Thursday, September 15, 2016

Vermont Revisited

Hello everyone. Glad you stopped by my blog today.
I have a couple of pages from my summer journal for you. I started this journal just before the start of summer,in late spring, back at the end of April. It worked out just perfect that I made it to last page (of this journal) over Labor Day weekend, which is the end of the summer season here in the US. It couldn't have worked out any better if I had planned it. because if I had planned it, I would have wrapped up this particular journal over Labor Day weekend.
Now I have moved on to a new journal, which is always exciting.

One thing I did over the long Labor Day weekend (a few weeks back) was to visit Vermont with my daughter for the day. We went to Woodstock which is a town just around 2 hours away from our home. Here's my page I made about my day. I even decorated the extra little wooden ice cream spoon I snagged. I fixed up as a face and used a bit of sheep wool that I had in my stash to make the hair. 
Neither my daughter nor myself have dark hair-so it isn't exactly a self portrait. :)
And here's a few other photos from our day out. (If you are interested, you can see the other blog post from my day trip here: Cows, Houses and the Ocean.)

This is the main reason we went, to visit this beautiful old summer house. It was worth the trip!

I have a killer day ahead. Dreaded day ahead.  Its parent open house tonight, so I have a very long day.  I won't be home until almost 9 PM, and then I have to get up and leave by 6:20 AM to have another teaching day all over again tomorrow.  Thankfully tomorrow is Friday. Its always a little nerve wracking to be on in the evening, after teaching all day, in front of the parents. These aren't conferences, but we have 15 minutes per class to get up and chat about our class expectations and philosophy. Plus we can answer parent questions. Its not so much about being up in front of parents, but by the time it starts at 6:30 I am tired.
My husband also needs to have some heart bypass surgery. This is new news for us, and kind of comes with mixed feelings. I am glad we can get this taken care of before he has some kind of major heart attack, but on the other hand it puts off his kidney transplant and means he needs another major surgery. Poor guy. However we do meet with the cardiac surgeon this afternoon, in between school and open house for me so hopefully we will have a date and can move forward with this.
I hope your day is or will be more fun than mine will be, but as I said, it is Thursday. Which means the weekend, and a couple of down days, is almost here!


  1. Oh wow -- what a fantastic place - such beautiful photos and I love your pages !
    Hope you will manage this "killer" da! Fingers crossed for you!
    oxo Susi

  2. What a lovely trip! It's nice to have places like that close enough for a day trip :)

    I trust the surgery will go well and get him back on track for the next step. I hope your visit with the dr is reassuring.

  3. I enjoyed the spoon lady with the sheep wool. It was really cute and clever.

    I feel so bad for you Erika. How sad that your husband will face not one, but two major surgeries. And it's the worst day for all this, too. We never had anything like that when I was in school, but I'm sure it gives parents confidence in you and gives you a chance to meet and evaluate the children's parents. Good luck with your entire day, dear.

  4. Yikes, Erika. It looks like you have a load on your hands with impending heart surgery and the concern about the kidney transplant for your husband. That has to be very emotionally scary.

    The day in Vermont must have been a nice break. Fun for you and the daughter and beautiful spots. Rick's bike ride took him to northern Vermont and he said the people there were so nice and the countryside so beautiful. Biggest sigh.

    Hope the open house and parent meetings went well -- and that things work out on the medical side. Thinking good thoughts.

  5. A super journal page and lots of very interesting photos, it must have been a wonderful trip. I hope your busy day went well.
    I have my fingers crossed also, that all went well with your husbands appointment.
    Yvonne xx

  6. What lovely places you visited, and I always enjoy your journals. Love the face with the woolly hair! Sorry to hear that your husband needs another OP, that's a lot for you to cope with, and on top of that a VERY long day at school! Take care, and enjoy the weekend when it is comes, hugs, Valerie

  7. Gorgeous place! Hope the meeting went well.
    Really hope the surgeries go perfectly! *hugs*


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