Monday, September 19, 2016

A Little More from Iceland

I've been working on making a photo book of my summer travels to Iceland. I am finally going through some of the 2500 hundred photos I took, eliminating many of them as I go. But I thought I have some photos you might enjoy.
First of all, how about some glacier photos.
 I was really amazed how close we could get next to the glacier.
And how broken up and crumpled the glacial ice was. And dirty from pulling the volcanic soil with it as  it moved.
 You didn't want to get on this to walk. There seemed to be crevasses everywhere.
And there was a small little pond at the base where the glacier had calved a few little pieces.
 And this was a different glacier's terminus. 
This was one of the coolest things we saw. We had to drive off road to get to these points, but it was well worth it. None of this was visible from the main Ring Road.
And there was so many waterfalls. Amazing BIG waterfalls. With lots of water.
 This bottom photo is a different waterfall from the top photo.  This bottom one was cool because you could walk up behind it. 
We did this and it was after 11 PM/ 23 hours.

 The sun finally went into set mode, even though we were now even closer to the new day. I think that made the  scene even more spectacular.

.And as many sheep everywhere too.

And fields of flowers.
 Lots of lighthouses.
 And green views.
Along with lava fields.
It was surely a beautiful and amazing island. I still have lots more photos, which I will get to another day.
So this Monday it is raining and raining here. Big smile. Yesterday's rain kind of fizzled out, but that worked so we could unload the boat. We have to get that put away before my hubby's surgery next week. I also got a little cleaning done in my closet-nothing major but got a big bag of clothes ready for the charity bins. Anyhow, the rain woke me up at 3:30 this morning and I laid in bed listening to it come down. It was a magical sound that I haven't heard for so long.
Time to think about getting ready for work.
 Hope you enjoyed your views. 


  1. Wonderful photos, love them all, especially the sunset and the sheep. It is all totally spectacular, would love to visit there. Thanks for sharing the great photos, have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  2. these photos are outstanding .never saw such glacier pics as well captured as your's ,beautiful river and breathtaking waterfall ,loved the sheep alone by the road too

  3. Magical photos today, Erika. Beauty seems to abound where you were. Even the lava fields held a special beauty. I can't wait to see more, because these are truly something I would never see in the flat lands of Kansas.

  4. I was thinking of your glaciers as we stood atop Cadillac Mountain, knowing it was scarified from the glaciers here. Quite remarkable sights. What a trip. Big week next, I am praying it all goes smooth as silk. Thinking of you. xox

  5. I've been sat here drooling over your photos! What beautiful things! Nature is wonderful. I love the glaciers. Fascinating things. One of the modules at Uni was about glaciers. I'm sure they will have discovered manyh more things about glaciers since I went to uni.
    The photo of the sunset behind the waterfall is spectacular.I could get all emotional in a situation like that.
    Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos,

  6. OK, I thought I posted a comment and maybe I did but ...

    Anyway, love seeing Iceland anytime and hope you keep showing more. The terrain is fascinating (and I adore the sheep! I'm hoping you bought wool if you knit!)


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