Monday, February 20, 2017

A Valentine's Day Toast

Happy T day ladies (and gentlemen too). It is Tuesday again, and time to stop by Elizabeth's blog-Altered Book Lover  for a little T day fun.
I have been married to my husband for 28 years, dated him for 7 years before that, and then knew him another year before that. And not once in all those years has the man ever taken me out to dinner on Valentine's Day. 
Now I am NOT complaining. I was just more in shock when he suggested we go out for dinner this year. 
Maybe that heart surgery he had made his heart a little bigger. Ha-ha!
 We decided to go get Mexican food.
We each had a margarita with our dinner.  Actually I think the hubby really wanted to go just for a margarita. No, he didn't  have 2 of them,he was just holding mine for the photo, although maybe if he did have 2, I could have talked him into buying me some flowers or maybe even a  little jewelry. Ha-ha again!
I had a yummy fajita salad. So did he. But since he doesn't like guacamole, I got his.
I love guacamole. 
I still couldn't eat this whole salad. But I still ate too much!
Have a great T day everyone!


  1. At least he thought of you and took you out. I never question what's behind let's go out to dinner. It means I don't have to cook, clean, someone sticks a plate under my nose, and I get to eat while the food is still hot! :-D

    I'm in the same camp as your Hubby. I don't like guacamole, either. I really love the saguaro cactus margarita glasses. Very cute. Happy T Day!

  2. awe- I love this post-and I can SO relate Erika:):) And how wonderful to be so sweetly surprised after so many years! A fabulous looking dinner and drink. Cheers and happy T day!

  3. Hi wow your dinner looks delicious-and margaritas are my most favorite alcoholic beverage-I make mango margaritas in the summer time-Happy T Day

  4. What fun to see your husband having a ball on Valentine's Day. I am impressed he took you out after all these years. Loved the photo of him and the two drinks. BTW, I'd opt for jewelry. Better value, longer lifespan, and won't wilt and die over time.

    Your food looks out of this world. I also love guacamole, so I'm right there with you on that one. Thanks for sharing your Valentine and his drinks with us for T this Tuesday. Loved the photo, too.

  5. Fun post today, it's good to view life with a big smile. Glad you had a fun 'date' on Valentine's day. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I like what you wrote about his heart that maybe got bigger with the surgery...SUPER!

    All the best for you both ♥ ♥ ♥!
    Now that the DNA said something like you are far relatives, it's no wonder that you are such a happy couple!
    My hubby and I are not near relatives I guess .. he was born on mars and I on venus!

    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

  7. the photos of your husband are just wonderful. "mine, all mine" he seems to think on the first one. he Looks so happy, i hope he has fully recovered. up to many more years with this keeper!!
    happy t-day!

  8. Never too late for a surprise eh. Your husband look well and very happy. The food looks good too

    Happy T DAY

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. That margarita looks huge! Nice glasses too. Very Mexican.
    Yes I love Mexican food. I have been to the States, where I had the mexican food. Here in Spain we have Mexican friends and she cooks us a meal sometimes. Yummy!
    Your hubby looks very well. I'm glad this surgery is behind him and he seems to have healed well.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. What a lovely surprise you must have had for a Valentines treat.
    Your meal looks delicious.
    Happy T Day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Are you sure you had a magarita, he looks pretty attached to them both ... ha-ha! How lovely to go out for a meal on Valentine's and the food looks delicious :-). So glad I got to join you both for your magaritas and fajita salad - Happy T Day! J :-)

  12. Looks SO good! And a great treat. (I love guacamole too -- lucky you.)

    Looks like a special, happy night!

  13. Aaawww Erika he looks like a lot of fun! And those Margaritas and Mexican food look yummy!!! Hubs and i kind of wax and wane with the Holidays... sometimes we do it up right and some years it just kind of passes us by... but i know i'm loved and he knows he's loved and thats really all that matters... pssst... although flowers and jewelry don't hurt...just sayin... Hugs! deb

  14. Your first Valentine's dinner in all those years? Good for you, Erika! And your guy was a very good sport to let you share his cute photos.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. Happy Valentines Day! What a feast! :)

    appy T Tuesday

  16. How lovely to go out for an unexpected Valentines meal! Hubby looks happy with two margaritas! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  17. Fun photos! Made me smile...As we don't usually go out for Valentines day either, but there's something about a stay in the hospital that changes your outlook about what's important... Happy T Day!

  18. I thought I had already commented this morning, but obviously I haven't.
    Those margheritas look very nice. I'd love one now actually as it is nearly bed time and I could just roll into bed...
    Your hubby looks very well.I'm so glad he has recovered from his surgery well.
    Happy T-day,

  19. Your food and drinks look great! Hubby bought me candy this year and I'm still in shock! He doesn't even get me a card on the normal years. I always get him one and usually a little gift. This year all I got him is a card and we just laughed because he had gone all out with two huge heart boxes of candy.

  20. Your drinks and food look great!!!! My hubby actually bought me two big boxes of candy this year which is amazing because I usually don't even get a card.

  21. I had to smile at your hubby holding 2 margaritas! OMGosh your food looks so good. Glad you got to finally have a valentine's day dinner. Since we had just spent the weekend at all those wineries......I got wine for valentin's day....LOL!
    Belated T-day wishes.
    With Mr. Linky being quirky this week, I have got to read a lot of posts that weren't for

    P.S. I love the photo of the reflection in your driveway.

  22. Fabulous happy and fun post - aww what you said about your hubbys surgery being bigger now made me smile :) (good to see him looking so well).
    Gill x


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