Sunday, March 26, 2017

Aliens Are out and About

Hi everyone. Today I am going to show you the last few views of my recent travel journal.
The aliens have landed as you can see.
Now my journal has joined the shelf with all my other  journals.
Maybe its time to plan another adventure!
 I would love that but hopefully the next plan in my house is a kidney transplant for my husband.  Keep your fingers crossed. Tomorrow I am taking the day off from work as I have to go do a couple of tests that will determine if I can still be his donor. I'm not too worried, but the thought does cross your mind that maybe something in my own health has changed. That would be a terrible thing, to keep getting so far and then have the whole process slam to a stop.
But that is NOT going to happen.

So here's a few more journal pages I have to show.
I've added a journaling card to the pocket below. 

And I am joining up to Yvonne's fun challenge, Out and About at Art Journal Journey.

And another round of New Mexico photos. Today I am showing you some gorgeous Native American art I saw.

That's all for me. :) I appreciate you stopping by to visit.


  1. First, I will keep you and your hubs in my thoughts that everything will turn out well.

    I love your journal pages. Did you get to visit Roswell? I'm writing the quote Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures in my quote book. What a great sentiment! the Native American art is gorgeous especially the bear fetish.

  2. Wonderful journal pages, and love the native American art you have shared. Good luck with the tests, I hope all goes well. Hugs, Valerie

  3. No better place to find aliens than in the NM desert near Roswell. Your AJJ page is perfect for the last of your NM visit. I even enjoyed seeing how you outlined the departure gate. I also like how you used the old library card holder. This was a great final entry.

    I have my fingers crossed that all will be well for your tests tomorrow. I'm sure all will be well.

    I loved some of the photos you shared, especially the deer and the Native Americans with their masks. You found some great art to share today. Hope all is well in your world right now, too.

  4. Your pages are fantastic and I enjoyed the native american art - great! All the best for the tests - fingers crossed for all Erika ♥♥♥ I am thinking of you!
    Thank you so much for supporting Art Journal Journey so well this month again! This is much appreciated!
    oxo Susi

  5. fabulous journal pages Erika, and really wonderful New Mexican art too! Wishing all the best for you and hubby that everything works out as you hope regarding the kidney transplant.

  6. I hope all goes well with your tests. I'm sure it's stressful and am sending you both good vibes :)

    I love that native pottery!

  7. Wonderful journal pages and I loved the photos of the native Art, it always looks so colourful.
    I have my fingers crossed for you both and I hope you get the results that all will be well to go ahead to the next stage of the transplant.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your journal is beautiful, as always. But mostly in this comment I send you the very best wishes for being a healthy match for your husband's kidney. That has to be really tough, hoping all is well, so fingers are crossed and the prayers going out for wonderful results.

  9. Fascinating post - loved everything!
    Thanks for showing the fabulous native art too.
    And of course the aliens were brilliant and made me smile.
    Hope you get some good news and the answers you want soon.
    Gill x


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