Saturday, October 8, 2016

Autumn Colors

 Hi everyone. The sun never really came out today in New Hampshire, but that didn't stop the hubby, my daughter, the 2 dogs and myself from taking a little road trip up into the mountains in the northern part of our state. 
Our original plan was drive north and take the car up the Mount Washington auto road. Neither the hubby nor I had ever made that drive up to the  top of the highest mountain in the Northeast US. Our mountains here in New Hampshire are not all that high compared to those in the western US or other parts of the world, but they are part of  Appalachian chain, one of the oldest mountain chains on the planet. Because of that they have been worn down by time and glaciers. 
However the traffic was very heavy and rather backed up as we came into the bigger tourist town of Conway, it being a holiday weekend and it being peak foliage in the mountains. 
So we took a turn and headed west along a scenic byway called the Kangamangus. I am glad we did. The foliage was absolutely gorgeous.

 I've have more photos to show you, but I still need to go through my photos so those will wait for another day. But I do have another page for Art Journal Journey to show you today. This month's theme is Indian Summer/Golden October, hosted by Valerie.
My mixed media page is painted and sprayed with a bit of ink. Then I stamped the crows, drew in the fences and bits of the corn stalk and some details on the pumpkins. Finally I added the harvest sticker.
That's all for me right now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.


  1. That's one thing I envy and admire about the eastern US. You are famous for your changing leaves. In fact, I've seen web sites before that tracked the best areas and weeks in which to visit. You won't find any of that in my state! It looks like you ran across a fantastic area in which to appreciate the changing colors of summer into autumn.

    Your harvest inspired art is lovely. I am in awe of your ability to draw so well. It's truly a gift (and obviously one I never received!).

  2. What a colourful weekend you had, it all looks so beautiful. Great that yu were all able to get out and about and enjoy the scenery. Your journal page is wonderful, love the glowing colours. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Amazing Autumnal colours Erika, it must have been a great trip even though you had to change plans.

    I like the mixed media piece too, it's full of the harvest joy.

    Love and hugs

  4. What an extraordinary beautiful foliage there! Breathtaking those colors and I love your wonderful HARVEST page-- unique!
    Happy Sunday dear Erika! Thanks a lot for joining us again at Art Journal Journey- your support and all the fantastic entries always makes me happy!♥♥♥


  5. Beautiful photos, the leaves look amazing stunning , it must have been a lovely drive out to see these scenes.
    The art page is fabulous with the corn stalks as a central image.
    Yvonne xx

  6. OH be still my heart Erika!
    Your photos are GLORIOUS.
    They would make gorgeous greeting cards!
    Not much color down here in northern Virginia yet.
    It had been so dry and today is so windy...well time will tell.
    Your Harvest piece is wonderful.
    It looks like a bit of Americana captured in your artwork.
    Thanks again for sharing your gorgeous photos WOW!

  7. Stunning color! Thank you for sharing. We don't have much color down here yet, and your photos were a joy to see :)

  8. I'm in awe of your beautiful photos and all that spectacular fall foilage. We spent a very happy wedding anniversary in New England 3 years years ago to see the wonderful fall foliage. We loved the Appalachian Trail, it is so stunning and I did a double take when I saw your fifth photo. I think it must be the exact spot where we took a photo of both of us (me and hubby) - we cherish our time there and had the photo enlarged, it hangs in our hallway :-). I think I may be inspired to create a journal page and share some of our photos too - thanks for the inspiration :-). Your harvest page is glorious, I love the crows and fences - there are so many lovely details :-). Wishing you a happy start to the week! J :-)

  9. Oh My! What amazing scenes! No wonder you were so inspired to make that fabulous Harvest page! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Now THAT's what I call drop dead color. Fabulous -- how good to get off the main road and take the scenic route.

    Your harvest page is lovely!

  11. I'm behind yet again - wasn't sure to start with latest post or from last one I saw :)
    Your photos are stunning Erika, real autumn colours and the landscape breath taking. Its quite green here still, not very autumnal.
    Love your Harvest journal page, very stylish - nice perspective of the field.
    Gill xx


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