Monday, January 30, 2017

Bringing the Outside In

Happy T day everyone. I can't believe it is already Tuesday again and also the last day of January.
First of all I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who participated over at Art Journal Journey this month.  I read lots of fascinating stories and the art was outstanding. I really enjoyed hosting this month and hope all of you enjoyed participating too.

I also managed to meet one of my own personal goals this month. I wanted to post a new journal page every day, and I did! 31 journal pages! Don't mind me but I am giving myself a little pat on the back.

So my  Art Journal Journey  page today is inspired by a comment Susi left on one of my posts. I was complaining about the outdoor winter weather, and she said ( I am paraphrasing here) the best cure is to bring the outdoors inside. Thanks Susi for not only a great comment but also an idea for another page. So I thought about how one would do that in January, and my first thought was a bouquet of flowers. Put those right on the table with my breakfast tea and a slice of toast. but then I thought even more and decided I might as well bring in a summery butterfly and one of those cute little birds who feed at my bird feeders. Not that my bird really looks anything like the real birds at my feeders.
My background was made from a European travel booklet brochure I received in the mail . I collaged images and words from it and then used some gesso to cover them.

And it is Tuesday, so it is also T day. A big hello to the T Gang ladies. Thank you Elizabeth for hosting every week also.
So besides the tea mug in the journal page above, here's a little late day snack for me.
Sunday morning I made a batch of these date nut squares. I first make a date and orange juice jam to fill the middle of the bars. It doesn't take any time to do that at all-in fact it takes more time to cool the jam than it is to make it.

With out new school semester my prep block is at the end of the day, so I teach all my classes and then during the last class I finally get to sit down. Whew. A little snack and a cup of tea is just what I want at that point. So here's my travel drink mug with some plum/cinnamon tea as well as a date nut bar I brought in with my lunch.

Hope its a great last day of the month.


  1. You page is giving me Spring fever and us in for a sifting of snow tomorrow. Deep sigh. You certainly created a perfect outside brought inside moment. Not only should you get a pat on the back for creating the 31 journal pages, but put your feet up after your day of teaching. You deserve it! The date nut bar looks scrumptious.

  2. I am in awe of all those pages you created this month. That is a feat. Really impressive. I'll pat you on the back. Your outside in page is possibly the best of all. I really loved the background you created and you paint so well.

    What a great way to end the day. Prep work and grading papers before heading home can be frustrating, but being able to sit with a glass of hot tea and date nut bar before heading home might be heaven.

    Thanks for doing such a great job hosting this month. It certainly was a well attended theme. And you were there every day to visit us as we shared our art with you. That sets the bar high for those who will come after you this year.

    Thanks, too for sharing your tea and pick-me-up bar for T this Tuesday.

  3. Well thats a lovely Art Journal page Erika... and great advice from Susi... Thats how i like to decorate my home... Any chance i get to bring something from outdoors in .. i do... Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  4. BIG WOW on a journal page every day Erika (PAT PAT with you!)
    I felt off this month and only got to join in a few times, but I "thought" a lot about your cool theme.
    This page is lovely and I so agree about bringing the outdoors in.
    Your cup is extra special too.
    You have me drooling over your date bars = YUM!
    Happy T Day and you should feel great about hosting another month of fabulous creativity over at AJJ.

  5. Wonderful journal page, and you did really, really well - go to the top of the class and have 2 date and orange bars! Thanks for all you did for AJJ! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. First of all!
    Congrats on managing to meet your personal goal with posting a page every day ! You really overdid yourself- I loved every single page!This last one for this month is no exception. You have this special talent to give so much of life and spirit to your art!
    Thank you very much for supporting Art Journal Journey with so much time and LOVE!!!
    It makes me proud that I was the "inspiration" for this page! It is gorgeous - the beautiful flowers and all the outside brought in ( whole of so I am able to have this tea/ coffee with you and I am happy to take at least one slice of the date nut squares - I love dates and nuts! Happy T-Day!

  7. a wonderful entry for the finishing day of ajj. you really made such a good Job and the theme was great. your Snack Looks yummy.
    happy t-day!

  8. 31 days of inspiration Erika, you deserve a pat on the back for all your fantastic pages. Its a wonderful page bringing outside in, when its so grey outside.
    The snack looks yummy.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  9. What lovely flowers. I hope you have given yourself a real bunch too.
    Well done for doing a journal page a day! Quite an achievement. I have seen allof them (although not commented on all)
    Your jammy thingy looks delicious. Just the sort of thing I like.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. I love the idea of bringing the outdoors in, and yes, having a pretty bouquet of flowers to brighten the days. Great job on hosting and making a journal page a day for the month-wow!
    Happy T day too.

  11. Wonderful page and story Erica, the idea of bringing the outside in is fantastic! The flowers, little bird and butterfly are gorgeous, just what I need to cheer me up on this cold and grey day :-). Thanks for hosting this month's AJJ challenge, it was such a great theme and I had so much fun :-). You are an awesome host and wow, 31 posts in a month, you rock! Your tea and date bar both sound scummy - Happy T Day! J :-)

  12. Great page !!!! Now those date nut bars look good enough to fight over... I'd have to hide the whole bunch for myself. :) Happy T Day!!

  13. Super great journal page.....bright and sunny! I think most of us are feeling the need to see spring get started.....won't be long now.
    Your date nut bar looks very inviting, haven't had one in years.
    Happy T-day

  14. May I give a you a pat on the back too, Erika? 31 pages in 31 days - you're my hero! I love your painting. It really does make one think of spring.

    Happy T Day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. The date nut squares look like just the things, especially if they're easy to make ;) That sounds like an interesting tea flavor. I've never had anything like it. Happy T Tuesday!

  16. I love your journal page, well done for 31 days of journal pages - I know I haven't seen them all but I will catch up one day!! The date nut square looks as though it would go nicely with a cup of coffee too! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. 31 journal pages...That is impressive, congratulations! Fun and colorful posies you've shown today- color is just what I need on a gray winter day. One of those yummy bars would suit me too! Happy T Day!

  18. When this came up on my screen I said out loud, Wow! I love the bright purple and especially as this gray morning is just beginning. It was such a lift!

    congratulations on your 31 days -- I admire that dedication in turning out art daily.

    And thanks for all your wonderful comments and visits. You would have loved the Rockwell exhibit. I was at the old Stockbridge museum years ago and I'm hoping that this winter when we head east we'll be able to visit the new one. We never seem to leave enough time to kick around and I hope this time we do. (Easy for me to say -- I don't have a job to go back to and Rick does!)

  19. Bringing the outside in is always a good idea this time of year. Thinking of you commuting as I write this, hope the traffic is not too bad. xox

  20. Me again - I didn't find your email adress, so I write it here as comment:


    I appreciate this so much!


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