Monday, October 10, 2016

More Fall Photos and some Art Journaling

Happy Monday everyone. Its is Columbus weekend here in the US, and although lots of people don't get today off from work, my school is closed, and it is exciting to be home on a Monday.
My daughter is also off from work, so she and I are going out for breakfast and then off to look for the pieces she needs for her Halloween costume. She's heading off to the Gulf Coast of Florida in a couple of weeks with some of her friends, and they are all going out for Halloween as characters from the Wizard of Oz. She is going to be Glinda the good witch. Its fun to help her plan her costume.
So I have a few more photos to show you from our Saturday road trip. We went a couple hours north of where we live into the mountains. The color there was fantastic.
My daughter took this silly selfie of us along with Swift River. We look photo shopped into the scenery, but we're not. With the drought you can see how low the water is this fall.
And we discovered this beautiful old covered bridge. I'd only driven along this scenic byway a couple of times, and never in the fall, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the area.
I thought this river rock had such cool colors.
On our way north, we got detoured because for some reason the main road  was closed off. As we headed along the detour, I remember that one of my friends told me that the largest known glacial erratic in North America was where we were.  Glacial erratics are boulders that were moved by a glacier, and then when the glacier melted, the big rocks were dropped where ever they happened to be ( when the glacier below them disappeared). 
 Although the hubby isn't going hiking until after he has and  recoups from his heart surgery, it was a short and flat walk up to the boulder.
And what a boulder it was. You can see my husband, my daughter and the dogs were over the left.
I guess you never know where a day will bring you.
Don't these 2 trouble makers look cute in their orange bandannas?
And here's a couple of journal pages I made awhile back.
Yup, its been a good weekend so far.
The bad news is I don't expect the hubby to have his surgery tomorrow. This rash is being very stubborn- and the "stronger" medicine they gave him last week actually set him backwards for a few days. Now he's back on his old medicine, which does seem to be working, but oh so slowly.  Today he goes in to see his regular doctor, and hopefully he'll have an all clear, but we're not feeling very optimistic. I think it will be another week. I hope!
Last night (before the presidential debate) I watched an amazing TV show about veterinarians that work as gorilla doctors. They go into the bush and help sick gorillas in Arica. They actually think some of the populations are increasing. It was really an amazing show.
Have a great day everyone.


  1. What a fabulous post (well apart from the news about hubby!) The colours by the river are amazing - it's obviously true what they say about New Hampshire! The covered bridge is fascinating - the sort of structure you would see in a film! The boulder certainly is massive - what a great detour! Your pages as ever are fabulous! Chrisx

  2. Sorry to hear that you still haven't got the all clear for your hubby's surgery, but hopefully it will be soon. Glad you had such a fun trip. Love all those autumn colours, and that boulder really is something, never seen one that big before. Your dogs look really cute - actually, you ALL look totally cute! Fun art journaling, too. Enjoy your free day, and the colours of Autumn all around you! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Sorry to hear about your husband surgery but it certainly looks like you had a fun day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Happy Columbus Day. I used to work in a little town in SE KS called Columbus. They had a parade and all kinds of festivities, but none of the businesses shut down, nor the manufacturing plant where I worked. Hope you enjoy your day.

    LOVED the selfie. Your daughter did a great job. And a covered bridge is something I've only seen once. You are so lucky to live in such an old and historic region.

    That Glacial Erratic was unreal. If you hadn't shown the photo, I would never have understood how big it was.

    Glad you had a chance to catch up on your journal, too. OUCH on the toenail.

    Have a super day off, dear.

  5. Hopefully your hubby's surgery will be soon. I am thinking of you! What an amazing trip. Those autumn colors are just so beautiful and that boulder is giant - we have some such big boulders here as well - don't know if such a dimension - but they are quite giant as well.The dogs look so nice and your family trip selfie is lovely! You all look very happy and relaxed! Super art journaling, you make this looking so simply and I know that it is very difficult to get such a free look in art - super. Enjoy your free Monday Erika!
    oxo Susi

  6. How funny, the first photo, yes I did think you were all photo-shopped into it.
    Thanks for these photos, what a great trip - the river, the bridge, the huge boulder and the autumn colours. I do enjoy "sharing" your trips very much, you seem to have such fun on them.
    I love seeing your illustrated colour journals, what a great way to keep memories alive.

  7. You seem to have had a wonderful day out, super photos and that boulder looks an amazing size. Loved the journal pages as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I love the covered bridge and fall foliage, and the glacier is fantastic! What a sight!

  9. That might be the best selfie I have ever seen! Between the smiles and the color in the background, it's perfect! (Christmas card, maybe?!) The color is great there. Much more so than here. That boulder is unbelievably enormous! Well, I'm glad you are making the most of time despite the surgery delay. It seems like a great way to celebrate a day off.

  10. Lovely selfie photo to capture your fun day out Erika.
    Great photos, I'm always intrigued by covered bridges (wondering is there a reason why they are covered or is it just a style?)
    Awesome photo of that boulder too and very interesting.
    Gill xx oh and your dogs are so adorable :)


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