Saturday, January 7, 2017

Happy New Year

Hi everyone. I'm glad its the weekend, although for the first week back after our holiday break its gone really quite fast. :) And I can say now its only 9 more school days until its time for semester finals and then I get new classes. I am very excited about that-even though I like my kids right now, it is time for some new ones. Many of my students right now really don't like biology so its a battle some days to get them interested. Hopefully next semester the kids will be a little more enthused.
So today I have a journal page that I am linking up to both Art Journal Journey where the theme is Every Journal Page Tells a Story and to Moo Mania. where the theme is Asia.
My inspiration for this page was our New Year's Eve Chinese food take out.  The hubby and I went to see Rogue One:A Star Wars Story in the afternoon on Dec. 31, and then decided to get some take out to bring home for dinner. There was a Chinese food take out restaurant next to the theater, which we had never tried, but we figured it would be quicker and less driving than going into town to our usual place. 
There was about 6 people waiting when we came in, and we figured it might be a short wait. 
So we ordered, paid, and the woman told us it would be an hour. An hour? She could have mentioned that before we paid. We went out to the car and watched people going in and then coming out with their bags and boxes full of food. Yup, its New years Eve, and I guess a lot of people had the same idea as we did.
An hour and twenty minutes later our food was finally ready. It was good, but not that good. 
Lesson I learned, always ask how long it is going to take BEFORE I pay. :)
I made my page with some painted images, some die cuts, a bit of doodling, a little of stamping and my fortune from my New Year's Eve fortune cookie.
And a couple of other photos from this past week.
Always beauty when you don't expect it. I stopped to snap this on my way home from work the other day, and even though the rainbow was more of a complete arc, I didn't want to step out of my car and sink in the muck.
Always a little laugh when you don't expect one. I wish I could get that comfy on the couch.
Enjoy the start of your weekend!


  1. You are up early for the weekend. I'm up late, so I'll be going to bed shortly-maybe!

    Your Chinese New Year entry puts mine to SHAME. I love the dragon and the sign on the side of the take out box. The entire piece is beyond gorgeous and is SO Asian inspired. Great AJJ and MM&M entry.

  2. Oh - even though it sounds not the best possible dinner you got on New Year's Eve there - the page is wonderful!!!!
    And I love the photos --- your photos are always the best - she feels so relaxed on this chouch - amazing!
    Thank you for joining Moo Mania & More and AJJ with this wonderful post Erika!
    Happy weekend to you!
    Hope the pupils next semester will all LOVE biology ♥♥♥

    oxo Susi

  3. First of all your dog sure knows how to relax, its a great photo and made me smile.
    A wonderful journal page, that's the longest time I've heard of waiting for a take out, they are usually so quick even here in the UK.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Only dogs and cats can drape themselves like that, be comfortable, and look so good! Great photo of the double rainbow, so pretty. And your journal page is wonderful, and a nice memory for you of a loooong wait for your Chinese dinner.That really was long - next time, ask first, that's a good idea you had! Thanks for another great page for AJJ! Hugs, Valerie

  5. I love Chinese food but have never gotten take-out. I have a buffet I favor. There's never a wait ;) I'm thinking few meals would be worth a wait that long.

  6. Oh I got a chuckle out of your cute chinese food story...I could have made you two dinners in that time... oh my goodness..that's terrible. Especially when it was to go and not delivery!! Nice artwork out of the deal though!! Great photos...your pup looks so cozy and comfy!!
    Happy New year may your dinners be less of a wait, and your days be filled you joy and creative abundance!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. oh my,your page is amazing,and your dog is so sweet :_)
    i love china food,hot and spicy please for me.
    all your pages looks georgus,mums shoe is parking,georgus idea.
    i hope you had a wonderful new jear.
    wishing you a nice sunday.

    hugs jenny

  8. Hellooooo Erika.. hope you're having a lovely weekend. I've just had a lovely Sunday roast and some wine and as promised decided to catch up before I get toooooo behind... but apologises in advance for any spelling errors - that'll be the wine doing that! :)
    Love your page and the colours - ahh that was mean of that Chinese place not to tell you in advance about the wait for the food, and then to find it wasn't too good anyway :(
    Great photo of the rainbow - looks like it was a bit of a double rainbow too.
    Ahhh someone looks very comfy in that chair too ha ha Gill xx


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