Monday, January 30, 2017


It might still be January, and spring may be a long way off,  but that doesn't stop me from dreaming about it.
So today that's my story for Art Journal Journey.
Spring flowers, bugs, and even this fat little bunny that looks more like a guinea pig with long ears. I can't wait to  wake up to chirping birds and hearing the spring peepers in the  night.
The woman who runs the doggie day care that our dogs go to a few days a week keeps a sign on her counter counting down the days until spring. Right now the number of days is still way too high for me but at least I do notice the change in daylight. The days are definitively getting longer.
This has been such a cloudy month though. Yesterday I woke up to the sun and had some ambition, but it didn't take long for the sun to disappear. As did my ambition.  I was going to make some art play time and also clean some of the inside of my car, but instead I read and watched some TV.  I guess I needed it, but it does seem in some ways that I wasted some of my weekend. I think that's my inner New England Puritan speaking out.
And now a new week is here. 
There may only be a little time left, but you can still post your journal pages over at Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is Every Journal Page Tells a Story.
Thanks for visiting.


  1. You didn't waste your weekend, you enjoyed it! And that IS good! Love the page you made for AJJ, I think we are all dreaming of spring, and I am keeping my eyes open for the first crocuses by the castle ruins, they always bloom there first. Well done on packing so much into the month at AJJ, good for you! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. I am with you - also longing for at least some warmer temperatures ---
    Your lovely fat bunny and the tulips give me hope - thank you for all the amazing pages to the fantastic month !
    You rock!!!!
    I can imagine that you needed time to rest a bit that last weekend!
    Happy new week at school dear Erika!
    oxo Susi

  3. Ah, Spring! Was just thinking it's almost February and how the month of February seems to go by quickly. I have a countdown on my blog for the first day of Summer. I'm looking forward to Spring, don't get me wrong. But as you know, Spring in New England can be chilly and wet. A lot like Winter without a lot of snow. So, only a mere 141 days until the first day of Summer, 21. June

  4. This looks magnificently spring-like. Can you imagine what fun it would be to get a greeting card like this.
    I love the happy bunny and the bright flowers thrusting their way out of the ground.

  5. I think many of us are dreaming of spring and there is no harm in chilling out and enjoying a day at home. Its a fantastic page and sweet little rabbit.
    Yvonne xx

  6. aww your page is really adorable Erika - love that bunny :)
    I had to look up 'Spring peepers' and was surprised to learn they are frogs - what a lovely name for them.
    Sometimes its nice to chill out and re-energise - and if you enjoyed reading and watching tv it wasn't wasted time :)
    Although I want spring to come soon, I'm sorry January is almost over as I really enjoyed your AJJ theme this month - thank you.
    Gill xx

  7. We've had the clouds here, too, and while going to Texas isn't my favorite destination I had to love the weather. One day there was the start of political conversation as we were prepping for the party and Rick's MA sister in law and I headed out to sit at the little table in the yard and just talk hygge and soak up the sun. It was 70. Not super hot but sunny and perfect. I was so ready and thought that every cloudy January I should go somewhere sunny, even if just for a few days.

    I love your sweet bunny. Makes me smile. I've seen my first bunny of the year (I count them). Wish I could count him, too!


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