Saturday, October 22, 2016

Leaf Peeping

Hi everyone. It was a dark and rainy Saturday here in New Hampshire, adding a little water to our low water table. 
With the heavy rain so many of our leaves have fallen. It certainly looks less early fall and more late fall when those leaves come down. And now that means raking is on the to do list. :)
 I showed you this tree the other day. I took this photo just one week ago.
And here's the tree yesterday in the mist.
So today I have a journal page for you. It was made as my interpretation of all the beautiful leaves and the colorful mountain views I saw when my family and I went our road trip to the New Hampshire mountains a few weekends ago.

But with all the falling leaves it could have been today.
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey because this month's theme is Indian Summer/Golden October, hosted by Valerie. Stop by to see some beautiful autumn inspired art.
I'm glad there is still Sunday left to this weekend. It has been a good one for me so far. I finished watching the Ken Burns film on the Roosevelts. It is a close 14 hour series and I've been watching it off and on for 6 weeks now. Typical of Ken Burns films, it was wonderful. And somehow I was reading my latest book and noticed I had managed to get more than half way through without really paying attention. And yesterday my husband and daughter and I went to see the Magnificent Seven at the theater.  I enjoyed that film too. And today, I am planning some arty time and we're celebrating my husband's and daughter's birthdays. Their birthdays aren't until next weekend but my daughter is off to Florida with some friends later this week and won't be around then, so we're having our party a little early. :)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. thank you for visiting me today! I can tell your life is full and happy by reading your post,, I also enjoyed that series,,
    Leaf peeping,,, I love that!!!!!

  2. Wow, that tree shed its leaves quickly. And I can't believe I have "known" you over a year already, because I remember your husband and daughter's birthdays last year.

    Your leafy AJJ entry is fantastic. It echos the ground around your fire pit.

    Yes, that was the pope in the window of his apartment. I even mentioned it was a really lucky shot, too.

    Have a super Sunday. SO glad you enjoyed the Roosevelts. I remember I was mesmerized by the show all the way from Teddy through Elinor.

  3. Glad you are having a fun and relaxing weekend, and enjoying yourself. Your journal page inspired by the wonderful autumn foliage is gorgeous, thanks for joining us again at AJJ, your support is much appreciated. Hugs, Valerie

  4. How our gardens change so quickly shows so well in the fantastic photo shots you took of the trees. Its a fabulous journal page and wonderful autumn shades.
    Glad your weekend has gone well.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Fab trees photo - and how different the view is in one week.
    Your journal page is gorgeous - really warm and sumptuous colours.
    Good to hear you've been relaxing and having fun. I always wonder about re-makes of well known films, so pleased that you enjoyed it.
    Happy Sunday to you and hope your husband and daughter enjoy all their forthcoming birthdays and celebrations.
    Gill xx

  6. A terrific page Erika!Thank you says AJJ ♥♥♥ The foliage this year is wonderful - o.k. raking isn't that wonderful - but must be done I guess!
    I do no raking I take the lawn mower and it sucks all the leaves in for me.. but you know we don't have a very large garden - so that works nice. But now since the gras has stopped growing I will have to rake the last leaves I guess.
    Happy BIRTHDAY to your sweathearts!!!
    Wishing the best for them both!
    I wish a good new week for you!
    My weekend was amazing and I ate so much from the fish and cakes yesterday - oh oh oh ...

    oxo Susi

  7. Sounds like my idea of a perfect weekend, Erika! Double celebrations are extra fun!

  8. I'm interested in the Magnificent Seven remake but haven't seen it yet. I see so few at the movie theater. I mean to go, and then before I know it the movie's gone :(


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