Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Blizzard is Coming

 There's been WAY TOO MUCH snow  around here lately. 
 Back on Tuesday we got about 4 inches, and then on Thursday we got about 8. Saturday we got another inch. And now, the BIG ONE is due to arrive.
We're suppose to get 10-18 inches (25-45 centimeters) starting Sunday (2/12) and going into Monday (2/13) with blizzard winds.
Oh my!
I guess I will need to shovel this deck ONCE AGAIN !
This is before I shoveled it this afternoon.
 I think the dogs are the only ones who actually like all this snow.
I am definitely needing some blue sky and sunshine!
How many days is it until spring arrives?

So I decided to join in on Tag Tuesday which has a new open format. I am joining Chrissie's challenge : book worm. I did a bit of stamping and added a bunch of pieces I had left over from Art Journal Journey's January theme (which was tell me a story). 
I've been a bookworm myself this year so far.  I'm on my 9th book already, which for me is a lot with everything else going on in life.
Of course, this winter has given me a lot of indoor down time which is perfect for reading.
Hopefully we won't lose our power when the big snow arrives because living in the country means you're never the first one to get it back.

I hope your weekend is NOT as snowy as mine, and you have a great Sunday and rest of your weekend.


  1. Yup, another big snowstorm. Deep sigh, forlorn look. At least your dogs seem to be enjoying the stuff. I don't know how many days until Spring. I don't countdown to Spring. Spring is usually cold and wet. A lot like Winter without the snow. the first day of Summer is only 128 days away! Stay safe and warm reading and making art. Love the tag.

  2. What a lot of snow and more to come for you

    A wonderful tag Erika and great to have you join in at Tag Tiesday

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. This is a gorgeous tag, thanks so much for joining us at TT - you are a real bookworm, I know. The snow always looks so pretty, my dogs always loved it, too, as did the cat, but I'm happier without it. Stay safe when the big wind and snow comes. Ca you stay home then? Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Its a wonderful bookmark and very useful to keep your place when reading the books. Super photos of the snowy conditions you are having, but thats easy to say when we have yet to have a fall like you are experiencing. Stay safe and warm
    Yvonne xx

  5. I feel chilled here by seeing the snow there. They are enjoying in the snow:)

  6. Oh my gosh! That's too much snow --- I feel with you!!!
    I love the tag! That's really cool Erika!
    Happy start of the week ahead! I am thinking of you ... poor girl with all that snow and we want spring to come.
    Her it's is still cold - but no more snow, enough laying around still!

  7. I've been SO worried about you and Corrine. You two look like you will be the hardest hit. Yes, I've been stuck on the weather channel and almost didn't post today because of it. Please let us know you are OK and have NOT lost power. I know you have a wood burning stove, but you are also dependent on water and refrigeration.

    Loved the book mark/tag you created for this challenge. I hope to get something together, but I am having trouble just staying sane these days. Hope you don't have to go to school tomorrow, and have another day off work.

  8. Cute pups, cute tag. It's starting to "blizzard" here right about now, winds are showing up. Been shoveling a bit at a time...Another snow day to have some fun. xox

  9. Brrrrrr! It makes me cold just looking at all your snow. I wouldn't mind having a bit of it to be honest lol, but it feels like spring here with highs in the 60s and even 70s some days. I'm afraid all the plants that think it's spring will get nipped with the inevitable return of colder temps.

    I'm glad to see your dog enjoying it all :)

  10. Fantastic tag - love the colors and embellishments you used!!!

  11. Now that's what I call snow!!!!
    I read every single day!
    Sandy xx

  12. Love seeing the snow - we here in NSW (Australia) are having a heat wave. I really like the way you have composed your bookworm tag for Tag Tuesday.... such great elements all working together beautifully.

  13. I don't know how Michigan has managed to avoid it and knock on wood because snow is coming but I have a daffodil coming up. Hate that at this time of year.

    Your snow is awfully pretty. And I had to laugh at shoveling out the desk. That's what I have to do!

  14. Lovely tag and not so lovely snow. We haven't had any at all, but it is wet and cold. Keep safe.


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