Monday, December 5, 2016

Pizza, Beer and Art-What a Combo

Tuesday again! A big hello to the T Gang!
But first, I  finished up a couple of pages for this month's new challenge at Art Journal Journey.
The theme is Light and Darkness, hosted by the talented Valerie.
Here's one of them.
So this past weekend while I was doodling away in my journal, I used markers and created this page  with  colored Christmas lights sparkling in a Christmas tree. Of course making the lights with markers didn't make them very exciting, so I took some paint and painted them so they'd be bright, and then I used some clear glitter glue to make them sparkle and shine. I added the snowflake ornament and the joy word, both which were die cuts. 
And for T Day. how about a visit back to my favorite college hang out for pizza and beer? 
Last weekend I traveled to Maine with my college sweetheart, now my husband, along with my daughter and her sweetheart.  We went to a hockey game, but after the game we went for pizza at the place my husband and I used to regularly stop by on Friday nights for  dinner.
Of course no Friday night pizza in college would be complete without a pitcher of beer, What I love about this place (still) is that is it hasn't changed since back in the day. Its the same basement dive where college students always hung out. I think the only difference is now there are a couple of big screen tvs. 
You can kind of see bits behind this pitcher in this photo.
Now there are lots of places for the students to hang out at in Orono, Maine, but back in the late 1970's and early 1980's Pat's Pizza was  just about the only place to go get pizza and beer. In fact the most famous alumni of my school, Stephen King the author, mentions Pat's Pizza in his book Lisey's Story. I'm sure he used to hang out there to back in his day too.
This is my favorite, double dough (since the crust is very thin), pepperoni and onions. You used to be only able to get this single small pizza's, but now you can get large family size versions. I still like the small ones, which I can't even finish.
Now these 2 are a lot closer to their college days, but they didn't seem to mind hanging out with us "old" folks.
Stop by Elizabeth's blog to see what the rest of the T Gang have been enjoying for drink and food.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. I think your lights are super bright and loads of fun! And that pizza looks great right now. It's almost 11:30 and I didn't really eat much dinner. Now it feels too late to start. But oh, I can practically taste it!

    Thanks for coming over to the Gypsy! Always a treat to get your nice comments!

  2. That's the thing. I LOVE thin crust pizza and it seems most places here want to make it like bread dough and THICK. Give me thin crust any day and I'll be a very happy camper (veggie or cheese preferred, but when it comes to pizza, I won't pass up a supreme).

    What a great way to finish off the game. Seems like everyone must have enjoyed themselves. Maybe the beer helped a bit (grin).

    Thanks for sharing your pizza and beer at Pat's Pizza with us for T this Tuesday.

  3. I love your snowflake and "joy" ornaments and the way you made your lights shiny. We're big pizza eaters around here, and I remember the pizza place that the college kids went to back in the day. It went out of business long years ago; I'm glad to see how well yours is doing :) Happy T Tuesday!

  4. O.k. it's early morning here and I just had decaf - but later for lunch I would love to have such a wonderful beer and maybe the pizza..
    I will make a pizza today..yes!

    A fantastic page - joyful !!!I love the sparklingand the lightbulbs are so happy dancing around the star!

    Happy T-Day
    Erika! Thank you for another fab indea for Art Journal Journey!
    oxo Susi

  5. Oh my, I love the look of that pizza - and with a nice beer - sounds GREAT! Thanks for making your beautiful journal page with the Christmas lights, I love seeing lights and candles everywhere I go just now! Thanks for joining us at AJJ! Happy T Day, Hugs, Valerie

  6. Great that you can redo the things with your daughter and her boyfriend. Looks like fun

    Have a happy T day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Aaww! That was a trip down memory lane for you. The pizza looks great. I have never seen a double one before. And a pitcher of beer is of course the thing to get. It's good that the place has hardly changed.
    Happy T-Day,

  8. How wonderful to have a trip down memory lane! That pizza looks fantastic!! I like thick crust.. I'm originally from the PA area and i miss my sicilian pizza... Love your artjournal page... What a great idea to use paint and glitter to make the lights SHINE! :) Happy happy Tday! Hugs! deb

  9. Love your journal page ♥♥ Looks like you had a great time at your old school and hang outs! Happy T day!!!

  10. Lovely photos from your weekend trip and special memories to revisit.
    I prefer thin and crispy pizza'e as well,your looks delicious.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx
    p's' I love the journal page and how the lights sparkle.

  11. Great AJJ page. And that pizza looks amazing!!! YUM!!

  12. Had to laugh when I saw your journal page.....I have a very similar one waiting in the wings to get posted......great minds(?) huh??

    Pizza is always good with a nice cold beer.....and it looks like my favorite brand too. Our collage beer and pizza place closed years ago, I'm not sure what it is now. Glad to hear yours is still thriving and they haven't changed it over time.

    Happy T-day and thanks for the lovely comment.

  13. That is a wonderful page! Almost looks real - at first I thought it was real! I love a cold beer - especial Bud Light on tap!!
    Sandy xx

  14. Loving you sparkly Christmas lights and snowflake - beautiful! What a great trip down memory lane, thanks for taking us (me and my hubby) with you :-). We love ice hockey too - we've seen the Portland Pirates play in Maine a couple of times as well as the Hockey Club Sparta Prague in the Czech Rebublic. Your double dough pepperoni and onions pizza and beer are perfect too - delicious! Looks like we're having pizza tomorrow and maybe a beer ... lol :-). Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

  15. I love how you glittered the Christmas tree light bulbs! Thanks for sharing the technique. How cool that you and your "college sweetheart" took your daughter to one of your college haunts. And especially that she and her sweetheart seemed to enjoy it!

    Happy T Day, Erika!

  16. Love you light and darkness page! That pizza looks so good although I would prefer coffee to beer! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. the lights on your journal page really sparkle and shine. Romantic to go back to your old college hangout and sweet to bring your daughter and her friend along. Have a creative day!


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