Friday, January 13, 2017

Bright Ideas

Happy Friday everyone. This has been a fast week and now we have a long weekend coming up for the Martin Luther King Holiday on Monday. :) Not that I have big plans, but I am excited for a long weekend, even if I have only been back to work for 2 weeks since my holiday break.

 We've also had a couple of really warm days this week. Spring has returned to tease us a little bit. When I drove to work Tuesday it was -4 degrees F (-20 degree C) and on Wednesday when I drove to work it was 44 degree F (7 degree C). By Wednesday afternoon it was into the 50s (almost 13 degree C).
Now its suppose to cool back off, but not be quite as cold as it was last weekend.

So my page today for Art Journal Journey was made because the girl at the typewriter caught my eye when I saw her in a magazine. She is thinking about her story I think. (This month AJJ has a theme of Every Journal Page Tells a Story.)
When I photographed my page I tried to get more light to shine on the top so it would look like the light bulb over her head was really bright. I think that worked.
So my page began with this lovely vintage lady. And then I found the construction tape which I thought would be a bright idea to use. I free hand painted the blue strips (notice they aren't very straight), and doodled in the lines. The light bulb is another painted doodle by me.
A few other items finished off my  bright page. And Voila. You can see my finished results. I think the girl's name is Ester and is attempting to write a novel for all of us to read.

And its Friday, and even though I've been away for a few weeks, I am linking up to Paint Party Friday.
Thank you Eva and Kristen for hosting.

Not exactly sure what is on my agenda this weekend except that I need to get some groceries, there's a big playoff football game tomorrow night which the hubby will want to watch(and  also I want to watch-though not as much as the hubby), and my daughter's boyfriend is coming for part of the weekend. So it won't be too quiet. I am hoping when my daughter's boyfriend is here we can rescue my mailbox. A car skid off the road last week and hit my mailbox, sending it down into the ditch. Since the mailbox is set in a bucket filled with concrete, it weighs a ton, and there's no way my daughter nor I can pull it out.(My husband is still not suppose to do all kinds of heavy pulling or lifting as his sternum is not totally healed from his heart surgery).  Maybe we will wrap a chain around it and see if we can haul it out with the truck. Or maybe our visiting engineer and join minds with the other 2 engineers I live with and they can come up with a successful way to get it back in place. I just want my mail to come to the house so I don't have to run to the post office for it.

Thanks for visiting today, and stop by Art Journal Journey to share your journal story.


  1. OH!! I like your bright idea. It's wonderful. I love it. I especially like the construction tape and the image of the woman at her typewriter.

    Sorry to read about the mail box. I don't know what I would do if something happened to mine. Of course, if it did, the entire porch might come down.

    I have been watching your weather. It is actually going to be better than mine. On Tuesday it was in the 60s, today the high is supposed to be 28 F and high winds. I am in the "Critical" area where ice can be between 1/2 inch and 1 inch. Power outages are virtually guaranteed. So, I hope your weekend is far less stressful than mine will be.

  2. Love your bright and cheerful journal page today, you are doing us proud at AJJ! Thanks. Enjoy your long weekend - holidays and vacation are of course the best part of any work! And especially school teaching, as I well know. Be careful with getting that mailbox moved, sounds like a big job! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. A super page Erika!
    Love your great ideas always!
    Good luck with the mailbox and enjoy your weekend!!!
    Greetings from

  4. I'm loving that bright idea of yours!!! Hope to join in on AJJ again soon! ♥
    xo Michelle ♥

  5. Very handy to have in-house engineers. Boy, they must have been flying to knock down that box. Yes, I hope you can get it back in shape. How are they delivering your mail?!

    We had that warm bit too but back to brisk and icy. Well, it's January -- and it has been and could be far worse!

  6. Happy, creative page.
    Wishing a wonderful weekend ♥

  7. Great Bright Idea Erika, I think I could do with a few of those right now. The tape works brilliantly.
    We are experiencing crazy fluctuations in weather temperatures but not quite to your level. I hope your mailbox can be retrieved and that you have a wonderful long weekend no matter what you get up to.
    Happy PPF to you

  8. Worked well. Turned out to be quite an interesting journal page


    much love...

  9. What a brilliant page and story! Love the stripy background! Hope you get your mailbox back in place! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. wow, that's quite a big change in your temperatures! Such a happy bright journalpage, love the lines in the background. Enjoy your long weekend!

  11. Another great page! I love the vintage lady thinking up a story. Spot on!
    I hope you get your mailbox put back!
    Have a great weekend,

  12. Its a fabulous page, she does look like she is inspired to write.
    Good luck moving your mail box.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Yes, isn't this weather crazy?? Your collage art is so clever and creative Erika! Happy PPF and enjoy the long weekend.

  14. That's a cool page. I hope you enjoy your family filled weekend and can get that mailbox out of the ditch. Blessings!

  15. Love the journal page!!!! Bummer about the mailbox. Ours fell a couple of years ago just from the wooden post rotting off. Pain in the butt to put up another one in the winter.

  16. I'm loving the retro look and feel of your page! Your vintage lady is gorgeous and looks so cheeky contemplating her story. The elements you have created are fantastic, from the under construction tape, vibrant background to the sentiment and shimmery light bulb! Wishing you a lovely long weekend Erica! Have fun! J :-)

  17. This is a piece filled with memories for us older gals. LOL Very nice indeed. So sorry about your mail box. Have a very nice long weekend.

  18. Fabulous page so full of hope. She looks so inspired! I need that feeling she has!! Great job!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. A lovely cheerful page with a retro feeling Erika, the background and the construction tape work so well with the fun image.
    I hope the mailbox will be up soon again. I'll be checking out if I can see Dallas Cowboys play this year, thats the great thing with the internet, you don't have to see the football games in real time when living in completely different time zone. I do need my night sleep :)

    Love and hugs

  20. Love your AJJ page and the vintage image you used.
    Hope you have got your mail box sorted out by now.
    Gill x

  21. Wonderful piece! I love these vintage images, and I'm sure Ester's novel will be hilarous! Hope you got your mailbox sorted!


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