Sunday, December 4, 2016

Ito the Maine Woods-Road Trip Weekend

 Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm home from my Saturday into Sunday journey into the northern woods of  Maine. 
We were going up to my and the hubby's college Alma mater for a hockey game against our "arch" rival team, which happens to be the Alma mater of my daughter and her boyfriend.
The University of Maine verses the University of New Hampshire.
 Here's a snapshot, mostly of the University of Maine team warming up before the game.
Its always a heated game because of the "border war", as its called. Back in 1999 these 2 teams ended up in the National Championship Game playing each other for the highest collegiate hockey trophy (at least here in the US). The game was a tie at the end, and it went into overtime. In overtime Maine scored and won, and New Hampshire has always had a little bit of a sore spot because of that. And because the 2 states border each other, its called the Border War.
Its always a wild game when we play, and even though New Hampshire won last night's game by a couple of points, it was an intense and fun game to watch. I actually felt bad for the Maine players because they really did outplay the other team, but just don't have any really good scorers .
And how about this nice looking group of rival fans? It was lots of fun traveling with my daughter Katie and her friend Zach. Plus for the hubby and myself there was the extra bonus of visiting where we both went for our undergraduate degrees. Unfortunately with the hubby still recouping from his heart surgery, we didn't do tons of walking around on campus, but it was still nice to drive around and see what had changed in the last couple of years since we'd visited. And as I was the driver, I didn't get to take very many photos to show you either.
Even the pups came for a weekend get away, although they sat in the car during the game. We always stay at this dog friendly hotel, and these 2 were really good.

The drive takes 3 1/2- 4 hours, so we left early so the hubby could take a little nap before the game. While he was relaxing, I did a bit of doodling in my journal, since I brought it and some Pitt markers along with some  pens along with me.
It may not be the most exciting art, nor is it finished, but it was fun for me to get a little color play in.
On our drive home today we stopped at LL Bean ( a big outdoor clothing and outdoor outfitter here in the US) and battled the holiday shopping crowds. When we got home in the late afternoon I took a long nap, and now its Sunday evening about we're just about back into another work week.
And for Monday they are saying snow!
Oh my. A least it didn't come while we were in weekend transit. That might have put a big damper on our fun!
Happy new week everyone.


  1. What a fun road trip. And I'm glad the weather held for you. If you get what landed here this afternoon at 4, you'll be in for some snow. How much is still up for grabs. I really am not ready!

  2. Glad you had a good weekend break, you all deserved some fun. Love the photos, too. And the doodles are fun, good idea to take something with you. Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Too bad your team lost. It certainly made for some great rivalry, though. To think this rivalry can go on even in a household made me smile.

    So glad you shared the photos with us. I can simply feel the fun you four had. Glad to see your husband was up and looked really good, too, after his surgery.

    So who did the dogs root for?

  4. Sounds like the whole family had much fun! Super!
    Zach looks great - I am happy that your lovely daughter is happy again!!!
    Wishing you a good week at work and you were a good girl to even take your journal supplies with you for the trip - I think that page is inspired by the games or a bit by the patchwork -planket on the hotel bed!!lol!

    oxo Susi

  5. Thank you for sharing the photos of your trip. I hadn't realized you meant ICE hockey. Here in Europe hockey is played on a lawn. I'm sure there is ice hockey too in cities with an ice rink, but I've never seen it. I've seen ice hockey once and I found it even more violent than football (soccer). Not for me.
    It was great to see picture of you and you hubby (and family) and also great to see the dogs.
    Best wishes, also to your hubby. May he recover well.

  6. Loved the pictures - Erika, your are a cute as a bug in a rug and so is your daughter. What beautiful smiles!
    What, no lobster!!!! I could not go to Main without eating lobster. Of course I live in Florida so the joke is on me!
    Sandy xx

  7. On my blog post today you asked: "I wish you could still see that circlely stitching you did. Can you lift the top piece to show it?"

    Actually, the circles are the BACK of the piece, so all you have to do is turn it over and it's there, as well as Bleubeard's and my name. Thanks for asking.

  8. Sounds like a fun trip. A bit of reminiscing and a step closer to full recovery :)

  9. So pleased you had a good weekend, You all look like you were really enjoying yourselves. Its a great doodled page, very colourful, and detailed.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Loved to see the hockey game (never seen one), loved to see you and your family having a great time.
    Also loved your colourful painting, wouldn't it make a lovely fabric.


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