Monday, September 19, 2016

T is for a Saturday Evening Camp Fire

 Last Saturday night it was a nice evening for so late in the summer. So around six o'clock the hubby started a little fire in the fire pit. I made us each a margarita in our Yeti tumbles- so they would stay cold.  I bought my Yeti tumbler back in July and the hubby, impressed how cold mine kept my drinks, went and bought one too. So now we could both keep our margaritas  nice and icy even though they were next to the fire.
And we broke out the popcorn popper and popped up a little pre-dinner appetizer. 
 Its lots of fun to pop some corn over an open fire.

 And we enjoyed the fire and the evening until it started to cool off  and our stomachs were rumbling for dinner.
Then we went in and had some chicken noodle soup for dinner followed by a movie on TV.  It was the perfect Saturday night for me.:)
Since it is Tuesday, it is time for T for Tuesday . Stop by Elizabeth's  blog  to check out what the T Gang has eaten and drank. Or better yet, you could join in too.
I also have another page for Art Journal Journey today. This month's theme is Back to School, also hosted by Elizabeth
I don't know if its universal or not, but here when a student wants to contribute to class or ask a question (like to use the bathroom), it is expected they raise their hands. That was the inspiration for my page today.
That's all for me today.  Happy T day everyone.


  1. Oh dear Erika, your night sounds perfect to me too!!! Love your 'pick me' page. Funny, I was a smart and good student but oh so incredibly shy that I would get stomach aches if I got chosen to answer in class.Lots has changed over many years:):) Happy T day, and here's to more relaxing and outdoor Saturdays!

  2. Here they raise their hands too Erika. Love your fire pit and your popcorn looks so delicious.Margaritas reminds me of Practical Magic.Love that film. Thanks for sharing your art and your life with us.Happy T Day Erika !

  3. Love your laid back evening outside by the fire, sounds great. And the hands up journal page is fantastic, what a great idea for our theme. Thanks for yet another lovely page for AJJ. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Looks like you had a great BBQ. I've never done pop corn on the coals. I suppose you need a closed pan or they would jump everywhere!
    I've never heard of a Yeti beaker. Looks impressive. What I do know is a car called Yeti. It is made by Skoda and is their 4x4 car. Not too big. Ideal for us and we are looking into getting one early next year when we are expecting an insurance pay-out. (My husband will be 70 in December).
    I love your page 'Me, me, me!' I can just imagine those little hands going up.
    Happy T-Day,

  5. Since you first talked about that Yeti tumbler, I've read great reviews about it. No wonder your husband got one, too. That way you didn't have to share. Margaritas and fire pit popcorn sound like a great way to unwind, especially after a hard day of work getting your boat home.

    I think raising the hand is universal, and if it isn't, it should be! That's an amazing AJJ entry. I really like the background!

    Thanks for sharing your margaritas, popcorn, and great AJJ art with us for T this Tuesday. Hope your week is going smoothly, too.

  6. What a romantic place to make popcorn! Super!
    And a BIG SMILE from me for this page -- I can remember how we raised our arms when we wanted to be picked for answering questions--some of us performed genius contortions to get higher than all others to be picked...hihi!!! But the handsigns got much lower and more restrained as we got older.
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  7. Your fire pit looks spectacular at night and so warm and cosy, what a brilliant way to spend the evening! I love Mageritas and freshly made popcorn - scrummy yummmy :-). Your journal page is fabulous, love it! Wishing you a Happy T day! J :-)

  8. It looks a wonderful evening Beside your fire pit, A great journal page as well, I do remember so well the hands held high waving a little to get attention.
    Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  9. That does sound like a wonderful evening .... i've always wanted a firepit for cool Fall evenings... Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  10. Brilliant page that brings back lots of school memories for certain Erika!
    Your "real" popcorn over the fire must have really hit the spot with those perfectly chilled margaritas to wash it down it!
    Dinner and a movie sounds just right.
    Happy T Day oxo

  11. That sounded like a perfect Saturday evening to me!! Nothing like sitting around an open fire......and a cold margarita....MMMMM!

    We have two Yeti ice chests, but I haven't seen ( or noticed) any drink tumblers......I MUST check that out.

    I adore your AJJ page........made me laugh..........perfect!!
    Thanks for the visit and the comment.....Happy T-day

  12. Your Saturday would suit me perfectly! What a great fire pit you have :) Happy T Tuesday

  13. I love your journal page! So clever! Your Saturday evening sounds perfect! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. What an enjoyable evening!!! The evenings are getting cooler here which is good for me getting the garden cleaned up for winter... the sunlight just doesn't last long enough :( Love the art!!!!

  15. That does sound like the perfect Saturday night. I've never heard of Yeti tumblers, they sound useful. The fire pit looks good too.
    I like your AJJ page very much, the bright pink letters and the very enthusiastic hands up, me me me! We used to do that at school but I don't know about now.

  16. finally my guests are back home again and i find the time for a belated t-day blog hop...

    i never made Popcorn myself, but this Looks deli! and of course as a teacher i know the raising Hands (and the annoying shouting pupils, who never give a Chance to others to contribute...). great idea for an artjournaling page!

  17. What a wonderful evening! That fire looks so very inviting and the popcorn -- well, you can't beat it. Cherishing these outdoor times while we can!

  18. Sorry I'm so late in visiting.
    Love your firepit and the AJJ entry...perfect!


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