Saturday, March 11, 2017

Saturday This and That

Hi everyone. It is a  REALLY cold night here, more like January like March, and it has been a very windy and cold day too. A good day to stay inside although the hubby and I went out for some Mexican food for dinner and a margarita, so right now I am bundled up in several layers on the couch and ready to fall asleep. Last night was a late one since I had a surprise 60th birthday party to go to, and since we had snow squalls for awhile which made the roads pretty bad for a bit, I stayed later than planned until the weather settled down and the roads were treated. Yawn. Think tonight will be an early one for me.
First of all I have the page from my travel journal to share.There were no roses in bloom when I was away but I love this Lablanche image and it looks enough like a New Mexican church that I included it in my journal.
Here's a lightened view so you can see the bottom left corner a little better.
I am going to link up to Art Journal Journey since it reflects what I would see when I was Out and About in New Mexico 2 weeks ago. Thanks Yvonne for hosting this great theme this month. 

I spent my day finally cleaning the house a bit, picking up the happy place a bit along with doing some art. And I tried to stay warm by sitting next to the wood stove and made a good dent in my latest book
I love how the author, Elizabeth Gilbert, talks about creative ideas being like living spirits which find the person to take them on. I have never thought of ideas as something that move about and offer themselves to someone. I saw  them as something more organic coming from our own inner brain power. Its an inspiring read for sure.
Yesterday I had five hours to hang around between after work and before the surprise birthday party, and I knew if I drove all the way home I wouldn't want to redo the drive all the way back to the party, so I went to the movies and saw  Hidden Figures. It was an excellent film.
I actually just finished reading the book on Thursday. I liked the book too. Its a nonfiction read about the American aeronautical and space program and the Black women who worked as "computers" doing computations. It was very inspiring also. 
Think its time for me to go to bed, even though it isn't even 9 yet. Plus I can snuggle up under my blankets, since even with the wood stove the wind is strong enough that the house just doesn't seem to get really warm. Oh winter is being a lion and not a lamb right now for sure/ Oh yes, and we might have a HUGE snowstorm coming in a couple of days. Eeks.
Happy rest of your weekend.


  1. Your journal page is beautiful. I enjoyed seeing the NM "church" and the gecko, too. It has a definite southwest feel to it.

    I also just finished reading Hidden Figures. I have not seen the movie, but if it was anything like the book, I applaud those women and their tenacity and math/computer skills. In the face of all odds, they prevailed and made history, not just for John Glenn and the space program, but for their race and gender, too. I actually cried several times when I read how badly they were treated at times.

  2. Glad you were able to have a fun weekend, even if it was so cold outside. Love the journal page with the LaBlanche stamp and roses. You packed a lot into your weekend with going out, eating, celebrating and a film. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Very beautiful page with the church (on the hill), the roses, the butterfly and the black decorations! I think you had wonderful times in New Mexico!
    This book about the creative spirit seems very interesting!
    Oh yes, I am glad too when winter is over - thank's god we have no such big snow-stormes here.
    Rike x

  4. Wow.. your page reflects your trip in a wonderful way!
    Happy Sunday Erika!
    Interesting books - thank you for sharing your reads!
    Once more a big THANK YOU


  5. That sure is a beautiful image and reminds me to of the churches in New Mexico too, it looks so pretty with the roses, gecko and metal embellishment :-) . The book and film sound great, glad you had fun at the surprise birthday party too. Hope you've caught up on your sleep, Happy Sunday Erica! J :-)

  6. The church with the roses is such a pretty image. Fits perfectly with your New Mexico theme. I like the idea of ideas finding us when we are ready.Makes us and our art a part of something greater than ourselves.

    Looks like you'll be getting a snow day on Tuesday. Stay warm, cozy, and creating by the wood stove.

  7. The concept of creative ideas as living spirits is a fun one. I've never thought of it that way. We definitely need to be open to their reception if that's the case :) Sounds like an interesting book.

  8. Gorgeous journal page Erika, the lizard and the pendant are great, interesting additions to the lovely image.

    Love and hugs

  9. Great New Mexico themed pages. Can't believe the snows are going to fly again this week, maybe you'll get a couple of days of to rest up and play a bit. xox

  10. Your journal page looks wonderful, another memory to keep from your trip away. That stamp is beautiful and I love the colouring you added.
    Sound like you had a fun and busy weekend, I hope you don't get too much snow and bad weather in the coming week.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Love your painting - just like a fairytale.

  12. I love your page It's just like a fairytale castle.


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