Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome 2017

"And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been." 
Rainer Maria Rilke

I can't believe 2016 is finished and here we are back in January again. Are you ready to make some fresh starts?  Wow-it is 2017! 
I am starting off my year in an exciting way as I am hosting this month at Art Journal Journey.
Big thanks again toValerie and Susi for asking. I'm looking forward to some fun this month!

This month my Art Journal Journey theme is a twist on a phrase that we say in the US. The saying is "Every picture tells a story" and I am switching it up to  "Every journal page tells a story". 

I like how I put this on the AJJ homepage, so I'll repeat myself:
 I think we  tell stories all the time, whether we talk about books we've read, movies we've watched, or told someone about an adventure we've had during our day, Our stories come from our past and things we find interesting in our present. Sometimes we even tell stories about our dreams for the future. We describe people we know, those we wish we could meet  or maybe  have just met.  Our stories are often non-fiction, but they can be fiction too. So this month I want to "see" your stories and hopefully get to read a little bit about them too.

My page today is the title page to my "story" book  journal I'll be sharing with you this month. It started with some paper printed with typed letters. I created the typewriter using a die, some paint and some randomly stamped images on the  page. Then I added the fun lady and some other images which are cut out of an old FLOW magazine. And then I added a little glitter and some stickers to finish off the page.

I'm looking forward getting in lots of "reading" this month, and since that's one of my new year goals, I'm excited about this theme. 
So please make a page or two and join in on the fun!

Hope everyone has rung in the new year in a good way!  I had a quiet evening home watching the original Star Wars movie on the TV. The hubby and I needed to watch it since we went to see the new Star Wars Rogue One movie this afternoon. The movie was really good and hanging home on a chilly night was a perfect new Year's Eve for me.

Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. It's already 2017 at your place, but I have a few minutes left in 2016 at mine. Just enough to say I was BLOWN away when I saw you are the host of AJJ this month. I hope to get my act in gear and tell a few of my own stories this month.

    Happy New Year, dear friend.

  2. I absolutely love your theme amd the journal page you created. I saw a "saying" on Facebook tonight that will work well with your journal prompt. Helene

  3. Lovely journal page and thanks for being our host for this month. Happy new year for you and your family, and more reading time is always good. Have a fun time at AJJ this month, I am looking forward to seeing your pages Hugs, Valerie

  4. Hello Erica
    I wish you a "HAPPY NEW YEAR"
    Good luck and health and am looking forward to your creative contributions.
    All the best.

  5. Happy New Year Erika!
    I love your Welcome 2017 page and the fabulous
    example page for Art Journal Journey!
    We are very excited to have you as a hostess !
    So nice of you - I am looking forward to the art of this months - I have not many ideas yet for pages but I hope to get the flow soon again.
    oxx Susi

  6. Wonderful theme this month Erika. I hope to join in this month again over at Art Journal Journey! Wishing you and yours love, peace and happiness for 2017 ♥
    Michelle ♥

  7. A fabulous theme Erika for AJJ. Your page looks fantastic and inspiring. We have that saying here in the UK as well, so I will be putting on my thinking hat. I saw Rogue One last week, thought it was good too.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Great theme Erika and such wonderful pages both the Welcome 2017 and the AJJ page are stunning

    Happy and Healthy New Year

    Hilda xx

  9. A fun and fantastic AJJ page Erika! This month theme is very interesting.
    Mar x :)

  10. Oh how exciting! Looking forward to this creative challenge.

  11. A fun and fantastic AJJ page, Erika! This month theme is very interesting.
    Mar x :)

  12. Happy New Year, Erika!
    Your page is wonderful as well as the theme you
    have choosen. My journal pages often tell stories
    I didn't know before. I hope this kind of
    stories are welcome as well.
    Ciao Beo

  13. great theme and a wonderful sample
    happy new year <3

  14. Love your page and new banner. What a great theme -- I'll look forward to seeing all the creativity that comes from that inspiration!

  15. Good theme. Like your page with the typewriter! School tomorrow, good luck....xox

  16. A belated Happy New Year to you and yours Erika xx
    Wow! what a great start to the New Year with your fab AJJ theme - my head is buzzing with ideas already.
    I love LOVE your first piece and can't wait to see what else you have in store for us this month :)
    Gill xx


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