Monday, March 13, 2017

A Little of This and That for T Day

Happy T day! We're on the storm watch here Monday night in New Hampshire. A HUGE snowstorm is coming tomorrow. At my house we are suppose to get somewhere between 18-24 inches (46-64 centimeters). I am writing this while I am waiting for the no school phone call, which I expect since we are under a blizzard warning.
And it is March, right? I am not dreaming that it is almost spring?
So last week I ended up going out 3 nights in a row. Unfortunately, I never managed to take complete photos for any one night. So I have a little montage for you.
It started Thursday night. There are 4 of us ladies at school that go out to celebrate our birthdays, This time it was a celebration for 2 birthdays, my own and my friend Dee's. We went to swanky new Italian restaurant and had a delicious meal. I had a side salad with beets,escarole and pistachios on a soft cheese bed. Then I had the appetizer size serving of butternut squash cappelletti with a brown sugar glaze.
Oh my.
I had a glass of wine which you can't see, but for dessert, we ordered this plate of cannolis. We all had a bite of each of these-the chocolate filled, the pistachio filled and the traditional. And look at how the chef decorated the plate for us birthday girls. It was a fun night out!
And then Friday night I had a 60th birthday surprise party. During the evening the weather changed and as the bitter cold temperatures moved in we had snow squalls 
Not sure you can see it since I snapped this photo as we drove by the beach, but it was covered in snow from one of the squalls that came through.
And I never did get any photos from the party, but I had a good time.
And then on Saturday it was really really cold so the hubby and I stayed home all day. But in the evening we decided to be brave  and head out for dinner at the Mexican restaurant near us.
 Finally a drink for T. And we split this plate of nachoes Carona.
 And the hubby wanted fried ice cream, which game in this tortilla shell with chocolate and strawberry sauce with a few little splashes of whipped cream.
And while I wrote this post the phone call arrived canceling school. I guess I'll be sleeping in in the morning. 
Hope your T Day is more spring like than mine.


  1. Your food and drink from your outings looks great! Enjoy your lie in and hope the snow clears away quickly! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  2. What delicious and fun birthday food and celebrations Erika! Yes, this crazy March weather...same forecast is predicted for us and they already have many closings listed along with state and township emergency alerts.Hubby won't be working so we'll both be sleeping in. Happy T day!

  3. I love how the chef decorated your birthday dessert. Happy Birthday to you and your friend. The photo of the full moon is beautiful.Fun shaped glass for the margarita and though I love fried ice cream, too cold! Stay safe and warm tomorrow.

  4. How nice from your school to phone you!Love your tortillas and fried ice cream. It must be tasty!the photo you took by the beach is amazing!Happy T Day!

  5. oh wow all the food looks delicious-we turned really cold here but no snow-hope you don't end up getting all that snow-wow that is allot too-stay safe and warm
    Happy T Day

  6. WOW, you really HAVE been celebrating your birthday. It sounds like you have had a lot of fun, and you have really made me quite hungry, too. I hope the margarita was good. I liked the glass they served it in. Reminds me of the southwest (grin).

    So glad you can sleep in tomorrow, because I was a bit worried that you might have to brave the weather. I'm having a terrible time adjusting to this time change.

    Thanks for sharing your various birthday celebrations with us for T this Tuesday.

  7. What a lot of goodies! Yummm!
    Hope you don't get buried in the snow!! :)

  8. Sorry the weather is so bad, stay safe! Glad you were able to get out and celebrate a lot, love the look of the food and drink. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Good Morning Erika! O.k. I can imagine that this weather is not what you wanted, but at least you have a day home and time for making art!
    You had amazing food!
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    We have springlike weather since yesterday...cold but sunny..I will send it in your direction... I promise it to arrive in a couple of (weeks) ?! days in New Hampshire - for sure! oxo Susi

  10. Yummy things in your photographs. Hope you enjoy the day off.

    Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. happy belated b-day to you ♥♥♥!! the eat-and-drink Looks so yummy!
    i really hope this Blizzard will leave you safe! isn´t it every year that we are in spring mood and winter plans a comeback... here we are not safe before may...
    all the best and happy t-day!

  12. Wow, what an amazing week of celebrations! Your meal at the Italian restaurant sounds delicious and the way the chef decorated your dessert is wonderful - Happy Birthday wishes to you all! The Mexican restaurant food looks yummy, the glass the magerita is served in made me smile and oh how I would love to taste all the food too! Hope you are keeping warm and cosy with the snowstorm on it's way :-) . Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)

  13. Oh my, what a feast of delicious looking food photos. You must for sure have enjoyed all your meals out.
    I hope you are safe in the snow storms. We have even had the scenes broadcast on our TV news programs this morning here in the UK.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I've been hearing the predictions of snow for your area on the news. Hope you stay safe and warm. I don't think anything looks colder than snow on the beach!
    Belated birthday wishes, good to hear you had a great time.
    Happy T-day

  15. Well Happy Birthday my dear!!! All that food and drink looks absolutely scrumptious.. But i'll bet the best gift of all was the call canceling school and a morning sleep in.. :) Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  16. What a fun way to celebrate the birthdays, and the food looks and sounds delicious. I like Italian food -and I like Mexican food. I'd have been a happy camper either place :) Those nachos look tasty.

    Happy T Tuesday

  17. Good luck through this storm, Erika. It looks like it will be nasty. Hopefully, spring weather will be right along after it!

    Happy birthday! My, you've had quite a week full of some wonderful food and friendship. The dessert plate at the Italian restaurant was really special ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  18. Well Happy Birthday and Snow Day! Scrumptious looking desserts and beverage. Hope you will be safe and warm despite all that snow...Happy T day!

  19. We'll it sounds like you had a fun birthday week !!! Those cannolis....OH MY!!!! one of my favorite desserts ♥♥♥♥ The rest of the food you mentioned and pictured all sounds great too ! We aren't getting the snow but the deep cold has hit us :( I want the Spring like weather back NOW!!!!

  20. You are making me hungry!!! Great pictures!!
    sandy xx


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