Wednesday, February 22, 2017


It all about red over at Art Journal Journey this month thanks to Linda and her great challenge-50 Shades of Red.
I had some stencils out so I did a little playing. And I was stamping on some tissue paper and added a few of those images, so what I had was little Mexican folk art style page. I found the welcome word in a magazine and added that.
This page would work well in my New Mexico journal I am making.
And what do you think of my new art supply cart? 
I love it-even though I haven't filled it yet. And the best part is that it didn't cost me any money. I had some Costco cash and decided to get it for myself last weekend when we went past Costco on the way home from visiting my Mom. 
I had hoped to get filling it up but there seems to be a lot of other things going on this week. I almost wish I was going to be home next week so I could do some cleaning and  organizing. But I think this sounds like a good project for March.
Work has been  busy with too many meetings and a HUGE pile of papers to grade-the worst part is that I did to myself by having all these assignments due and giving the kids tests before break. I made a good dent into them yesterday and hopefully will really get the paper pile down to nothing today. I don't want to wrap this week up and have anything left hanging over my head.
Not much else here so happy hump day everyone.


  1. YOur page lokks fantastic Erika! YOu really get in the mood for New Mexico with your super journal and I adore this super supply cart. Looks very handy!
    Good luck with grading all the the papers ... boring job for an artist!
    THANK YOU for another fabulous entry to the February theme!
    You rock again, even though you have so much other important things to do!
    This is much appreciated!


  2. Oh, poor you having to grade tests, that was something I never did gladly as a teacher, but it's a necessary evil, I suppose. Love your Frida page, I have just finished a Frida page, too, we do seem to be on the same wave length lately. Red is a Frida colour! Your new art supplies cart is great, I would soon have it filled if I had it here! Hope the big melt down continues, too. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Its a wonderful colourful page and it was good to see Frida there as well. Your new storage baskets look like they will be very portable and useful.
    Yvonne xx

  4. That page would be perfect for the first page in your NM journal.Himself teaches college chemistry and always gives an exam the day before a vacation begins. I generously offer to help grade the papers using the Stair Method. You know, you throw the papers down a flight of stairs. Those that land near the top get the A, middle get a C and bottom fail. I'm sure you'll get things wrapped up before your trip Enjoy the warm weather this week!

  5. your blenvenidos page is gorgeous Erika!! Love the look of your new art supply cart. I'd be dying to organize and fill it up too:) Would love to see it when you've filled it:) Thanks for again joining in the red fun at AJJ!

  6. You will love your cart. I have one (only three levels on mine, though) and it is one of my favorite things, ever! I use it to haul things from one room to another when I'm working on a project and it's amazing for storage. Great find!

  7. Goodness, I am SO far behind. I hope you get those tests graded by the end of the week, so you can have a stress free spring break. Today's LOW is going to be higher than tomorrow's high. No wonder everyone I know is sick.

    Have a super Thursday. I like that new cart, too.

  8. Lovely Mexican folk art page - your stencils are cool and
    so is your new storage, good it's on wheels too - hope you'll show it
    again when you have filled it :)
    and hope you get all the other stuff you need to do completed soon.
    Gill xx

  9. Beautiful Mexican page with all these red and blue colors and stamps! This storage on wheels looks clever - I would fill it very fast :)
    Best wishes, Rike


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