Thursday, November 10, 2016


I finally have some collage art for Susi's challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month is having fun with collage BUT you CAN'T use  wings, leaves or faces. I started this page way back on the first of month but haven't had a chance to get back to it until today while the hubby was taking his several naps. This page has lots of torn and cut paper pieces, as well as some doodling, stamping and some splashes of paint.
I am also linking up to Paint Party FRiday. Thank you Eva and Kristen for hosting. Stop by both sites to see some awesome art.
And I  have a few late fall photos to show you that I've taken in the last week.
These leaves were in my driveway the other morning on my way out.

And on my way to vote the other morning I came across these turkeys. I see turkeys all the time, but never have I seen 2 turkeys fighting. It looked pretty nasty too.

I don't know how well it is to see them as they were away off and I only I had  my phone and snapped them through the windshield.
Oh well.
And another week is wrapping up. Veteran's Day here in the US. I believe it is called Armistice Day in Europe. This is going to be a very quiet weekend since the hubby is home recuperating. That's OK with me though since I need to do some cleaning and want to spend some creative and relaxing time.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. Oh Erika, I love your home. It is wonderful. I want to create something like it, too. You have really inspired me.

    The turkeys look like they were fighting over a female. Male dominance seems to be the story of the day, even with turkeys!

    So glad you shared these random photos.

  2. Great collage page, love how you made that gorgeous house, and the photos are fantastic. I love seeing the turkeys. Thanks for joining us at AJJ again!! Have a good weekend, all the best for you both. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Wow.. I love your home-collage Erika! A collage that makes one happy - so lovely !
    We all nee a home, where the HEART is!!!
    Thank you for joining AJJ with it and the photos are beautiful!Thank you for sharing!
    I wish you a happy weekend and all the best for hubby!

  4. Recuperating, quiet weekend, cleaning and relaxing sound very good indeed. Have a wonderful weekend, Erika -- and I really love your cheery pink house!

  5. Love your AJJ page and the photos of the dew on the leaves are fantastic.
    Maybe the turkeys were fighting to see who was coming for dinner....LOL!

  6. Good news that your dh got to have his surgery and is resting at home. I know what a trying time this has been for both of you. With all the prayers for this election, I think either God is meting out justice for the ways we have ignored his instructions or else he is planning to use an inept person, a non-politician, to lead our land into something great. I sure hope it is the latter. I love your art this week. Home means everything. I am so concerned about those who have no place to go when the snow falls. Or who are so doped up they aren't aware there are shelters to go to. Have a restful weekend.

  7. such a pretty home collage Erika. Those turkeys had better behave-and be careful lest they become someone's dinner. have a wonderful weekend , and happy PPF!

  8. cool to have turkeys dancing on the road :)

    You asked if I was any eagles? Sure! I give you the link to that day on my travelblog. The day after we also had a lot of eagles. Big ones. :)

  9. Lovely home dear .
    Loved the dew drops on the leaf so artisic and fascinating.
    You captured Turkeys so well

  10. Beautiful collage and leaf art! Enjoyed your photos too including the turkey fight guess we all fight!

  11. I find collage very difficult and this is quite involved (with a lovely result). Wouldn't you love to know what got those turkeys so upset? They are such a silly looking bird but they make a lovely meal at Holiday Time. Happy PPF

  12. What a gorgeous collage of a lovely cosy home! I would love to live there.
    Those turkeys certainly look like they are angry about something. You would think they would be happy that they don't have the fate of so many turkeys this time of year :)
    Happy PPF

  13. Really great collage! I love all the pieces.
    Maybe the turkeys were fighting over who to vote for!
    I hope things in the universe settle down pretty soon! have a good week. beautiful leaves, BTW. :>)

  14. Nice page and wonderful photos, Erika.
    Happy weekend ❤❤

  15. Your home page is wonderful! Such happy colors! Have a great weekend. Happy PPF!

  16. What a gorgeous home Erika, it looks full of love and a happy place to live.
    Those turkeys certainly look like they are seriously not happy with one another. Probably two males! It's great that you got to snap them.
    I've been collecting fallen leaves all day, which has been hard work but I still love your leaves. The water droplets on them just add the finishing touch! Beautiful :D
    Happy PPF to you and I wish you a wonderful weekend.

  17. Your house is lovely and a very happy home I'm sure, its a fantastic page.
    The photos were great, we have no concept here of wild turkeys as all ours are farmed. I hope they settled their differences and didn't end up being hit by a passing car.
    Hope you both have a good restful weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  18. wow love your collage
    and I have never seen wild turkeys how exciting

  19. Beautiful collage work and very creative photography with the leaves and rain drops ~ turkeys are everywhere ~ thanks for visiting neighbor ~ ^_^

    Wishing you a happy weekend ~ ^_^

  20. Love your house...and the's perfect for me since I feel the same!! Lovely photos too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  21. This is a beautiful collage of a house with special windows and a garden around - without leaves (you really have done it without)!
    Fantastic photos!

  22. Wonderful piece of art. You did very well without the face, leave, or wings. The photos of the leaf are fantastic. Ohhh and turkeys are such good luck. Have a nice weekend.

  23. Home Sweet Home! I love your turkey photos. I've seen them in the wild, but never close to our home. Thx!

  24. Beautiful photos and page. Turkeys better stay in the woods around this time of year.

  25. I agree with the others, the Home collage is just tremendous art, so full of colour and happiness. That's marvellous how you have used all the paper pieces and paint to create it.
    Your photos of the leaves are terrific too and how interesting to see the turkeys.
    Great post, Erika.


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