Friday, January 6, 2017

Travel Story-Part 2

If you missed part one, check back to yesterday's post (  Travel Story part 1  ) for the details.
So yesterday I mentioned how I couldn't find one of my sandals  after a day out and about in San Diego, California. I had changed out of them to do some light hiking at a nature reserve, and when it started to rain, we had hopped into our rental car and head off. I had just assumed both of my sandals were on the floor in the backseat at this point. When I went later to look for my sandals, I could only find one of them.
The next morning when it was light,  I went out to the car and looked under the seats for my other shoe, but there was no second sandal. I was really disappointed because the weather was suppose to be warming up a bit once the rain stopped. However, as it was still  raining pretty hard  and we were all dragging that morning, we went to a huge partially open air shopping mall  so I could look for a new pair of sandals (I think that morning I was  convinced I needed sandals and that my whole trip would have gone downhill if I didn't have any.). Plus my then 10 year old daughter had already discovered her love of shopping so she was all game to go to the mall. She would have spent the whole week visiting one mall after another.
However, I didn't see any sandals I liked or any that I wanted to pay for at the mall.
At that point I was past my missing sandal misery and ready to move on.
So we went off and found other things like a great Mexican place for lunch. After that we went exploring like tourists tend to do when on vacation. :)
So later in the day when it was time to head back to the hotel,  I was driving north on the freeway. We were all chatting about something or another, when my husband mentioned that I had missed the exit we needed for the hotel. 
Instead of heading east we were still going north and I said something like, "Now that the sun is back out, maybe we should go back to the beach in La Jolla to walk it again."  and my husband said "Maybe we should go back and see if your sandal  is there?"
"My sandal wouldn't be there." was what I remember replying.
I can't remember if we did go and walk the beach again, but I do remember I did drive into the state nature reserve. 
And when we pulled up to the parking lot where we had parked the night before, it was now empty
except for
my missing shoe!
Sopping wet, sitting all by itself, just as it was, not even run over right, in the middle of the little parking area where we had parked.
"Look at Mom's shoe. I can't believe its there."
I had a big smile on my face!
I think I missed the right highway exit because my shoe was calling me back. :)
And once it dried out, I was able to wear my sandals again!
This is one of the most memorable of my travel stories. We still laugh about it.
(And yes, I STILL have this pair of shoes.)
I am linking up to Art Journal Journey where the theme this month is "Every Journal Page Tells a Story).
Hope you enjoyed mine.


  1. What a funny story, and a great idea for a journal page - everything comes (back) to those who wait! Have a great day, hope it's not too cold over there. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Honestly, I never find things I lose like that! What a great story. Well told!

  3. Love the story about the missing sandal, it's great when things work out like that!

  4. Somehow I had a feeling this would be the happy outcome. It certainly made for a great two part story in your journal, though. And it's a wonderful story, at that. You should wear them and take a shoe selfie one day in the future!

    Happy almost the weekend, dear.

  5. That's a story worth re-telling. It's those little things, isn't it, that makes a vacation memorable :)

  6. Oh Erika I am so pleased to read the happy ending to your story. That you still keep them shows that it must have mean't a lot to you, to find missing shoe..
    Yvonne xx

  7. Just a fantastic story and page Erika!

    oxo Susi

  8. This is such a great story. I think you must have subconsciously heard the shoe calling for you in its little shoey voice - "Erika! Erika"! It must have been so pleased when you turned up.


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