Friday, September 16, 2016

Big Yawn For Me

Happy Friday everyone. I am ready to go back to bed today since I feel like I had no downtime yesterday. But the good news is that my parent open house seemed to go pretty well last night at school, and even better, my husband's appointment with the heart surgeon went really well. He has his surgery on September 27th, which is less than 2 weeks away. :) Although the idea of heart surgery makes us both nervous, it is also a relief to get it done and move forward from this set back. We want to get my husband back in good health so he can have a long healthy life! :)
So I have another journal page today for Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is Back to School, hosted by Elizabeth of Altered Book lover.
So as an academic classroom teacher I always have lots of papers to grade, and I spent a lot of time yesterday (besides open house and the doctor's appointment with the hubby) catching  up on some grading. Not my favorite part of the job, but it comes with the territory. 
I made my page on a Gelli print background. The sketched and cut out the paper stack, did a bit of writing and stamping. I added the gold stars because when I was a kid, we used to earn gold stars on papers that were good. I finished off my page with a little bit of paper tape and a little A+ sticker.
So no big plans for me this weekend. We have to bring home the hubby's boat since it needs to be out of the marina within a month and  with his surgery and recoup time he won't be able to to do it when it needs to be out. This low key weekend is ok with me. That means I should have lots of art time which right now is something I mentally really need. 
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.


  1. Wonderful journal page, and so glad that your husband will not have to wait too long for his OP, I wish you both all the best and good luck for the OP. Have a quiet weekend, and look after yourself, too. Thanks for joining us again at AJJ with your lovely page, happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. When I was a teaching assistant back in the early 90s, all tests were conducted on the computer, and scores recorded and added. I had to grade a book report and a synopsis for the book report, but that was it. I think everything at the college level where I went to school has gone computer generated. In fact, by the mid 2000's students could take their tests over the internet by logging into their student accounts. No gold stars for these students, but glad you gave them to yours.

    Glad to read the news about the operation is positive, and the low key weekend is in order. Sounds like you really need it, too!

  3. A fabulous page dear Erika - I am happy to hear that all went well at school and that your husband's surgery is soon - enjoy the weekend with not so much on the agenda..those are the best weekends for me
    We go back to normal here as well- my daughter returns from a school sports week in Salzburg in the evening and next week all back to the normal craziness!
    Happy weekend Erika and thank you for so many fab pages to the BACK TO SCHOOL theme!
    oxo Susi

  4. Glad conferences went OK and that you are having a low-key weekend. It's always a little bittersweet getting the summer things wrapped up like the boat but smart move, given all on your plate. Recharge this weekend. It'll serve you well!

  5. Its a wonderful page Erika and I am so pleased your day at school went well.
    Good news that you husband will not have to wait long for his heart surgery.
    Have a good weekend and enjoy some quiet times.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I love your journal page. I don't even know what a Geli is. That is how far behind I am. I am just learning how to create digital pages. I can use Gesso and Tim Holtz's stuff, but my watercolors are my mainstay. I think of you so often because you are the only teacher I follow. When you mentioned papers I shuddered. As an English teacher who was the Queen of Grammar and Diagraming in its day, all I did was grade papers. Then some would try to was them up and throw them in the trash can. If I caught them there was **** to pay. They would have to do the assignment over. And those night meetings...ugh. You are so tired after the long school day. We's just hang out at school, do to dinner at a pizza place and then appear for the meetings. And then those supposed workdays that turn into day for meetings with parents. UGH. 54 years was enough. I loved my job to death but I am glad it is over. Hope buggy does just fine...know he will...and then there is the transplant so close afterwards. You really have a full plate. Take care...don't work too hard. genie

  7. Good news about your husband, Erika, best wishes for the very best outcome.
    I remember gold stars, but our school did not do them, I think we got VG (Very Good) or Excellent instead. Excellents were few and far between as teachers didn't encourage students too much in the "olden" days.
    Your journal page is fun and I love that background, one of the best I have seen made with a Gelli plate.


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