Friday, December 9, 2016

Chilly but Festive

Happy weekend everyone. I'm glad the work week is done. The kids are getting so antsy and have lost all their ambition and interest in school.  When they're working in class inevitably one of them puts holiday music on their phone and so then we all get more interested in the music than working. Ok, I am just as bad as the kids. I will let them play holiday music on their phones for us when the rest of the time I am being a nag and getting them to keep them in their backpacks. 
I finally got my snow tires put on my car, just in time as we might get some more snow Sunday night and Monday.  And today the real winter cold arrived.  Brrr. I've got the wood stove started tonight because when this wind howling it seems the house never stays warm enough without it burning.
So I have some holiday greenery for you today. I had fun making this page in my journal. Its a mixture of doodling, stamping, painting and using a few die cuts. Something about Christmas means you need some greenery. If I had time I'd have it all over the house, but seeing I still need to finish putting up a few things so I can put the boxes away,  I don't think it will be happening this year. :)
I would love to spend this whole weekend home, especially since its going to be cold, but we're having lunch on Saturday with my husband's cousin, The hubby is excited to see him and I'm hoping to enjoy some holiday decorations in Portsmouth as well as a little different company. And my department at work is having their holiday get together Saturday evening. Luckily this year's host has a 3 year old so the festivities are starting early- and that means we can get home early. I'm all for that on a cold night.
And I am refusing to go anyplace on Sunday.  I think I might not even get out of my pjs. 
Enjoy your weekend. Hope you are up to something enjoyable.


  1. This whole post is so cozy and festive!! Love it and that you let the kids play music!! That you will stay in your pj's on go girl...I love it and that burning wood stove!! I used to love mine!! Enjoy the weather we have a beautiful falling of snow right now!! Sounds like a very nice weekend indeed!!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Sorr the last days at school before Christmas are stressful. Wonderful Christmas page. Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. I have frozen here all day, and have had my electric heater running full blast. It's been one of those days when the wind and chill took over. It's supposed to warm a bit tomorrow, then blast cold again on Tuesday. By warm a bit, I mean get above freezing.

    Have fun at your two events today, and enjoy your Sunday. Yep, Sundays are made for staying in night clothes. I say that because I prefer long gowns. Not a fan of anything around my waist, and when it happens at night, it's even more unenjoyable. TMI?

    Love your festive holly inspired journal art. It's a fun and festive piece.

  4. A very festive journal page Erika, I'm having a pajama day, well, almost the entire day. We're going out to see a play in the evening, so I need to dress up a bit for that :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Love and hugs

  5. It is a wonderful and fun Christmas page. So bright and merry!
    sandy xx

  6. A lovely Christmas page, very festive and lovely colours,
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to be home but you just can't. It'll be fun and good -- but sometimes home is just what you really want!

    When this page opened on my computer, I just smiled. I really love this piece. The colors, the feel, the happiness behind it. Just what I needed this morning!

  8. finally Christmas enthusiasm caught kids as you mentioned they ply holiday music .i find this so incredible because such sensation is sign of wonderful and happening life .
    i hope you enjoy your hot drinks when specially come from out doors near your fire place .her we are still waiting for REAL winters .

    you made a very fantastic page full of Christmas colors.Christmas is lovely event when all trees outside turn white by snow .inside the houses they stll stay warm and filled with warmth of life

  9. I still have wild sunflowers in bloom here and no snow in sight. I can remember Daddy putting chains on the tires sometimes when I was little, but we haven't had a need for such in long years.

    I'm sure your class is much more cheerful with Christmas music in the background. Sounds like a good compromise for the season.

    Such pretty greenery!

  10. A beautiful festive page!
    Hope the last weeks at school are not to busy for you!
    Stay cool!
    Happy start of the new week Erika!

  11. Your lovely page full of mixed foliage and berries certainly has made me feel quite festive. Sadly (and it probably sounds awful) I only ever use plastic holly - not sure its easily available here anyway.
    I bet there are a lot of excited children in your class counting down the days to their holidays - I know I've been counting too :)
    I always think I work better when I have music on - ok it's maybe not quite the same as I mean doing something arty ha ha - I guess its just as well Christmas only comes once a year.
    Gill xx


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