Saturday, February 18, 2017

Weekend Update

Happy weekend everyone. Today has been a busy Saturday for me. My mom was in the hospital with pneumonia earlier this week, and now she is in rehab, so the hubby and I took the trip down to go visit her. The good new is that she doing really well, and we had a nice little visit. It looks like she is expected to be back home in another day or two.
As we  were walking back to the car, we noticed these turkeys hanging around the front of the building.  This guy decided to walk out in our direction. Maybe to chase us away. :) I don't know, but it was pretty funny to see them in the parking lot where so may people were coming and going. 

It was an absolutely gorgeous and spring like day today. I loved it. After all our snow and cold lately it was about time for some good weather!
I'm almost finished putting my travel journal together. Before the pages get put into the cover, I did a little pre-trip decorating. I got most of this done last Monday when I was home on a snow day, and then I was able to finish it up a couple of evenings after work. I'm hoping tomorrow I can get it put into the cover since next weekend I will be two time zones further west. :)

 I have a magazine about New mexico travel that I brought home after last years trip. In the back was some information pages, and I thought It would be cool to add the fact sheet in, so I cut it out and added it. On the right is a little envelope for any little treasures I pick up.
 Lots of space for collaging, drawing or writing.

 I got inspired to make a couple of pages that were more or less finished too. 
 And on the right I added this clear pouch (the shiny part) that I found in my stash. I think its big enough for a normal sized postcard.
And for a couple of pages I made some writing  squares.
I didn't spend a lot of time painting any of the pages. Just enough to make then a little less white.
I'll have a lot more to show you in future posts I am sure.
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Your journal is super, love how you have decorated the pages, looks like BIG fun. I am sure you are very much looking forward to New Mexico. Love the fun photos of the handicapped parking turkeys! Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom being sick Erika, but pleased that she is on the road to recovery and getting better.
    I wonder what the attraction was for the Turkeys hanging around - it was nice to see their lovely markings on the feathers.
    Your new travel journal is looking awesome already - will look forward to see that growing.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend... Gill xx

  3. First of all : THE JOURNAL IS AMAZING!
    So excited for you that the start of your trip is so near!
    The turkey in the parking lot looks so special!
    I really hope your lovely mother can get back home soon !
    Happy start of the new week.. we had some sun lately - at least today it is a light sign of spring in the air!

    oxo Susi

  4. It was good to read your mom was recovering well.
    I had a smile at the photos of the turkeys, he loks like he was keeping the parking space for someone.
    Your journal is looking fantastic, you will be on your way soon as time seems to fly these days.
    Yvonne xx

  5. I'm sorry your mom's sick (pneumonia is scary), but I'm happy she's recovering well and will be home soon.

    Turkeys! I've seen them in the wild but never inside the city lol. What a treat :)

  6. Glad your mom is making a speedy recovery. I have herds of turkey that roam the yard, but have never seen one in a parking lot or taking up a handicap spot. I wonder if someone was feeding them and that's why they were congregating there.

    Your travel journal is awesome. The roadrunner make me laugh. Looking forward to seeing all the neat things you fill your journal with.

    Enjoy the nice weather this week!

  7. Yikes, pneumonia is creepy at any age. I'm glad she is recuperating well.

    I love your Southwest backgrounds. Very nice.

    And also, thanks for your Gypsy visits. I'm always glad to see your really nice comments and appreciate them so much!

  8. Fabulous journal! Love the variety of styles of pages. Hope your mom continues to improve!

  9. I had to laugh at the first photo, because it looked like the bird was handicapped the way you captured the image. Too funny. I hope your mother is now on her way to recovery, since I'm so late getting here.

    I always look forward to your art journals you create both before your trip and after you are home. This one is going to be amazing when you finish it in a few weeks.

  10. Your travel journal looks wonderful - I love New Mexico particularly Taos. We have been there twice for a Pow Wow and it was really wonderful! You ought to have gobs of fun and wonderful memories in this journal!!
    Sandy xx

  11. Another trip down to the land of enchantment, lucky you. Great journal to be taking with you and I'm looking forward to seeing you fill it on your trip. Enjoy...xox

  12. I'm glad your mother is getting better, Erika.
    Your travel journal prepared pages are looking great. They've given me some ideas to include in my diary journal prep pages, including stamping patterns. I like your pages with lots of stamp designs and the double page with one single stamp design looks great too.


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