Friday, November 11, 2016

Using Up the Left Overs

Susi's challenge at Art Journal Journey this month is collage-but NO faces, wings or leaves. I took advantage of the collage theme and created a page with some left overs. My background is some edge scraps of a Gelli print and some phone book scraps. Then I painted this and sprayed a little ink too. I then added some die cuts which I was using as masks on other projects and some left over die cut letters. Once the matte medium dried, I added a little decorating to my die cuts, and I did a bit of stamping, and I was done.
A quiet weekend at my house with the hubby home recouping from his heart surgery. I think I need to motivate myself to clean the house a little bit. Its easy to be lazy after all the running around while he was in the hospital.
I hope everyone has a great Saturday!


  1. This is an incredible way to use up scraps AND old telephone book pages. Very impressive art and collage. Hope you are destressing and having a wonderful four day weekend.

  2. Such depth in your wonderful page - lovely to stamp the sentiment several times!
    Hope you have fun cleaning the house - I did it yesterday - good feeling after it was done once!
    Thanks a lot for another fantastic collage for the theme Erika!
    Best ♥ for hubby and enjoy the weekend as much as possible!

  3. Wonderful page again, glad you are having fun using up your papers. Have a good weekend, hope your hubby is doing well. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Your page is just wonderful! All the left-overs come out to a new piece of art!
    Wish you a great Saturday!

  5. A wonderful colourful collage page. Its good using up the bits for this challenge and having fun at the same time.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  6. That's a wonderful new header! I like the bright yellow you used in this piece, makes me think of summer ....

  7. You've made a fun collage. This and the one before are inspiring.
    Glad that your husband is back home and hope he gets better as quickly as is possible.

  8. So glad he is home.......and everyone is resting up. Nice leftovers. xox

  9. glad you are with your husband to look after him .
    it's ok to sit and rest after being much in rush hour .
    loved the theme and specially beautiful writing on it .surely must be true about you dear

  10. Wonderful! Using left overs is a marvelous way to challenge yourself creatively, and you certainly rose to the occasion. Blessings!

  11. So glad your guy is home. Hope you got that recuperative weekend.


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