Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Little Southwest Today

Hi everyone. I have a little more southwestern inspired art today.  This page is in my regular journal and it celebrates some of the artistic motifs from the Southwest.
I played around with some stenciling, rubber stamped images and paint on this page. 
When you are Out and About it is fun to see what images represent the place that you are. This month Yvonne is hosting over at Art Journal Journey and Out and About is her great theme.
A few more photos from New Mexico for you also.
Because I was out and about when I went on a visit there too.
This Native American dance group was performing at the Taos Plaza. I love their feathers and even more so the shells on their legs that made the most wonderful sounds a they danced.

A nice surprise photo. I snapped these daffodils from outside the window and also caught the clouds and the mountains in the reflection.
And how about these fun shadows in a store display? They were from these small ceramic bears and they look like are dancing.
And isn't this a fun ceramic and adobe bench outside of a school.
Cool leaves too.

And I love the look of this dilapidated old house. Its got some cool texture.
So many different things to discover.
When you go exploring,
Happy hump day.


  1. A fantastic page - I love it and I also love the wonderful New Mexico photos Erika!
    Thank you for another fantastic entry to AJJ - Happy Wednesday!
    oxo Susi

  2. I enjoyed your AJJ journal page today, but I especially liked the photos of the dancers and the shells. LOVED the school bench and the diversity. And that old house really caught my eye. Is that really electricity going into it?

  3. Its a gorgeous page Erika, I do love the warm colours and the image.
    Great photos from your trip away, it was a lovely bench outside the school with the childrens art.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Love the bright colors and the thought of warmer temperatures. Ours are supposed to dip today.Love the reflection of the daffodils. A hint of things to come for use in another month. Have a great day

  5. Your photo out the window with the daffodils is very Georgia O'Keeffe-ey! Wonderful territory there and your journal page really captures the energy of the region.

  6. PS -- I can't believe you still have your working Dino!

  7. Great journal page and photos. Love that school bench, just wonderful. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. WOW Erika such a nice post chock full of wonderful images.
    I would have been thrilled to see those dancers. The day we walked around Taos it was "closed" with not much going on at all.
    Calls for a return visit sometime to explore further.
    Your page is very colorful and cool.

  9. wonderful explorations in and around Taos. Always a flair of mystery there. Great photo of the daffodils. xox


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