Sunday, October 23, 2016


The wind has been blowing all day.  Its chilly and is feeling more like November than October. The next few days are suppose to be chilly too, but hopefully not so much wind.
But no rain today. But not a lot of sun either.
Although we still have some leaves on the trees, you can see how many have come down. I took this photo this morning on my walk.
Its feeling more like Halloween. I can't believe spook day is only a week away.
 Here's a journal page I am linking up to Moo Mania. The latest theme is Halloween Party, and a cemetery on a dark spooky night seems like as good a place as any to have a little party. I think the little ghosts (which are actually buttons I snipped the backs off of) look like they are having a fun time.
The background is actually a page I used to clean off some stencils. Can you just make the images of some monster faces?
I painted and sprayed the page, painted the moon, and then used a tissue stamped skull. I like how it glows a little bit on the moon.
So I'm watching some football with the hubby. We have a little fire in the fireplace. It gives a really nice atmosphere on this breezy night.  I love it when we don't burn the fireplace for heat but we burn in it just for the atmosphere. Makes me want to make some hot spiced apple cider and maybe rustle up some pumpkin pie. But rustling up pumpkin pie means running to the grocery store and I think I can do without that.
And for those of you following the husband's surgery roller coaster ride, we've got another date. Hopefully it will go off next Thursday, Nov. 3. I'm just not going to think about it until we get to that day.  Or try to not think about it. :)
And just get ready to jump feet first into the new week.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Lovely photo of the colourful trees and fallen leaves on the sides of road from your morning walk. Very quiet and calm.

  2. Love your Halloween page, great colours, and thanks for joining us at MM&M. Good idea to use the cleaning page for the background. Hope all goes well with the appointment for your husband's surgery. Have a good week, enjoy Autumn, hugs, Valerie

  3. This is AWESOME!!!!!!!
    What a fantastic page Erika!
    Thank you for linking to Moo Mania & More!

    Finger crossed that this time it will happen with the surgery♥♥♥
    I am thinking of you and hubby on this day !


  4. Fabulous! The tree photo is amazing and it's so pretty. Most beautiful time of the year for sure. Love the Halloween spread too. Super colors and layering!

    Hope all goes well for your hubby :)

  5. I love your new banner and page. And so very glad that a new date has been scheduled. I know you'll be nervous but very relieved.

  6. Your fall color is lovely! And a fireplace with cider sounds perfect :)

  7. Stunningly beautiful photo at beginning of post, and love your spooky journal page...what fun!!

  8. LOVE your spooky Halloween inspired MM&M page, and I also like that you used part of it for your new blog header/banner.

    Looks like autumn has truly hit your area. Here it's still warm, but rain and cooler temps are on the way later in the week.

    I hope the third time is a charm, and all will go off without any more snafus.

  9. These little ghosts (buttons!) are such fun, as is the laughing red pumpkin.
    The background is perfect for it with the gravestones and mysterious creatures.

  10. Fabulous 'spooky' pages, its a great background dark and scary.
    I won't say anything, but I have my fingers crossed for you both.
    Yvonne xx

  11. I really LOVE your beautiful photo and especially like the spooky work of art you made! And thanks so much for your wonderful visit to my blog! HUGS!

  12. This page looks very cool and spooky, and has an interesting background!

  13. Love the skelly page and boy has that wind done it's work, hardly a leaf to remain. xox

  14. Love the new header Erika and the fabulous fun and spooky scene :)
    Like everyone else I will have fingers crossed and thinking of you both on 3rd.. Gill xx


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