Thursday, January 12, 2017

Retro Is Back

Lately at school, there are these old National Geographic magazines floating around my department. Why? I don't know. And when I say old, I mean  1970's to 1980's old.
Look at this ad on the back of one issue from 1972.

That's a story in itself.

So here's my page for today that I am linking up to  Art Journal Journey .. This month the theme is Every Journal Page Tells a Story.
I hope who ever brought this magazine in doesn't mind that I tore off the back.

Times have changed!
My family was probably one of the last ones to get a colored TV. We didn't even have one until well into the 1980's, which by then I was all grown up and moved out of the house. I don't think you can even buy a black and white TV anymore.
Hope everyone is having or will have a wonderful day.


  1. What a fun page. The TVs today are so much thinner and lighter, but that must have been state of the arts back then. Great page for AJJ, thanks Erika, have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh my --this is such a fabulous idea for a page!
    I saw a documentary recently about the inventions since the 80ties in electronics and I had to think much about it ....
    We got the very first colored TV as I was 6 years old.. I think we were really one of the first families in Vienna which had one.
    It was quite a sensation. This was 1969 - I was so impressed at that time about it and I remember the first Moon landing that was live in TV in the same year -
    and """I""" saw it... so exciting.
    Astronauts and aereal acrobats were the prince charmings for me at that time of my life!
    Happy Day!
    You are such a inspiring hostess - Thanks a lot♥!
    oxo Susi

  3. I certainly enjoyed your post today. I was given a few of those old 1970s National Geographic magazines, too. I love them for their clay infused pages which can be mottled with turpentine or CitraSolv. But I also love the old ads, especially the TV and automobiles. They are wonderful and I've used several in my art before.

    Had to laugh because you at least had a TV growing up. My grandparents refused to buy a TV as long as I was in school. The very day after I graduated from high school, my grandfather bought a TV (yes, of course it was color). For some reason, they were of the impression I might watch TV instead of doing my homework, or having actual friends. I remember visiting a friend after school who watched a local TV show that was based on the old American Bandstand. We danced along with the songs and dancers. They were all local, and I SO wanted to go on that show.

    Thanks for bringing back these memories for me. I loved this page you created.

  4. Well, I love it that your family was one of the last for the color TVs. Mine, too, and I remember walking down the street to my friend Suzanne's to watch color stuff. It was a very big deal when we got one -- and it was huge (mostly the wooden part surrounding the screen!) Glad you found the NatGeo -- it's a nice page!

    Comments -- I'm glad I'm not the only one who leaves up a woodland tree. They really cheer me so very much. The big tree will be down today -- just have to take off the lights and take it apart. Then I have a boatload of ornaments to pack up but Christmas (not winter!) will be down, I think. Till I find something in July!

  5. Fun to immortalize what was on your journal page Erika!
    Technology moves so fast it seems.
    My first thought when you mentioned "old National Geo" magazines was CitraSolv and the great patterns you get when playing with those together. I may need to give that another whirl when spring weather comes to stay in a few months.
    Happy Thursday oxo

  6. A fun page, indeed. We had a color console tv in the mid1960s. The thing was the size of a sofa! Thanks for dropping by and have a great day

  7. I love your page and its story. It had me remember our first colour TV. It seemed to take over the room, we had to hire one back then as it was too expensive to buy one.
    Yvonne xx

  8. This nice page brings up memeories of my childhood. My parents soon had a TV in black and white, and all chidren of the neighbourhood came to look with me "Lassie" and "Fury". We were sitting very close in the little room, but we had fun!

  9. Oh I love your page! Probably because I remember all of that. I can't remember when we got a colour tv. I know we had one when we first got married. I have pleasant memories of the old National Geographics. My subscription started in 1972, and it was sent from USA to Holland and subsequent countries I moved to. I cancelled my subscription when we moved to Spain because as pensioners it was above our budget. I had kept them all and eventually gave them all away 5 years ago.
    Have a great weekend,

  10. Gosh that certainly is a blast from the past.
    But what a great idea for your page.
    I think we had a colour tv probably around the early 1970s and I think here in the UK we only had the choice then of 3 tv channels for quite some time.
    I bet those old magazines are really fascinating if you had the time to go through them all.
    Gill xx


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