Thursday, February 9, 2017

Now It Is Cold

What a strange week this has been. Two snow storms (and more coming this weekend), a spring like day and now a bitterly cold and windy day. I'm glad its the weekend even if I had 2 snow days this week. I've been enjoying being home having art, baking and reading time. Kind of like a mini vacation!:)
So I have another journal page for Art Journal Journey and Linda's fun challenge of 50 Shades of Red.
I included flowers and insects on my page today just so it wouldn't be anything like winter. :)
I started with a red painted background. I then stamped those cool hearts, added the fold tape, the stamped  Asian person, and finally used up a few die cuts laying around on my work table. I added some black stickers and the bee rub on, and finally added the heart and the stamped phrase.
So I think I'm in for pretty quiet weekend coming up. My daughter is leaving for a little Florida vacation. I'm working on making a new journal and I'm into another new reading  book. Plus I am experimenting on cake sculpting to make a Valentine's cake for my hubby.
Hope you plan on doing something fun and have a great weekend.


  1. Your AJJ journal page is beautiful, but PLEASE leave the bees at home. I've had enough buzzing this week.

    Your weather has been a bit like mine, sans snow, of course. On Tuesday it was 73 F and on Wednesday the high was 37 F. It's no wonder I can't get rid of this cough and weak feel. Glad you are well and having a great time away from school.

  2. What a bright and colorful page. Looking out my window all I see is white. I like the flowers and the bee. I'm so ready for Spring.I know I shouldn't whine as this Winter has been pretty mild, but I'm done. Hopefully, the Sunday storm will fizzle out or go south and out to sea. Still a long way off. Looking forward to the weekend to finish the Valentine's gift for Himself.

  3. Beautiful spread. I particularly love the blue on red that gives it a lovely purple tinge. Enjoy your quiet weekend. It has been an up and down weather wise here in New Jersey too!

  4. Love our red page for Linda's challenge. Glad you could enjoy a snow vacation, too. It's been very cold here, but from tomorrow it shoud get better - hopefully! Hugs, Valerie

  5. I am in love with your Asian page ! So beautiful - I specially love this roses in the background - all is BEAUTIFUL - so much elements put together masterly!!!
    Sounds you get out a lot of the FREE time this week!
    I am looking forward to seeing the cake for your hubby for Valentine's Day. I guess this will be a WOWSER...don't forget to take photos♥
    Wishing fun to your daughter in Florida! Lucky girl she is!

    Thank you for another fantastic entry to Linda's RED Collection! Your support is much appreciated Erika!


  6. Beautiful journal page, I love the opulance of the colours and design! It sounds like you have some fun things planned for your weekend, hope the cake sculpting goes well! I'm busy working at a local beer festival for the next couple of days then baking a suprise birthday cake for my friend and some Parkin for my dad on Sunday :-). Happy Friday and wishing you a relaxing and joyous weekend! J :-)

  7. Glad you are enjoying your mini break. So cold, too cold for pup walks, which they aren't too pleased about you can be sure. Only Tori doesn't mind the snow - all the puppy energy even though she just turned one last week. Making something, doing a bit of collage and having fun with giant hearts. xox

  8. Very nice and positively Valentinish. You benefited from the weather related holiday by doing art. Our weather is very changeable too. Very warm yesterday. Cold today. Looking for a warm weekend.

  9. We have sunshine and a predicted high in the mid-60sF today lol. I think it's spring! :)

  10. This is a beautiful Asian inspired page Erika. Love that pretty sentiment stamp. I actually thought you wrote that on. Thanks for joining AJJ again. Stay warm and happy weekend! I'll be in too, cleaning and cooking for a birthday dinner for our son, and hopefully squeezing in some art. Way too cold for me to go anywhere!

  11. Its a fabulous page, really makes me feel warm seeing these colours when it is so cold here.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I bet you've been very productive with art on your snow days! Sounds like you have your weekend planned and it all sounds good. We're having our Cork Poppers here tomorrow, along with a house guest. Should be fun!

  13. Beautiful page Erika.
    Enjoy your weekend and stay cozy and warm if you can..
    hope the cake turns out well.
    Gill x


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