Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Boston Flower Show

Hi everyone. Its Saturday night here in New Hampshire. I was out and about today. It was rainy but better than yesterday's weather.
This is the road on my way home from work Friday afternoon. There was some plowable fresh snow on the road.
4 new inches on the deck.
And the weather lady said it would only be flurries.
So today, needing some spring and green and blooms and gardening,
we headed down to the Flower and Garden Show in Boston.

It was nice to see some blossoms and leaves instead of all the white
(and brown dirty snow too).
I kind of expected more though. I had hoped to get some ideas for my gardens and see something a little more unusual. I saw some great things but I guess I just thought I would have had a few more WOW moments.
  Still, it was fun and I'm glad we went. Plus I got to spend the day with my honey and daughter too.
Here's a few highlights.
This stone house was pretty cool. 
And this garden mini-house would make a wonderful studio.
We didn't go in because the line was really long, but my family told me it would probably be too small for me and all my art supplies. :)
But it was really cute.
 I loved the bonsai. 
 These quilts made from flowers were also pretty cool. 

 And some interesting flower arrangements too.
Everyone was happy and had a good day.
So I have a garden page for Art Journal Journey too. Yvonne from Meggy's Way  is this months lovely hostess and her theme is Out and About.
That's been my weekend so far. How has yours been?


  1. So glad you found some blooming flowers at the flower show, that must have been a great trip. Your journal page is wonderful, love the flowers and colours you have used. Hope the snow soon disappears. Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. Before I forget again, I want to tell you how much I love the new banner painting! So pretty!

    The flower show looks lovely. Like you, I am ready for a splash of spring color, though I have to say we at least are down to grass again and the snow is gone. Gray, rainy -- but not white! I really loved the page you did after -- such glorious color!

  3. Oh, how glorious to see all the colors! the white and mud landscape is wearing thin. I loved the stone house and thought what a great studio that would make.the floral quilts are really beautiful. I never would have thought of that. The groundhog made me laugh. Maybe he should have been set up in a dunking booth.

    Love the trellis on your lovely journal page. Making me think what I should plant against my trellis.

  4. The snow! It's so different down here in the South. We're getting warm rain.

    That flower show looks like it was worth the trip :)

  5. Such a lot of snow and it's supposed to be spring!
    Lots of pretty spring flowers at your garden show and the little houses look cool. Great inspiration for your journal page, Love it.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Avril xx

  6. Just fantastic. Can't believe you got 4", we got a bit but not that much. Beautiful images of your soon to be gardens and the wonderful vignettes of the Boston Flower show. Did you know that the Vintage Bazaar is going to be in Eliot now. Right down the road. We will have to take a trip there in June. You with me??? xox

  7. Wonderful art journal page dear Erika 💗
    Everything about it speaks to me (I Love Spring when color returns to the landscape)
    Fun seeing some of your flower show pics too.
    Thanks for sharing those.
    Those flowered/blooming hanging "quilts" were extraordinary.
    Tiny houses SOUND appealing but we would definitely need his and hers OUT buildings too LOL
    Hope your snow melts and you get to enjoy some green.

  8. It's Sunday here, and I'm not feeling well. I could barely get out of bed long enough to visit. This is an awesome AJJ entry. I actually like it better than the flower show. There was one here, too. It was last week and they wanted $7.00 to see the flower and garden show. I can visit the various nurseries for free, and still get ideas if I want to add something to my garden this year. I hope you got a few ideas, though.

  9. I can see how you would have loved all that colour after all the white! Spring will bloom your way soon enough now!

  10. Sorry to see you had more snow, but the Flower show looks a wonderful destination. The flower displays all looked beautiful. I had to smile at your comments about the mini house.
    Its a fabulous page for AJJ as well, its so cheery and bright with super images loved the cute pink rabbit.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Well done to visit this amazing show! Thank you very much for taking me with you and for this beautiful dreamy page you made for Art Journal Journey Erika!
    Happy new week! Hope the spring weather will come soon to Ne Hampshire. We had sun yesterday again, but it was still so cold - today started off a bit warmer.... seems to become a nice spring day. At least I hope so.

    oxo Susi

  12. Ah yes... waiting for the New England snows to melt... so spring can truly be with us! It teaches patience, and gratitude. :) LoVe you journal page ~ it has great energy!


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