Monday, December 12, 2016

A Monday Evening Adventure

Happy T Day everyone and a special big hello to the Tuesday Tea Gang.
 Monday was a snowy morning,and  then when storm cleared out, it ended up being a beautiful winter evening.
I needed to run up to a store in a town near mine to get the hubby a little gift for the holiday, so my daughter came along and we ended up doing a little window shopping, holiday light viewing and had a yummy  dinner out.

The sunset was actually quite stunning, with the fresh snow and the not yet frozen lake.
No boats tied up to these docks at this time of year.
And we were planning on stopping at the grocery store to get something for dinner, but then we passed the crepe and coffee/tea shop, which was almost empty, and it was a beautiful winter night but we were hungry, so we decided to do something different.
 I had this yummy crepe sandwich made with turkey, avocado, bacon and cheddar cheese along with this tangy sauce. It came with this side salad.
My drink was a hot mulled cider. It was warm and a little different. I really enjoyed it and thought I;d take a photo of the sign so maybe I could experiment making it at home.

Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog and join in the T Day fun. 
One more beautiful holiday tree on a festive night.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. GREAT photos! I adore the gazebo and that pine with the snow -- beautiful. Also, love your new banner!

  2. Those decorations are so festive! I've never had a crepe sandwich, but it looks appealing. I'd definitely order it if I ever saw it on a menu :) I often heat cider and add cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and fruit slices, but that recipe you had makes me want to try cranberry in it. Thx for the idea :) Happy T Tuesday!

  3. First, I LOVE your blog header this month. It is awesome.

    You did a better job of finding lights than we did. I swear, I didn't find anything I wanted to take photos of. Even downtown was blah! Several of the girls said so, too, so it wasn't just my bah humbug mood taking over. LOVE the gazebo shot.

    I adore crepes. It's something I've never been able to make with any success. I bet they'd have a vegetarian crepe or two, also. Yours looks like they were filling. I also appreciated the "real" salad, too. So many places give you head lettuce here in winter, unless it's an upscale establishment. I think yours looks wonderful.

    I've made hot mulled cider in my crock pot at Christmas before. I use cinnamon sticks and cloves, along with black pepper, and lemon. I know I'm leaving a few things out, but those are the things I remember. I let the cider cook all day long in the crock pot and the house smells just like Christmas at the end of the day.

    Thanks for sharing your lights, the crepes, and your hot mulled cider with us for T this Tuesday.

  4. It looks very pretty over there with the snow, thanks or sharing the lovely photos. That restaurant and the food and drinks sound fabulous, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. it really Looks wintery on your pics. beautiful Christmas trees and some hot mullet wine would surely be fine!
    happy t-day!

  6. Amazing decorations there and the meal looks inviting to me !
    Happy T-Days dear Erika!
    oxo Susi

  7. Lovely photo of the decorations in the town, so festive and wintery with the snow. Your crepes looked delicious, I think many would be tempted into that cafe.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  8. everything looks so pretty at Christmas doesn't it? And your meal sounds wonderful-I know I'd enjoy that very much. Happy T day!

  9. oh, forgot to say-love your new banner!

  10. Loved your winter pictures and now I am hungry for one of those sandwiches.
    Merry Christmas!
    Sandy Claus xx

  11. What a glorious evening to be out and about! Your area is decorated beautifully, LOVE the trees!
    Your crepe looks amazing and delicious too.
    Happy T-day

  12. I really enjoyed the trees and decorations and the pretty lights. The sunset over the lake is just stunning.
    Crepes and mulled cider. Sounds delightful. I hope you remembered to get hubby a present, lol...
    Happy T day,

  13. The town decorations are fabulous and really cheered me up, thank you! What better way to keep warm than with a hot mulled apple cider and your sandwich looks delicious - yum! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  14. Mmmhmmm, that savory crepe sandwich sounds and looks delicious, as does the cider. That last tree and its lights - covered in snow, so much snow - wow - I am glad we didn't have much (yet). Happy t-day!

  15. Beautiful photos ! Looks like a great time out with your daughter and the food looks so good....the Hot Cider sounds good too :)

  16. What a fun night out with your daughter. The decorations and lakefront photos are beautiful. Don't you love when a simple errand turns into an adventure? I need to do that more often. I'm typically too focused on my to-do list - lol.

    I love the sound of crepes for dinner. They look yummy.

    Happy T Day, Erika!

  17. How fun that you turned a simple errand into a fun outing with your daughter. Beautiful photos - especially the gazebo all lit up and the lakefront at sunset.

  18. Oops, I forgot to add ...

    Crepes for dinner - yum!

    Happy T Day, Erika!

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