Monday, January 2, 2017

What Kind of Stories Do You Like?

Hi everyone. Since the New Years holiday came on  a Sunday, today is a federal holiday here in the US, so I have one more day left in my break. :) I've enjoyed my escape from the routine and from the stress of work, even if I didn't go anyplace exciting like some people I know were. But I did spent lots of very exciting hours in my happy place so to me that is even better!
I have another page today for Art Journal Journey.

The theme this month is "Every Journal Page Tells a Story".
The first thing I think of when I think of stories is the books I like to read.
One of my favorite genre of books to read are the classic who done it mysteries. I love putting all the clues together to solve the murder puzzle, and I love how you can visit so many places in the world because one thing about mysteries is they do include lots of location details.  And there are mysteries set not only in so many different places but also so many different time periods too.
So my page today is a recognition to all that style of creative endeavors.
I began my page with black paint, and while it was wet I used my fingers and left some light fingerprint spots. That's because you can't have a good mystery without some fingerprints being left behind.
The shoe prints are something I drew and then ran through my Scan and Cut. so I could make multiple copies.  I sketched the magnifying glass, cut it out and included some book print and some twine as the clues. I also used some red paint and sprayed it on to look like blood spots. Again,, what's a mystery without some kind clues.  I had this weird little Sherlock Holmes stamp which I added along with some letter stickers.
So last year I managed to read 35 books, not counting cooking/baking or art and crafts books. I'm happy with that number, but maybe this year I will manage to get over 40! About a quarter of those books were mysteries. I think if I read more mysteries I would definitely get over the 40 mark.
Do you have a favorite genre of stories?

And it is also January 2, better known  Second on the Second over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog, so let me show you a blast from the past also.
Here's some wintery art from January 2011.
I had created a little book in a blank hard paged book to celebrate January.

Here's the link to the original post: Snow Day.

Hope everyone had a wonderful  start to the new year, and you're thinking of some of your own favorite stories to post over at Art Journal Journey. And as always,  I appreciate you stopping by my blog.


  1. Hello Erika your pages are stunning love the theme and you have done it proud. like the black background with the fingerprints and oh just everything about it

    I too love to read Baldacci, Patterson and Vincenzi are some of my favourites

    Have a wonderful and Healthy 2017

    Hilda xx

  2. I'm also a big mystery fan. I really enjoy the story you told as you shared how you created this lovely AJJ entry. Unfortunately, I have no scanner, printer, or ability to remove photos from my camera. I do hope to correct that at some point this month, though.

    I had never seen your Winter AB/journal before (obviously), and was so delighted to see how your art has evolved over time. I truly love the look of this one, and the cover is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it for a second look this first 2nd in 2017.

    BTW, I read your comment on Halle's blog. We "met" when her youngest was 4, and she is now a teenager. Yes, we've been exchanging art for many (at least 10) years now.

    And did I tell you how much I adore your blog banner this month? Redundancy is sometimes a good thing.

  3. What a fun journal page! I love who dunnits, so this page is right up my street! Thanks for our fun ideas on my mystery page today, too!Love the re-shows today, cold and frosty like the weather. Enjoy your last day of peace nd quiet! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Ah, yes, it's a mystery indeed :) I also enjoy the mystery books, but I don't try to solve them. I just go along for the ride. I like your mystery page with those footprints. I'm also quite taken with your winter tree. It makes a striking book cover.

  5. Love the mystery page. Himself just got me hooked on the new Sherlock series from BBC on Netflix.

    Your board book just gave me the idea to create a seasons series. In my spare time :-D

  6. I love your page - such a fabulous idea and how you made it is just super!
    Your second look pages are fabulous as well-
    great to make a monthly book..

    I didn't read much in 2016 ... just a few novels and some non-fiction that I got from our local thrift store.
    Hopefully I will find more time for reading this year - I will see.

    Happy Monday Erika!

  7. What a great AJJ theme, Erika, well chosen.
    Your Mystery page is great and very representative of the genre. I like the big footprints.
    Like you I love the old classics, although there are some good "modern" classic stories too. I recently read a Margery Allingham written in 1929 and it held up well.

  8. Its a fantastic page. You cannot beat reading a good book. The images you added are all great, and your finger prints.
    I belong to a reading group, the books are varied, some good, some plain boring. But we always have a good time when we get together.
    My present choice in books would be historical.
    Yvonne xx

  9. what a really great theme to start the new year at AJJ Erika!! I love how you really thought about your page using foot and finger prints regarding your love of mysteries. Very pretty second on second art too.

  10. I love your new theme - this page is such fun! I plan to get moving on a page as soon as I can! I do love a good mystery but I also love biographies and Historical novels. Hubby and I also spend a bit of time looking at travel books and cookery books and of course is have my craft books! I love your little book too! Happy New Year! Chrisx

  11. Love this post and every piece of art (especially your winter journal cover!). The mystery one is great, too.

    I'm putting together my year-end book post and mysteries were definitely my biggest category! probably half my total, or close to it, was a mystery!

    Did you watch Sherlock on PBS Sunday? It's the only show I can't multitask through -- really have to pay attention!

  12. Fabulous art Erika - love your AJJ one especially.
    Gosh how did you read so many books..and that wasn't including arty books I am impresssed!
    The only books I ever seem to read in recent years are arty/craft, books to do with genealogy topics or browse through Daves cookery books (new years resolution (again) is for me to learn to cook..ha ha heard that so many times before!)
    Gill x

  13. What a great theme for AJJ, and wonderful wintry pages too.
    Alison x


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