the couch and watched some of the Roosevelts- a long film series by Ken Burns. Not a very exciting night for me. :) But well needed after my busy day.
I thought I would show you this journal page as this was me after work yesterday- enjoying the late afternoon on a warm late summer day. Its not a very complicated piece, some magazine cut outs, a little paint, some stamps and some tape.
So its been one day back at work and I am taking a day off today. Not for fun though. I am off to Boston and Mass General Hospital for my visit to the kidney transplant doctors. Keep your fingers crossed that I can set a date for this surgery. I need to get past all this and move forward.
So since my page is full of some summery nature images-flowers and bugs and green grass, I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. Thanks to this month's hostess Gill for a great theme. 
Happy Friday everyone.  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
And thanks for stopping by my blog too. 


  1. How did it get to the end of August already!
    I am sure you really feel it having been back at work Erika.
    Love this piece you created.
    The massive size of the plants with "you" in your hammock are great.
    So colorful and expressive.
    Sending good thoughts for all to go well at your appointment!
    Happy beginning of the weekend oxo

  2. Thanks for another wonderful page for AJJ! Time flies more quickly than I can think or move these days! Good luck for your appointment, I hope all goes well. Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Gosh it seems like it;'s been forever since you learned you were a match for your hubby's kidney. I hope it goes well, because it will add some closure to his health issues and your waiting and waiting.

    This is a wonderful AJJ entry. I really liked how small you were and how large the rest of the world was around you. Seems it was a cocoon effect, embracing you in its warmth and safety. LOVE the ladybug!

  4. Its a lovely restful journal page. Reading on the hammock sounds good to me.
    Hope your hospital visit went well.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Am hoping all went well for you today and you be able to get scheduled. Buddy's sister has kidney disease, but she is not eligible for a transplant. I love the picture of you in your hat resting in the hammock and reading. What a nice way to spend your first afternoon. Take care of yourself. genie

  6. You page made me smile - since I did exactly what this little girl on your page does -- I enjoyed the last hot day under the apple trees reading an interesting book . It was great and a grat pleasure for me!
    For tomorrow they forcast colderwaether and rain - hopefully there come no storms or something bad!
    I hope the medical appointment went well dear Erika!

    Have a good start of the new week my friend!
    oxo Susi

  7. And forget to mention: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR AMOTHER WONDERFUL page for Art Journal Journey!
    oxo Susi

  8. Firstly, I hope all went well at the hospital Erika.
    With all that you have going on I really appreciate all the lovely
    pages you have made for AJJ.
    I love your happy page today too - if I had a hammock I think I would lay in it all day watching the birds and flowers.
    Hope you've had a lovely weekend and that next week is nice and runs smoothly... Gill x

  9. OK, now I'm catching up. And the good wishes continue.

    And this page just makes me smile -- big time!


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