Sunday, January 8, 2017

Out of Africa

So I found another chance to paint my giraffes. :) 
Here's the story.
Other than detective mystery books, some of my favorite stories are set in that dark continent of Africa. I loved reading  'The Flame Trees of Thika" and "The Mottle Lizard" by Elspeth Huxley. I also loved "West with the Night" by Beryl Markham,  both the book and movie versions of  "Out of Africa" by Isak Dinesen, and other books like "Don't Let's go to the Dogs Tonight" by Alexandra Fuller and the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith. One of my top 10 ever books, "The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver was also set in Africa.
This page began with some brown paint while I was cleaning my brush. Then I cut up a couple of pieces of paper from my stash to add the images, including the map, to my page. Then I stamped the design along the edges and added the stickers to title my page.
And I got to paint my giraffe's.  :)
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey's story theme this month, every journal page tells a story.
Hope you'd like to link up a page also.
And I want to say how much I am enjoying all the stories on AJJ so far this month!
Thanks again to all of you who have posted so far!
 I need to go shovel since we got a little bit of fresh snow yesterday. Its piling up here-its been a wet month so far! But at least we didn't get the blizzard effect they got not all that far south in Massachusetts or even nearer than down at the seacoast. And it was also nice to spend my Saturday home in my comfy clothes. It was a good day to sit by the wood stove and read, so I did. It was also a good weekend to watch some more Star Wars movies- after seeing the latest movie last weekend it got us in the mood to watch the old ones over again.
You can say I am just taking life easy this weekend.
Enjoy what's left of your weekend!


  1. This is spectacular, Erika! I love your gorgeous page and love this month's theme, too! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents with all of us! HUGS!

  2. Glad you enjoyed your Saturday ! What a wonderful page !
    Chronicler of the Winds by Henning Mankell( I love his style) is one of my favourites in that genre.
    I love your theme and am also amazed by all the fabulous entries so far!
    Have a good start to the new week!
    oxo Susi

  3. It sounds like you've had a great weekend Erika. The journal is amazing with the earthy colours and the painted giraffes, brilliant detailing too. Nice to hear the story behind the journal too, I've read some of the books and will check out the others. It's lovely to travel in the mind when the winter evenings hit you.

    Love and hugs

  4. Wonderful work as always. Your page really shows your love for Africa, and stories and books relating to the theme. Your giraffes are great. Enjoy shoveling snow, don't get cold. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Your page is gorgeous, I love the African theme and the postage stamps are beautiful! The giraffes you have painted are so cool - perfect! It sounds like an ideal weekend to take it easy with all the snow you have had :-). I'm really enjoying the new theme you have chosen at AJJ, it’s great fun and a lovely way to start the New Year, thank you! I notice it also ties in nicely to your blog header tag line too - very clever :-). Happy Sunday! J🙂

  6. Hello Erika
    These giraffes are very well done, the whole page is fantastic.
    Beautiful evening.
    Greetings Sadie

  7. Nice bit of snow, not to much! Will be pretty for a day or so...I enjoyed Out of Africa as well, nices page to reflect that. xox

  8. This is a wonderful page love the colours, they do have me thinking of warmer places. I did enjoy reading the post and your choices of books about Africa.
    Hope you don't get too much snow.
    Yvonne xx

  9. I admire your attention to detail and composition. This page looks gorgeous. I agree with Valerie, your page really shows your love for Africa.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Gaby xo

  10. I don't hear too many people talk about The Flame Trees of Thika, but I used to have 2 different editions of that book -one was a paperback, and one was a hardback illustrated edition. I like your taste in books :)

  11. Loved to see your giraffes, they have such sweet expressions.
    I always like to hear what others are reading McCall Smith is so productive and I enjoy lots of his books too.

  12. I read almost all those books and your page really captures the feel of it. I loved the Flame Trees of Thika tv series way back when. Sigh...

  13. I really love this page and your wonderful giraffes, stamps and all the lovely details.
    Since I haven't read a proper obok for a while, I am lazy and like it when they televise a book and I can do something else while I am watching that. No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series is a good example of that - great story!
    Gill x


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