Monday, February 27, 2017

T Time

Happy T day everyone. I am here with my Tuesday post from New Mexico. Its cold, grey and windy today and between tonight and tomorrow we may get 5 inches of snow. At home it is spring like and warm. I guess I am in the wrong place for spring weather. Usually it is winter like at home and  more spring like here, but I must admit I am having a fantastic time anyhow and it would be fun to see snow here at my friend's house.
(You can see it on the mountains already though)
So yesterday we went to fantastic museum, the Millicent Rogers Museum in Taos. Millicent was an heiress who collected some fantastic southwestern items and also was a gal who loved jewelry. She even designed some herself. She lived only into her early 50's and died in in 1953.
Here are a few photos from the museum. Lots more to show you in posts to come.

 Above is some of her jewelry and here is the sketches for some she designed.

 This necklace was huge and looks heavy and the spike pin, it was at least 9 inches long-or more. Not really my personal style but still cool to see.
They also had one of her childhood journals on display.
 And here's one from some of her colored pencil sketches for her version of Hans Christian Andersen's story Little Mermaid. She did these for her sons.
 And how about some clothing she designed with some southwestern jewelry and buttons.  I don't know if this jewelry is her designs or not.

And here is a portrait of her  done by artist Dorothy Berg.
I bet if you are like me, after that little tour you are ready for some T.
Stop by Elizabeth's blog-Altered Book Lover to see what people have been sipping (and eating) lately.
 Look at these artful mugs my friend has. I have been using the quail mug. I really love those guys.
A little hot coco by the fire.
And maybe a small piece of brownie too-though I didn't take a photo of that.
Thanks for visiting. As I am away I might not  get to my computer as regular as usual. so please be patient with me. I will get to everyone's blog to leave comments and to post comments.
Happy end of the month. (Can you believe it is just about March?)


  1. Happy T-DAY Erika!
    Enjoy it - if it is spring there or not - it is for sure super!... fantastic exponates .. such an interesting museum!

  2. I had NO clue they get snow in NM! But I'd love to one day visit anyhow:) Beautiful jewelry and craftsmanship-and the mugs-fabulous!! enjoy, and happy T day!

  3. OH Erika! I am excited about you being in NM again!
    What a very cool museum from such a talented and artsy person.
    Those mugs certainly fit your surroundings.
    One good thing about the weather is it is constantly changing, especially this time of year.
    Looking forward to more of your adventures.
    Keep having fun and Happy last T Day in February

  4. Happy T Day Oh I really enjoyed all the photos from the museum thanks for taking us along-Loving that last photo the best beautiful cup of coco by the fire

  5. Millicent Rogers reminds me of Elizabeth Stewart Gardner. Cool jewelry but not my style. I like her portrait. Looks so contemporary. The quail mug is very cute and the fire looks cozy. Temps are supposed to yo-yo here for the rest of the week. We might even see some snow (flurries) on Friday. I hope not! Have a great week whatever your weather.

  6. Oh, it looks like you are having a wonderful time! The museum looks amazing, I love all the southwestern jewelery - such pretty designs! And her childhood journals are fantastic, just look at those drawings :-). The quail mug is too cute - Happy T Day and have fun on your travels! J :-)

  7. Happy T Day

    What wonderful photographs of he things that you saw and all so inspiring. Thank you for sharing them

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Fabulous photos from your museum visit, I loved the jewelry and the journal books. It was a sweet mug as well. Enjoy your travels.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  9. So cool, thanks for sharing....xox

  10. I would have to have those mugs Erika... I haven't been to a museum in ages... I think i need to drag hubby to some.. i haven't dragged him to anything in a while... lol Happy happy T day.. enjoy your trip... Hugs! deb

  11. Glad you're having a fun trip despite the chilly weather. The Millicent Rogers Museum photos are very interesting. What a fascinating, multi-talented woman. I love the illustrations she did for her. How sad that they lost her so young.

    Your friend's mugs are darling! Though they look like they might be difficult to drink from. I imagine my drink dribbling all down my front - lol.

    Happy T-day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  12. I can tell I'd enjoy that museum. Such a variety of work displayed. I imagine the gift shop is hard to resist :)

    The mugs are fun! It sounds like you're having a wonderful trip.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  13. i would LOVE to visit this Museum, great things there!! and i love These mugs:)
    happy t-day!

  14. Happy T-day!!
    Cold, Crisp and clear.....I like that kind of weather, but I think I have a case of Spring Fever and am longing for some looks like it might happen.

    That's not my style of jewelry either, to heavy looking. Her journal is amazing, as well as her art. Thanks for sharing I found it all very interesting.

    I LOVE those mugs......all of them!!!

  15. New Mexico. Gosh.
    These jewelry designs and the actual jewelry are fabulous.
    I can see why you love these mugs. Love all the little quails.
    Thanks for the great Museum photos, fascinating.

  16. How strange that it is warm in New Hampshire, and cold in New Mexico! Upside down world!
    That picture from your friend's house could be the view from my house. We overlook mountains like that and the landscape looks pretty much like this.
    What a beautiful collection of jewelry and clothes. I love that turquoise necklace. She reminds me of Frida Kahlo, and her colourful clothes. Very interesting.
    Yes, those mugs are beautiful. Coco by the fire. Hmmm bliss!
    Happy T-Day,

  17. Oh how I loved the tour of the museum! The journal especially looks great! I love your friends mugs - I think the quail one is my favourite! Have a wonderful time! Chrisx

  18. I feel horrible that it has taken me so long to visit. I'm not a very good host this week. What an incredible museum. If I were into jewelry, this would be the museum to visit. Her choices were superb. I really enjoyed them, especially the metal pins.

    Millicent Rogers had good taste in clothing, too. Her designs, definitely southwestern in nature, were fabulous. And of course, her sketches and wonderful pencil drawings are incredible.

    I enjoyed seeing those mugs, but the gecko was the one that made me smile. Thanks for sharing the Millicent Rogers Museum and your cocoa with is for T this Tuesday. It sounds good to my dry sandpapery throat. Yes, it's still Tuesday here.

  19. I do love those mugs too!!! I have always love the designs of the SouthWest and the jewelry is so beautiful. I would have worn that necklace in a heartbeat ♥ So glad you have a good visit. Even if you did take winter along with you. The museum looks so interesting.

  20. How wonderful!!! Happy T Day and a great big thank you for taking me to New Mexico dear Erika! I would just love to sit by the fire with you and drink some hot coco. :-)
    Wishing you a beautiful journey & safe travels ♥
    xo Michelle

  21. Looks like the snow followed you down there (I hope its down there - not very good at US geography )
    This was an interesting post and read - loved seeing all the art and wonderful things.
    Gill x

  22. What an interesting museum!The jewelry designs are super cool. Thanks for the visit and a happy belated T Day!

  23. So glad I finally got around to visiting, this post is full of stunning pieces! Love the jewelry and those mugs are so cute! Sorry I'm so late for T!


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