Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Its a New Month

Welcome March.  Another new month already. :)
I don't know about you but I am ready for it!
But I am not ready for it to be Wednesday of my vacation week already.
This dancing leprechaun  is very happy for March to arrive too. I added him to the  page for the March section in my calendar journal. I gave him some spring tulips and some brown ground-no snow for this guy to doing his little jig on.
I hope this month is really spring like and we can wave winter goodbye.
Yesterday in New Mexico we had some snow.
My friend and I went for a walk out behind the house in the morning while the snow came down.  I got some cool photos but they are all on my camera which I have yet to unload. We weren't going to let the snow keep us down.
I have never been here in New Mexico while we had a snowy day before so it was pretty interesting to see how the clouds covered up the mountains and the landscape changed.
This photo makes the mesa look like an endless plain.
Where in reality there are 13,000 foot mountains. You just can't see them in the top photo since the clouds came down so low during the snowstorm.
Here's a photo I took on Sunday when you could see the mountains.
So yesterday in the afternoon we went to see some artwork and the former home of artist Nicolai Fechin. Fechin was a Russian immigrant to the United States who painted some fantastic portraits. I have some photos to show you, but like my snowy landscapes, they will also have to wait for another day.  
The arts culture in Taos, New Mexico is really outstanding for such a small  town.
But I will show you a few more things from my Sunday museum visit to the Millicent Rogers Museum.
 Here are a few antique Native American woven rugs.

 And I have  more of her jewelry to show you. She had a huge collection of southwestern style bracelets, many with turquoise stones
 And Native American shell jewelry.

 And enough belts to open a well supplied store.
 And this metal collar style piece.  The jewelry is quite vintage and really fantastic, but is definitely a style that doesn't translate as something you could wear anyplace in the world.
Hope you enjoyed your view today. :)
And Happy March everyone.


  1. Those rugs and that turquoise are fabulous. Oh, I do like that style -- there is a warmth to it and so colorful! And turquoise is my favorite color. Very nice, Erika -- keep having fun!

  2. What a view in the mountain view photos! The snowy view almost looks like an entirely different location. March is never really Spring to me. Early Spring is a bit like Winter, cold, but no snow, or not much snow, and rainy. I always think of March as mud season. So your happy Leprechaun makes me think he's dancing in the mud. The textiles and jewelry are beautiful. Though, as you said, not always practical to wear for every day. Have a good day!

  3. You are in a beautiful place, but sorry you got snow in your spring break. The art and jewelry are beautiful, thanks for sharing. Enjoy your vacation! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Wow.. amazing impression from the exhibition and it looks like you had taken your snowy waether with you to Ne!
    Happy March - enjoy your vacation !
    I love your funny page to welcome March!
    oxo Susi

  5. We had thunderstorms in the night, but today we have sunshine and a predicted high in the 70sF. I love seeing your photos of how different it is out there.

    Those rugs have such striking designs! And I like the jewelry, especially those bracelets. Thanks for taking the time to share these pictures. I'm enjoying your trip :)

  6. I'm hoping for blue skies and sunshine too Erika, usually we have them here around the 21 st of March, so a few more weeks with grey skies and morning frost.

    Great photos from your trip, amazing rugs and jewelry, the belts are lovely too.

    Love and hugs

  7. More amazing photos today, what a jewelry collection that woman had, fantastic. Glad to read that the snow isn't stopping you from seeing the area around where you are staying.
    Your journal page image is fun, a super image.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your leprechaun is adorable. I'm fairly certain you have put me in the mood for St. Patrick's Day.

    Those metal bracelets are incredible, and the belts are out of this world, and very, very Southwestern. Loved what you said about the metal collar. I suspect there are people who would wear it if they owned it, but I tend to agree with you that it's a style that I would never wear anywhere in the world.

    Lovely photos, though.

  9. What a delightful post - I really enjoyed it!
    sandy xx

  10. Amazing scenery but my favourite photos are the rugs and the wonderful jewellery. The details on that collar were fabulous
    but not something that could be easily worn - not with Jeans anyway...
    Gill x


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