Sunday, December 11, 2016

Snow is Coming

Hi there everyone! As usual, the weekend buzzed right by but it was a good one. As you might be able to tell, I was getting in a little  relaxing on the couch and trying to read (Martha's Vineyard, Isle of Dreams by Susan branch), but  someone had other ideas. :)
I spent a good chunk of Sunday in my happy place, and I was really happy to be able to do that.
Here's one of the journal pages I worked on.  I am linking this journal page for Valerie's interesting challenge at Art Journal Journey, light and darkness.
At this time year it seems I drive to work in the dark and drive home in the dark. I do miss the sunshine.
This is a bird's eye view of my morning commute, although it sounds like my Monday morning is just going to be plain messy with snow. 
I like the way my little black blobs for cars came out. I think they work!
I also got kitchen creative this weekend. My department at work had our holiday get together Saturday night. We had a lot of laughs and some yummy food. As it was a potluck, I brought cake. 
 It was my coworker Deb's birthday, so I made her birthday cake. One of the woman I work with is gluten free-,so I made my first gluten free cake, and my first carrot cake too.
Deb is another biology teacher (in fact she is right across the hall from me), so I decorated with some DNA strands.
I'm counting down until my break and another week with crazy kids begins. Not that I blame them. I think we are all ready for the holiday down time.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Oooh, love the look of that cake! Glad you had a relaxing time at home. The journal page is a fantastic idea with your 'dark' trips to and from work, those little cars are fabulous. I Lovely photo from your dog, too. I remember that feeling when I was still teaching, it was always dark!Have a good week, and thanks for making another page for AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  2. A fantastic page - oh yes not much natural light just now ! I hope your way to work and back wasn't bad today and I wish you that the rest of the work week flies by without stress!
    This gluten free carott cake looks gorgeous! You are a co.worker to wish for!

    Happy week!
    Thank you for joining AJJ again Erika!
    oxo Susi
    Everything o.k. with me and my family here-
    we enjoy the Advent season, get visitors nearly every day and have fun.
    Good life!

  3. Awwww....I could have sat here forever smiling at your adorable dog Erika but then I'd never catch up with your other posts.
    Glad you got some time in your 'Happy place' and it looks like you had a fun time too - your AJJ page is fabulous - the birds eye view is such a great idea and I love the cars.
    oooh yummy - I bet everyone enjoyed your scrumptious looking cake :)
    Have a great week... Gill xx

  4. Such a cute opening photo, who could resist such a happy face :-). Loving you page Erica, your grey sky and the sparkly tape creates so shimmer and shine - wonderful! I think your little black cars with their glowing headlights came out perfect too :-). How thoughtful of you to make such a beautiful cake for your friend - it looks so delicious, yum! Wishing you a happy start to the week! J :-)
    p.s. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog and I bet the lighthouse looks amazing with the giant wreath on it! x

  5. Sniff, sniff, sniff - I smell dog!
    Sniff, sniff, sniff - I smell the most delicious looking cake I have ever seen - YUM!!!!!

  6. Love the page, the dog, the cake (and yes, the book -- it's a good one!). Much joy!

  7. Its a super photo of your wonderful dog, you cannot help but love the looks they give to us.
    A fantastic journal page, days must seem never ending for you travelling to and from work in the dark.
    Its a delicious looking cake as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. I miss the sunshine, too, and I like how you captured the commute. I agree with you that the cars turned out great :) We're having highs in the 50sF, so no snow for us in the foreseeable future.

  9. Everyone needs a little dna on their cake right! Sweet. Love Maddy's face. xox


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