Saturday, November 5, 2016


A quick update from me today. The hubby is still in the intensive care unit, slowly recuperating. He is still pretty heavily drugged up, and I have to laugh. He wanted his cell phone yesterday, so it brought it for him. So this morning he calls and tells me is no longer in the ICU.  Then he calls me 5 minutes ago and says he is still in the ICU. I think he was dreaming before. :) 
BUT the surgery went well. He is over the first day hump. Now he has the recovery road to go down.
There has been NO art time for me lately but I do have a few older journal pages to show you.
Here's my Halloween page. I was picking up my box of stamps to tuck it away on an upper shelf, and I just played with them before packing them up.  Yes, I have quite a few, which I have been collecting for the last 15 or so years. I can't help picking up a few each year when I see something interesting. They are rather fun!
Once things settle down I will catch up on my blog reading. Hope everyone is doing well.


  1. WONDERFUL NEWS!! I'm so thrilled for you.

    Love the witches, especially the ones on the bikes. Of course, I also adore the pumpkin with the cat inside.

  2. Glad to hear your Hubby is doing well, on the day after the OP it's okay to be confused! All the best for you both, and please look after yourself. Thanks for the update, and for sharing your lovely journal pages. Hugs, Valerie

  3. I am so pleased for you that your hubby is in recovery from his operation. I hope he will be able to leave ICU soon and all continues to go well for him.
    Its a great Halloween page, you do have a store of super images
    Take care of yourself as well
    Yvonne xx

  4. Hi there! I hope your husband is doing well. And you too - it can be tough having someone in the hospital. I enjoyed seeing your Halloween page and all of the stamps. But I REALLY love your new blog header! Hope you and your husband have a good week!

  5. Glad the surgery went well!! :)

  6. This is good news about your husband, Erika. I hope the road to recovery is smooth and no bumps. I'm sure you've been terribly worried about it and I hope as things move along you'll be able to get back into the groove.

    I love the pages you showed. Made me smile.

  7. Great to hear that everything went well!
    Best for the hubby that he recovers fast now!!!
    Great images on that page!

  8. Congrats on a successful surgery! :) I trust recovery will go quickly and smoothly.

  9. So far so good. I'm glad the op went well for your hubby. Now the long road to recovery.
    I'm thinking of you,

  10. So very pleased to hear your news and hoping your hubby
    continues improving and soon out of ICU.
    Hope you are ok and feeling a bit more relaxed too :)
    Your Halloween page is fab - what a great selection of stamps you have.
    Take care (and thanks for the update) Gill xx


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