Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Those Eyes

Hi everyone.
Once again it is snowing here tonight. They are saying we might get as much as 10 inches (25 centimeters), but most likely 6-8  inches (15-20 centimeters). AUGH!  I have nothing else to say about that.
Here's another page for Linda's challenge at Art Journal Journey.  I am loving this 50 Shades of Red challenge. 
I really like this rose stencil. This time I layered it with some printed tissue paper.  Plus I sprayed it with some assorted paint/ink sprays, and use some paint on an empty paper tape cardboard  to stamp some painted circles over my page.
I thought I had flattened out the page, but it still has a little warp. I had these square Asian brads in my stash which I added for a little interest.
It been a busy week at work, even though Monday was a snow day. But it is flying by, although tomorrow night, if we have school, is parent open house night, and I guarantee it will slow right down. 
Hope everyone is having a good week so far.


  1. Wow! I really like your art journal page compositon, with all its interesting detailing. Blessings!

  2. A wonderful page Erika! I love the depth of the background and all the effects!Great that you like Linda's theme so much! Your wonderful pages rock again this month!
    Thank you for all the support on the challenge!
    Good parent's day and hope the snow doesn't matter too much!

  3. Your page is gorgeous, love the warm colours. Sorry about the snow again, you are really getting a lot. My friend up in Duncan too. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Oh Erika, I am in LOVE with those Asian brads. They are fantastic, and that rose stencil is wonderful. Your use of texture made it even more interesting. I really, really like it.

    It hurts me to read how much snow you have gotten and how much more is expected. No wonder you want to spend your break in a warmer climate. Let's hope they cancel school and you don't have to stay for parent open house. I'll be watching the weather to see how you fare in the morning.

  5. It is a wonderful picture you added to this great page. She has lovely eyes, and the stencils are super. I hope you don't get the expected snow.
    Yvonne xx

  6. We lucked out with this storm. Had a few wet flakes mixed with rain last night. Not too bad. And not evening a dusting that was predicted for this morning. Sorry that you're area got dumped on. I'd wish you a happy snow day, but then you'd just have to make it up at the end of June. Hopefully, this is the last of the nasty white stuff. Warm temps are predicted for the weekend.

    Your journal page is wonderful. Those brads are something. I've never seen anything like them. they really add some bling to the page. Love the mystery of the woman peeking through. Invitation to enter? Or a prisoner? So many stories to make up.

  7. great collage and painted page Erika. SO much snow you're having-yikes!! So glad it has ended here in PA for now. Matter of fact it's slowly warming again and we should hit 60 degrees by Sunday:) Hope you at least get an extra break from school and can play more in your art room.

  8. wonderful page,love the eyes and the depth backround.
    sorry iam hear you have snow,here is not cold and the sun come day for day.
    wishing you a nice weekend.

    hugs jenny

  9. WOW! I am feeling very badly for you in all of that snow. I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous work of art with those eyes. It's fabulous!!!!

  10. Your collage is beautiful. I love the painted paper background with that wonderful rose stencil. The slight warp gives character and texture to the whole page. Great work. We are having spring weather after today, I think.

  11. Fabulous page Erika - the face makes it very mysterious too.
    Love the brads.
    Gosh you seem to be having non stop snow lately - I've not seen the weather forecast lately so hope it improves for you soon.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend..... Gill xx

  12. This is really fabulous - the rose stencilling and the face - it's so dramatic. I'd forgotten about brads - I've got some I must look out.
    I think you must be getting all our snow and more as we have had none at all this year.

  13. Such a lovely page! The rose stencil is so beautiful and I like all the layering of tissue paper, sprays and paint. Those square Asian brads are gorgeous - the perfect finishing touch :-). If you've had as much snow as the pictures I saw of my friends house today in Maine, I would say "it's now time to hibernate" ... lol :-). Luckily it's now Friday, so I'm hoping you can stay home - wishing you a warm and cosy weekend! J :-)

  14. Love those eyes peering through the page............just fantastic.
    Sorry to hear your getting even more snow, it has been pour rain here in So. CA, with very high winds yesterday........good thing is: we are no longer in drought conditions...LOL!

  15. Yike. I've been hearing about the snow there and you are getting pummelled. Ours is almost gone. Yesterday 65 and the same today, they say. I don't mind at all but it seems a little freaky globally!

  16. Wonderful collage page dear Erika. I love your steciled flowers and the paint spatters. Thank you for your dear comment on my blog.
    Dear Greetings


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