Monday, November 7, 2016

Another Update

I am going to unload a bit today just because I need to de-stress a bit. Sorry. :(

The hubby is slowing improving and will hopefully be out of ICU today. This irregular heartbeat is holding him back, but at least he is sounding more like himself and otherwise improving. :)
I thought he would be out of ICU by now. Visiting him in ICU is emotionally hard because he is all hooked up to the monitors. Plus I love that all his family and friends and my friends keep texting me to find updates but it is like a whole separate job in itself.
But I can do it.
This running to the hospital is tough because he is 45 minutes away. That's OK, it is near work so when I go back (probably Wednesday), he will be only 5 minutes away. The bad part, now I want to complain a minute, is that this happened during my exams so I need to get grades together for school which I am not mentally in the mood to do. I finished grading exams today and I need to make a little stop at school to see if there's anything else and then hopefully tonight I can post grades and get that job done. Of course if I did put it off all weekend, but I was even less mentally prepared than I was today.
Plus my daughter's car is a VW diesel and  needs to be inspected by Thursday. Because of the buy back because of VW's cover up about their diesel engines, and because she has an expensive car repair that has to be done to pass inspection, she's not going to get it inspected and get a new car instead. So I have been nice (probably too nice) and gone car shopping with her in between hospital visits. Not that its been bad (especially since the hubby was still not up to long visits), and she bought a car yesterday which will be picked up tomorrow. But its something else to deal with right now. I guess it is good mother-daughter bonding time.  But at least she didn't even need a co-signer for the loan so I am happy she has become a financially independent adult.
What I really need is a bit of me time so I can work through the stress.
After today maybe. Or after tomorrow.
Big breath. 
Sorry for the complaints.  Sometimes it just feel good to express them to neutral ears.

I did sit on the couch the other night and doodle in my journal. And here's a page I made back at the end of October because I had been naughty and ordered myself a couple of things from Dick Blick. 
They had been having a 20% off sale so I got myself a few new toys.  New markers , a new journal, some black ink and a couple of black Stabilo pencils.  It was a FUN box.
Thank you all for your wonderful messages on my blog. I really appreciate them.
Still working on  catch ups so if you left a post and I haven't gotten back I will. 
You can tell its just been a little crazy here.
Hope everyone else is having a fun new week!
Thanks for listening.


  1. Hi Erika,
    sorry you have a lot of stress just now, and you have every right to have a little moan! Or a big moan! Glad your husband is slowly getting better, try to be patient. Hope you manage to get the exam marks etc done on time. Looks after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hell Erika, I'm not surprised you need to destress. Glad to hear all is going well and hope it gets better and better soon, as it will.
    I've always been amazed at how you manage to produce your wonderful artwork and work full time and do so many things. Playing with new art supplies is fun.

  3. I so hope you find enough time for yourself Erika! Best for all what is going on!
    I love how you celebrate that box in your journal!

    oxo Susi

  4. such a stressful time,, you need a few more treat boxes!!!

  5. Wishing your hubby a very speedy recovery! Seems like you have had a lot on your plate and I know it probably didn't feel like it at the time but sometimes keeping busy keeps you going :-). We all need a good complain now and then - it makes us feel better and you are such a resilient and resourceful person I'm sure you'll get everything done and it will work out fine! My thoughts are with you and I'm sending you good vibes and hugs! J :-)

  6. We all need to get things out in the open now and again. I don't think any of us can begin to imagine the stress you must be under at the moment. Still its good to read your husband is making progress, one day at a time is a favourite saying in our family.
    Glad you managed to make a doodle page in your journal.
    Take care of yourself as well.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I wonder if you will even want to go to work on Wednesday. Guess it depends on the election results and how late you stay up watching them.

    Sounds like you have had problem after problem this week, but at least your daughter was a bright spot as I could tell how proud of her you are.

    WOW. You got colorful mail. That's a great, great page. I'd say that was more than a couple of things, but they are great new toys.

    I hope your husband continues to improve and is out of the woods soon.

  8. Glad you feel like you can vent to neutral ears here. It sounds like things are coming along for your husband. I can imagine it is hard trying to deal with work things at this time. Hope you can get that "me" time soon to decompress a little. Your fun box sounds exactly that - fun.

  9. Glad you got it all off your chest. I could feel the steam heat of exhaustion rising from your head. Take it easy on yourself too. Nothing worse that you getting sick because you are not resting. Thinking of you all. xox

  10. You are a good mom!

    I understand the stress of visiting the ICU with all the equipment. I'm glad you felt safe and able to destress here -- the blog community who follows you is all on your side and care about you and your husband. Hang close. It's good to read your later blog and know that things are improving. The exam thing -- well, that's just bad, bad timing but I know you were up to the task.

    I hope after all is said and done you will be able to take some time for yourself. You deserve it.

    On another unrelated note, thank you so much for the wonderful comments you always leave on the Gypsy. They mean a great deal and I always want thank you but with no-reply not always easy. Just know I read each and every one and love it when they are long and thoughtful!

  11. Wow! Sounds like your life has been complicated lately :( I'm so glad to hear y'all are seeing progress and recovery with your hubby, though :)

  12. That was supposed be "Hello Erika" not the other thing, haha!


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