Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Little Bit of Time with The Masters

Hi everyone. Its another cloudy and showery Thursday here in my part of the world. 
I spent my day doing a lot of art yesterday, but nothing got photographed or scanned in, so today I have a few more pieces from the Masters.  These are some more photos I took at the Museum of Fine Art in Boston, which I visited on Tuesday. I'm still working my way through the Matisse photos I took, and I did visit the Botticelli exhibit too. That exhibit was smaller than the Matisse one, but both were quite crowded. Actually the museum was very busy for a Tuesday afternoon, and perhaps it was because of the special exhibits, or maybe it was the rain, but whatever the reason it was good to see so many people there.
The MFA is a fairly large museum, and my husband (who was with me) isn't really an art guy, but he was a good sport. So other than the special exhibits we visited,  I didn't walk through a whole lot of the permanent collection. I did take a little stroll through some of the Impressionist exhibit particularly because I wanted to see the Van Gogh's. But here's a few of the popular artists that you've probably heard of that were in the same exhibit.
A couple of Cezanne's.

And a few Gauguin's.

They had several Degas pieces, but here is the only one I took a snapshot of.
This lady in the red coat happened to be walking about the same direction and speed as me.
And a Munch.
A Renoir. 
And lots of Monet's. I wonder with all the Monet art that is out there, what was the total number of pieces he actually created during his lifetime. Of course I look at how much I have created, and art is not my job, and I bet he made a whole lot. 
So here's some Monet.

 I like this Japanese inspired piece because its very different than I expect Monet to be.

 And there must be water lilies.
 But how can you not love Monet?

And finally today I have this Van Rysselberghe for you. I'm not really familiar with this artist, but I do the the light and the warm summery feel of this piece.
Off to an early appointment today. Hope your day is a good one.


  1. Your got to see some wonderful paintings, I can imagine how much you enjoyed it, and nice of your hubby to tag along even if it isn't really his thing, that's love for you! Hugs, Valerie

  2. The MFA is really quite large and not possible to see all in one day. I'm happy to see your pictures because it's a visit to the museum from the comfort of my chair. And I can sip a cup of tea while in the "gallery". Such beautiful images and vibrant colors. I would have lost the Jeopardy question who painted this woman in a kimono? I never would have guessed Monet.

    The fog has lifted and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds. Hope the sun finds it way North to you.

  3. You made it a good day, just by sharing all this art. Yay! I love the MFA..The paintings are beautiful, love all of the colors! And ooh, those ornate frames. Heavenly! Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a good day.

  4. Oh my GOSH .. you lucky girl... absolutely awesome!!!
    What a fantastic impressionist exhibition and I am really looking forward to the Botticelli exhibit photos as well.And thank you to show Théo van Rysselberghe - I didn't know him yet - found beautiful pointillism art from him on google.
    We had snow and coldness this night and morning again... I am not thrilled about the weather right now.
    But let's see and wait ....
    oxo Susi

  5. I'm such a sucker for Impressionism. I just love them! And Monet, especially. That one in the kimono is a departure so extra fun to see. Maybe there aren't as many as we think and they just go on loan from museum to museum!

  6. Lovely! Such a joy to see these beautiful works. It's fun when an artist surprises us :)

  7. You are so lucky to be able to visit this museum. Wonderful pictures of the paintings!
    Sandy xx

  8. Thank you Erika, so much for sharing all of these lovely pieces of artwork with us!!! I have many books of the master artists that I devour constantly!!!
    I am not familiar with Van Rysselberghe art but I do love the piece that you have posted here. I love the simplicity and the colors he used. The waves are filled with movement. I can almost see the sailboats bobbing as each wave passes under the boats!!!


  9. great inspiration and fab frames..

  10. I wanted to start with Van Rysselberghe because he is the only other painter (along with Seurat) I know who painted in the style of pointillism.

    The other paintings I'm familiar with, except for the very large Gauguin. The Museum of Fine Art has some wonderful art. I have also been fortunate enough to visit there, so you are lucky to live so close to such a wonderful museum. These are all wonderful and very famous pieces you shared.


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