Sunday, January 29, 2017

These Words from My Story and some Books

Inspired by a similar page I showed you, (Words), I have another journal page for Art Journal Journey.
I don't really know if there's much of a story to this page, and the theme this month at AJJ, is Every Journal Page Tells a Story, but maybe my story is simply that one idea  inspired another similar one.
Oh well, we can't all be brilliant every day, can we?  Ha-ha-ha!
Words can mean a lot though. They can make us happy or sad. They can change our lives completely, like being asked to marry someone or being told someone you love had left this world.
I choosing for my book to hold what I hope are happy words today.
So speaking of books-I decided to cut back on my book listing posts this year, but this month I have been reading soooo much.
 I don't think I've manage to get through so many books in one busy month in a long time. I just can't seem to get enough of it. I've been even staying up late reading-on school nights-knowing It will be hard to get up the next morning. Boy, do I sounds like one of the kids at school now. Here's the latest reads.
 This one (above) is one of those books full of little bits of wisdom and it also has some cool art inspiration.
I loved this book. The author, his wife and step-daughter rode their horses along the trail that followed the Navajo Native American story of creation. He makes note that unlike many creation stories, this one actually names places that really exist in the American Southwest.
 Sounded interesting, so I settled in for Navajo stories along with  arm chair travel.  Douglas Preston is a newly discovered writer for me this month and I am already on a second book by him. I love how he weaves so many layers into his (in this case) non-fiction, but I guess he's also written some fictional mystery stories. More for me to discover later I guess.
A favorite mystery writer of mine-just coincidentally with 2 Navajo detectives. I guess since I decided not to go to New Mexico this next school break, I need to get my southwestern journey in whatever form I can get it. :)
And I found this cake recipe book marked down, and it looked intriguing. I wanted to learn how to make these kind of cakes. I read it in a night,and I decided I am going to make this cover cake for the hubby for Valentine's day. But a plain red heart, not rainbow. Or maybe I should say I am going to try to make a heart inside. It involves cake carving and since I have never done that, it might not look too heart shape, but  I am willing to give it a try.
If its not a disaster I will show you once I make it. :)

Enjoy the rest (however much is left) of your weekend.


  1. Your page is fun, words are really magic, there's a wonderful quote in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to that effect: “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” (Spoken by Dumbledore)
    I am looking forward to seeing your Valentine's cake, what a great idea. Have a fun day, keep reading, hugs, Valerie

  2. The idea of words jumping out of the pages is really cool! Love it!
    You really excel yourself this month with this amount of pages and all this in addition to teaching and reading soooo much - wow!
    Happy rest of your weekend Erika!
    oxo Susi

  3. They were good words to jump off the page, its a fantastic journal page.
    I look forward to seeing how your cake turns out, I'm sure it will taste delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  4. I like the unexpected word page. Unexpected in front of those phrases just a surpise. Unexpected blossom. Unexpected love muffin. My favorite unexpected defining moment. Aha!

    Stay warm!

  5. I love the Leaphorn/Chee books, and that Preston Douglas book sounds fascinating. I will definitely look for it :) Thx!

  6. This is a cool idea Erika - love the way you've drawn the book.
    Having to carve the cake to do the centre is very intriguing ( and brave) look forward to seeing it when done - it'll be fabulous!
    Have a great week.... Gill x

  7. When I saw the Hillerman book, I thought of Divers and Sundry. I see she has posted, so I don't have to mention it to her.

    Your unexpected words are so true. I really enjoyed the thought process behind this, too.

  8. I always enjoy reading about what you have been reading, hope you don't stop. To me the definition of a good book is one which you keep reading when you should be doing other things.
    Fun page with the words jumping out, a clever idea.

  9. Love the idea of the words jumping out of the page!

    And the books you have featured this month look really good. I need to bake something interesting for book club. We're reading Little Paris Bookshop so I want to try something like a tart or something French. Hello, Julia! Be sure to show your Valentine cake!


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