Sunday, February 26, 2017

First Light, New Mexico

 Good morning from New Mexico. I woke up early today, mainly because we all went to bed early last night-I fell asleep reading, and also I am probably not quite on Mountain time yet. 
I love the sunrises over the mountains here. The sunsets too. From my bed  and at the window this morning I used my phone and snapped a few first light photos.

 I arrive here Friday night after traveling for over 12 hours. 
 My buddy the plastic alien was waiting for me. I get a kick out of him and finally learned the story that he had been a house gift to my friends. New Mexico is of course a crazy place where supposedly the aliens landed in Roswell back in the late 1940's and there are alien "items" all over the place.
Yesterday we had a low key day. We went out to breakfast, did a little shopping around the plaza, saw a Native American dance performance (photos later as they are on my camera not my phone) and then came home to warm up (it is windy and very cold here). Here's me and my good friend Vicky out at breakfast having our breakfast burritos. (Vicky on the left, me on the right)
I've got half mine left for today which I am very excited about. We are doing a couple of museums today-this is my 4th trip and I haven't ever done either of these. I shall have more to show you another day. Tonight they go to two-step dancing lesson which they do every winter, so I shall get my third lesson-good thing, I can't remember the much from the other 2. :)
Well Emma their dog has come in to greet me for the third time. I think she is telling me it is time to get up and really start my day.
Hope everyone has a great day and new week too.


  1. I adore your little alien buddy. Seems you left the warmth of New England for cold weather in NM. We had the third day of record breaking temps. High 60s and 70s for 3 days in a row! Hopefully, the warm weather will hold when you get back.

    Beautiful early morning pictures. I love the shades of blue and grey. Enjoy your day and thank you for letting me tag along on your trip.

  2. Great to hear that all went well and you arrived well - Thank you for the photos Erika! Enjoy!
    the breakfast burritos look AMAZING!!!

  3. I was in Taos in the 1970's. So gorgeous. Once I retire out to our home in Tucson I will drive over to visit more. I have a friend who retired to Las Cruces. She loves it!

    I just love it out west after so many years in the east.

    Enjoy your vacation! We had ours last week!

  4. I've never been out west, but I think a New Mexico trip would be fascinating! and the landscape would be so different. I look forward to more photos :)

  5. A lovely post to read and that you arrived safely at your friends home. Super photos from your window.
    Have a super holiday.
    Yvonne xx

  6. There's nothing nicer than watching the first light arrive. Gad you are having fun and even meeting up with 'aliens'. Your breakfast looks large enough to give you energy all day, wow! Enjoy your day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Sounds like your trip is going well!

  8. Vacations with good folk--what could be better? Maybe an alien on your bed to make you smile. ;)

  9. Yummy and wonderful skies there I know. Are you doing the folklore museum? Whatever you do I know there will be great photos. Have a blast. xox

  10. Well YUM on your breakfasts and that would definitely make at least two meals!
    Lovely views you have there and how special to get to spend time with a good friend and explore where they live.
    Cute photo of you both.
    Enjoy * Enjoy! Oxo

  11. Oh these photos of the light are tremendous.
    I have no idea where New Mexico is, will go and look it up. I know about Roswell, though. Of course the aliens landed there. I'm an X-files fan.
    Nice to see you enjoying (some of) that huge breakfast.

  12. Erika, this is just wonderful. Are you in Santa Fe? If you run into artists named Jane Rosemont or Liza Myers, say hello! That lunch looks to die for!

  13. What irony that you were going to leave the cold behind, only to have it meet you there. Gotta LOVE the alien. Little green (and gray) men are everywhere there. Hope you are having fun and enjoying new and unusual things this trip.


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