Sunday, February 12, 2017

Watching the Snow Falling

In the middle of a big snow here in New Hampshire. Its suppose to last until mid day tomorrow-but the wind is going to be picking up and then we keep our fingers crossed that  the power stays on.
 Today I  finished making my cake (will show you on T Day) and I worked on a new journal I am making.
Plus I worked on a few other pages too.
I also took a little nap and lounged by the woodstove reading.
It was all just relaxing. Seem there's been a lot of these kind of days lately. :)
Here's another page for Art Journal Journey. This month Linda is hosting and her fun theme is 50 Shades of Red.
I made my page with lots of scraps off my work table. I stenciled the swallows and free hand painted the hearts, which I then stamped some words into and decorated with a white pen.
This lady looks so sad though. I hope she isn't missing her Valentine or sad because she doesn't have a Valentine.
School's been called off for tomorrow. I don't know if my hubby will have work or not, but I guess we will see in the morning. 
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. And, a good start to the new week too!
I'm grateful you stopped by my blog too.


  1. wonderful red love page,its amazing,love it so much.
    wishing you a nice new week.

    hugs jenny

  2. Wonderful page Erika, and I'm glad you are enjoying reading and having fun at home by the fire. Good that you can stay home and safe. Have a good start in the new week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. A beautiful new header Erika and a wonderful page - the white swallows are gorgeous to the composition - I think she looks not sad - just a romantic girl -daydreaming♥♥♥
    Another fantastic page for Linda's theme - thank you so much for all your support to the challenge again!
    I am really looking forward to the photos of the cake! At least this weather brings you maybe art - time at home as an free extra! Isn't that fabulous?! LOL!
    Here is sun today and I hope it will get a little bit warmer now - still below zero degrees at the moment at 8 a.m...

    Happy Monday!
    oxo Susi

  4. I don't think we got as much snow as predicted. not complaining! Himself's school was cancelled. My boss said I could have the day off (-; The Young One was notified her first start day at her new job would be Tues instead of Mon. The Eldest goes to work at 3:30 pm so hopefully, roads will be cleared and safe to travel by then.

    The love bright red of you page. The lady isn't sad. She got flowers and was hoping for a box of chocolates.

    Hope you didn't/don't lose electricity. Enjoy your snow day!

  5. Great journal page (I also really like the one a few posts down with the moo). I've added your blog to my list of favorites - I enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your artwork too!

  6. Beautiful red page! I like the swallows and your red painted hearts with the white dots around!
    I also looked at your older posts now, and was reading and looking ... so many different things to see. Your new journal is getting wonderful, with special details fitting to the week.
    Thanks God we have no Blizzards here!
    Rike xx

  7. It's a lovely composition and I love those touches of plaid. Your lady does look a bit sad. Snow! We got it too-and oh my is it EVER windy today! Keeping my fingers crossed we don't lose power either. Thanks for joining in at AJJ again!

  8. Sitting in front of your wood stove while it is cold and snowy outside sound quite delightful. I love to read.
    Speaking of delightful - your red page looks great!
    Sandy xx

  9. Love how you were able to put together such a lovely composition with scraps off your work table! I hope you were able to enjoy your second snow day crafting.

  10. Relaxing and reading sounds good to me. Its a fabulous page you created. Hope you keep your power with all the snow.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Your day sounds the perfect way to relax. Your lady looks like she is reminiscing - maybe about the beautiful white swallows and her sweetheart :-). Can't wait to see your cake, I bet it's amazing! J :-)

  12. Your journal pages are wonderful -- what a perfect these for this month!

  13. Hi Erika! What a fabulous page, I love the great composition of your layer scraps and images... sooooooo fantastic! All your pages for Linda's theme are super!
    Mar :)


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