Friday, October 21, 2016

Catching Up

Its pouring outside as I write this. We are about 18 inches behind in rain this season, and I haven't heard much of this sound-the rain pattering on the roof in months-heavy pattering actually with thunder and lightening. Its has been dripping all day, but it was a wonderful day to hang home with one of the dogs for company. 

 I had a lot of fun playing with paints and some die cuts. Other than the dog wanting to go out and chase a couple of squirrels, there was no one to bug me and I could play some music loudly while I made my messes. :)
So I have a couple of older journal pages I haven't show you yet. Keeping with the rainy weather theme.
And I love not getting up out of bed too early and having a bit of reading time. I'm still on an Iceland kick since my trip back in July. I'm curious how I'll feel about this book after I get into the middle of the story, since I just started it today. Its good but rather sad so far.
This thunder has been rumbling for a good couple of hours. The weather people say we are going to get chilly-more late fall weather, at least for a few days. Not sure if the rain will be around tomorrow or not, but I know the weekend wasn't looking too beautiful last time I checked.
Hope you have a great weekend. Enjoy!


  1. Enjoy your weekend, and the rain! We had a lot here, too, and it was necessary, the Rhine is really low. Love your journaling. Have a good weekend, and enjoy your me time, take care of yourself. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I know your area is in a major drought, but I just hope there is no flooding, something I know far too much about. Let's hope the rain is slow and steady, not a flash flood like some have experienced.

    I hope you enjoy the book. A sad book isn't the best to read when it's gloomy outside and you are trying to destress.

    To answer your question about the museum. Sorry. Those are all the photos that were fit to share. The rest were truly unreadable.

    Hope your Saturday is awesome and you get some sunshine in your life.

  3. Great artwork Erica, it's funny because I was listening to the rain at about 5am this morning. We haven't had much rain either. It's a wonderful sound when you are tucked up and cosy.
    I've not seen that book, so I will add it to my list to check out.
    Happy PPF to you and thanks for popping over to my place.

  4. Well, since weather seems to move west to east, I think in a day or two you will have sun again. Seems like you have our rainy dreary stay-in weather but today it's rather sunny in Michigan -- at least so far! So enjoy this day. I know exactly what you mean about being able to kick back and snug in. That's what weekends are for but it seems we sometimes fill them up so much, that never happens!

  5. What wonderful artwork! I love the rain and staying in too.

  6. Wonderful pages and the rain sounds as if it is very welcome after all the dry days. Super journal pages as well.
    Enjoy relaxing and reading your new book.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Great to get some rain when you really need it, as long as there's not too much of it at once.
    Loved the way you have journaled the weather and your day off - the sun with his sunglasses made me smile.
    Gill x

  8. A sad book sounds like just the thing for a rainy day. We haven't had much rain here, and I'd love to see what we used to call a "2-day soaker". Slow and steady. But it's too late for it to help our fall color.


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