Monday, March 20, 2017

Tuesday is Meatloaf Day

It is another Tuesday and another T day.
This week for T I am sharing my Saturday evening supper.
This past weekend my husband and I were out all day Saturday running errands. We ended up traveling to Manchester, New Hampshire for one of those errands. Its about an hour drive from our house. Manchester is the biggest city in our state and there are lots of places to eat there. One of my favorite places is called the Airport Diner. They serve lots of old fashion home style foods that taste great and also, they have pretty fast service. Since it was later in the afternoon and since we still had the drive home, we decided to stop and have dinner first. 
The Airport Diner is open 24 hours a day and is over near the Boston-Manchester Airport.  They are part of the Common Man family of restaurants which is locally owned and so far can only be found here in New Hampshire. 
I had a favorite meal.
Home-style meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots and a dinner roll. And a glass of water. This meal was only $8.99.
And yummy!
And even better than the meatloaf was the dessert the hubby and I split.
This "little" hot fudge sundae. The only bad part was the hubby got to the cherry before I did. But that's OK because I let him pay. :)
Also this past weekend I watched an old movie. I actually watched it by accident, as when I got up Saturday morning the hubby was watching it on TV. I got sucked into it, and luckily we can record it from the TV, so Sunday afternoon I managed to watch the whole movie.
Any of you remember Highlander?
The hubby had seen it already (along with the sequels), but for some reason I had never seen this 1986 sci-fi cult classic.  Yes, parts of it were a bit hokey, and it is so 1980's-which might be why it seemed pretty hokey in parts, but I must say I did enjoy it. 
Now I want to see the sequels.:)

Stop by Bleubeard and Elizabeth's Blog  and join in the T Day fun. You can share your drink/food posts and join the T Gang for a little blogging fun.

Have a great day!


  1. Now that looks a wonderful diner! The interior is amazing and the food looks delicious! Make that a double order of hot fudge sundae, I've just shown my hubby and he would like a 'little' too ... lol :-) . Glad you enjoyed the film, I remember it's popularity back in the eighties :-) . Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

  2. what a better way to take a long trip than the promise of a good meal. Looks like you certainly got a great deal on that super meal and dessert! Don't know the movie 'Highlander' and then again am not on top of newer movies as much as I am on the good ole 30's, 40's movies:) Happy T day!

  3. I really enjoyed the Airport Diner. The meal looks wonderful, but the hot fudge sundae dessert is really making me hungry. I know now how inexpensive our meals are compared to your area, although when I moved to Wichita from a small town in MO, I thought it was shell shock because everything was so expensive in Wichita. I suspect your meal was quite reasonable for where you live.

    I have never seen the Highlander. Not sure I've even heard of it. But if it made you happy, that's what counts.

    Thanks for taking us to Manchester, NH and to the Airport Diner for food and water this T Tuesday.

  4. You had a good meal when you went out, yummy! Sorry you missed the cherry! Glad you were able to have a nice night out. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  5. i would be happy with the "little" hot fudge sundae;) would not request for anything more.
    well, i also did not see "highlander" and i´m not sure i want to;) but seems i missed some of the "cult" classics also, like star wars etc...
    have a great week and happy t-day!

  6. Looks like a great place to eat and amazing food though it would last me a few days I think.

    I have never seen Highlander-is it good?

    Have a Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. I always think the diners you have in the U.S are so cool looking.. and as for that hot fudge sundae ... yummy!
    Wow - Highlander - that was a blast from the past and I haven't seen those series of films for years (which I did love) but did see the some of the TV series..
    I always find it confusing though when they take films and then do the series using other people... although I must admit, they've just started showing 'Leathal Weapon' TV series here in the UK and I was surprised that I love it straight away - probably because they had the humour that was in the films too.
    Have a great day.. Gill xx

  8. That looks a delicious meal, the sort we would enjoy making at home as well on a cold day. The dessert would be yummy as well, it looks so good.
    Highlander took me back to the past as well, I did enjoy seeing them as well.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  9. Funny about Highlander Erika.
    We were lazing around recently and watched a good bit of it on TV = Fun blast from the past.
    That is quite a chain of restaurants.
    I like their classic style and glad you enjoyed your meal.
    The sundae looked perfect for sharing and yummy.
    Happy T Day to you oxo
    p.s. I thought of you when I saw that Botticelli would be showing in Boston too!

  10. That hot fudge sundae looks really good! Great price on that dinner! I love Saturdays!

  11. Boy that diner looks fabulous - your dinner really looks delicious and I am curious as to what your husband had.
    I think I will fix meatloaf for dinner tomorrow night!
    Sandy xx

  12. You lost me at meatloaf ;) but I perked back up when I saw photos of the diner. What fun! I'd have found something I'd like on that menu, I'm sure.

    I've seen the first Highlander movie, and -I think- maybe one of the sequels. None of the rest of it has come my way. I enjoyed that first one, though :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  13. Good morning, what an great find for the diner. I miss a good old been around a long time diner. They usually have some of the best breakfasts too. For food looks delicious.
    Happy T Day

  14. Oh and I forgot to add I love the old highlander series and have seen all of them loved the main actors

  15. Highlander is a favorite movie of mine .... I have seen all the sequels... some better than others but still good in their way.. A song from the film is still a favorite of mine.. its called 'Who wants to live forever' and its by Queen ... you can see the music video of it on YouTube..i like it too.. Your food looks fabulous! Its difficult to find a good home cooked meal like that at a restaurant... and the icecream!! Happy happy T day!! Hugs! deb

  16. oh wow, love that diner decor, and what scrumptious looking food! that Sundae...and sprinkles too! thanks for taking us along. now I may have to make meatloaf this week....happy T day!

  17. Thank you for taking me with you to the Airport diner! I enjoyed it virtually!
    Happy T-Day Erika!
    oxo Susi

  18. I have seen ALL the HIGHLANDER them........and meatloaf too...LOL!
    Happy T-day

  19. I remember that movie and I loved it at the time...maybe I"ll check it out on Netflex or somewhere. Your dinner looks great and that desert is battle worthy... fight to see who gets the most :) Happy T Day!!!!

  20. Your meal looks appetising and I love the Diner - looks like a movie set!!! Highlander is my eldest son's all time favourite - I don't think I have ever seen all the way through - must look out for it on TV! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  21. The diner looks like a very fun place. My hubby and I do the same thing. We don't have many good restaurants locally - he would say "any" - lol. So when we go shopping in Guadalajara, we always make a point of having an early dinner in one other many great restaurants there.

    At first, I thought the camera angle might account for the apparent size of that dessert. Then I noticed the spoon sticking out and realized there must be a pint or more of ice cream there!! Yum!

    Happy T-Day, Erika! Hugs, Eileen

  22. So here I am doing a belated comment. We've been away for a few days for my birthday and the campsite did not have wifi or electricity (my laptop battery is knackered and I can use it only on mains power). We had a lovely few days with good weather. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
    Oh that diner looks great! So typical American (in European eyes) and the interior is iconic. Seems like the food was good too and the price. An all round winner I would say. My mouth is watering at the sight of that 'little' dessert....
    I have never seen the Highlander. I have read the original book though and must admit it was rather 'steamy'. A bit too much violence and sex if you ask me. Of course I don't know what the film would be like.
    Have a great weekend,


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