Saturday, November 12, 2016


I've been home the last few days with the hubby  while he's recuperating from his recent heart surgery.  I finally woke up today feeling caught up on my rest.  I didn't realize how wiped out I actually was, but its not surprising since I had the hubby's surgery, the daughter buying a new car and school having exams  and the end of the grading quarter all going on at once. I've really enjoyed my time home, although not exactly a vacation it is a help not to have to think about much other than spoiling the hubby a little bit and doing a few of those things around the house I have wanted (or needed) to do.
This morning I finally vacuumed (boy did it need it) and also managed to clean 8 trash bags of  junk out of the basement. Now tomorrow it all has to be lugged to the dump, which will probably be quite a comedy since the hubby's truck is about 3 times taller than me.
I also baked the hubby a little treat today. 
I made some butter refrigerator cookies. This is an easy recipe from Martha Stewart than can also be flavored differently. 
Once you make the cookie dough, you roll or shape it into a log, refrigerate it for at least a few hours, and then slice it into cookies ready to bake.

At Christmas I like to roll the dough log in colored sugar before refrigerating to make them festive, but today I didn't. I actually made 3 batches today- plain with vanilla flavor, some with chopped hazelnuts and finally some flavored with lemon a a bit of cracked black pepper. It was just as easy to make 3 batches as it was to make 1 batch since I had everything out and ready to use.
 They're not fancy but they do taste good. 
The hubby enjoyed a couple too.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  1. So glad he is home and things are getting back to normal. The cookies look delicious!! :)

  2. Speedy recovery for you hubby! Your cookies look great!

  3. Golly. Between you and Pamela I want a cookie. And not one of those nasty store bought ones, either.

    I'm curious. Is that the stove you cooked them on that shws in the photo behind your hubby?

    I'm delighted to read that both of you are doing better. I knew you were stressed, and now that you've had some much needed rest, you can get back to being yourself. Have a fantastic Sunday and send me a cookie, please (joke).

  4. Hello Erika, thanks for your comment last week on my blog, I'm glad you found my 'corner of the world'. I took the time to scroll through your latest posts. I love the collage you made, isn't it amazing the beautiful things we can do with left-overs? I smiled over the book of Arne and Carlos: a student gave me this book last month when I teached a bookbinding class... their way of binding a journal is easy and fun isn't it?! I hope your hubby is feeling better every day and that you folks have a lovely and relaxing Sunday. Enjoy the cookies (or are they gone by now...?) Love from Holland, Marit

  5. Please ... some of the cookies for me too!!!
    They look super!
    Hubby looks quite good so far! Well done to spoil him with a bit of soul food!
    Hope his recovery goes well furthermore!
    You were very busy with all the things you managed to do! Well done!
    Happy new week ahead Erika!
    oxo Susi

  6. they look delicious, cookies I think always make you feel good. I love the smell of the house as they are baking. Thanks for making such a nice comment on my blog. I will be back,


  7. They look gorgeous, yummy! Glad you had a good weekend at home, take care of yourself, and enjoy those cookies! I went to another art museum today, and it was good, but now I'm tired! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Ooooo, those cookies! What a treat! I'm glad to hear an uncomplicated recovery is continuing :)

  9. I can just imagine the delicious aroma's in your kitchen today, those cookies look yummy.
    Yvonne xx

  10. how sweet to take time and spoil your hubby that is what i am doing now days and he is adoring my efforts .

    my heartiest best wishes for your husband dear Erika .May he live long and healthy life with you and family .

    i liked your cookies ,they look delicious .

  11. Hi Erika,
    I am glad your husband is doing well, and you were able to catch up on your sleep. What a wonderful combination of cookie flavors. I love cookies, so might look up this recipe.
    Have a wonderful week.

  12. He looks pretty happy with your treats! And it sounds like you have been on a roll -- wonders, what a little sleep can do for you! Post makes me smile!


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