Thursday, September 22, 2016

Summer Nostalgia

Autumn is here. It is exciting and also a little bit sad. (Mainly because  it means we are closer to another winter, which always fills me with a little bit of dread. Not my favorite season, I will admit. Winter is just too long here in New Hampshire.)
  Thought I would start this new season by showing you some photos from the last season that I haven't posted yet. 
A little summer nostalgia.
Lots of boats and water.
And mechanical lifters. What would you call this? Does anyone know?

I apologize if I have shown you any of these before.

A late summer boat trip to the beach. I could deal with a nice day and doing this again right now.
Swimming puppies. They don't care that it is cooler they still like to go swimming.
And flowers!

Exploring. Here's some views from an old fort.

 Walking the puppies and exploring nature.
 Finding funny things like super big chairs.
 growing veggies in my garden.

 Now what is a statue of a rhino doing in the middle of Boston?
 And of course there was some great art.
 Interesting wall  coverings.
 City scapes too.
H-ha. Summer fun. It was a good one.
I'll be back with some art tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed your visit.


  1. Loving every photo here but that first one -- the red buoy -- made my heart beat faster! And was that Nubble lighthouse? I have fond memories of a visit there and it sure looks like how I remember it!

    Thanks for coming over to the Gypsy. I'm going to miss waking up to sunshine soon enough...

  2. Wonderful photos, you saw lots of great things this summer. I am not fond of winter either, but I do like Autumn. The cormorant and gulls are so pretty. I don't know what that apparatus is, sorry! Love the pic of you two in that huge chair, such fun to see you on the throne together! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful photos of and around the lake. I am so in love with the fact you get to spend time in a boat in summer. There's no water for hundreds of miles where I live. It's pretty awesome.

    I have no idea what those things on the lifters are called, but they remind me of the buckets that sit on front loaders that scoop dirt. Maybe they are the jaws of life on the water (grin).

    Your veggies look wonderful and healthy. I didn't get a single (NOT ONE) bell pepper this year.

    LOVED the Zildjian cymbals. I'd call that art! And speaking of cymbals leads me to the question you asked about the Xylophone and drums. The reason I played drums was because my grandparents didn't have the money to buy an instrument for me, so the only way I could play in the band was to play the drums, which the school provided. All the percussion instruments were provided, so all I had to buy were mallets, drum sticks, and a practice pad. Of course, there were about 20 other students who had the same idea, so it was highly competitive. I practiced long and hard to win one of eight spots, and worked my way up to first chair my junior year. And no, I no longer play anything, not even cymbals. I don't have the grip to hold the mallets or sticks, so I had to give it all up after high school. Thanks for asking.

  4. Oh yes - indeed! I enjoyed my visit very much!
    AMAZING photos!
    You never cease to amaze me with your special skills and your eye for making fantastic photos !
    Thank you for the summer nostalgia pics!
    oxo Susi

  5. Such a great bunch of photos you shared with us Erika.
    I so enjoy the beautiful water views and the boating life you get to experience.
    Great nature shots and so much more!
    In the heat of summer it sometimes seems like it will go on forever and then POOF just like that nights get cooler and days grow shorter and here we are again.


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